beerad12man said:
People are still doubling down and going BSC. I almost understand those extra cautious back in May of 2020. Maybe even December of 2020 before vaccines, just waiting until then. If you were higher risk. Sure. 95% of people should still have lived life 100% as normal in December of 2020.
I cannot imagine a single person now who took the vaccine(we all know those who didn't would act normal anyways) and didn't say f*** it, it's time to live life as normal again. Meaning no rules, mitigation, no masks, no treating it any differently than if you got the flu in 2017. I cannot understand these people.
What you are saying is 100% obvious. The question is, what % of the population realizes that now? Maybe 50%? If we are lucky?
I've said it before but it's worth being repeated.
The thing that really disturbs me the most about all of this is how quickly massive portions of the population immediately abandon all reason and rational analysis. They immediately went to eleventy on the fear and and hysteria. And part of it all was a complete abandonment of any sort of personal responsibility, self-reliance, or live & let live ethos- it immediately went to "govern me harder daddy." There is a huge percentage of the population who wants, maybe even craves, what they perceive as a somewhat benevolent authoritarian (well, benevolent if you agree with them) regime which controls virtually everything and if you just go along with their absurd canards you'll be just copacetic. But if you dare move out of lockstep everything about your life is attacked- not just social media but your family, your home, your livelihood, and your very individuality.
Y'all may think it's hyperbole and couldn't happen here but if the **** going on in Australia or these bastions of "progressive" authoritarians on the East & West Coast can't spread wholesale here you're whistling past the graveyard. The fact Dora hasn't been ridden out of town on a rail is proof of this.