Texaggie7nine said:
I'm genuinely curious about what people think could have been done differently here in the Houston area and what should be done going forward. What is our "new normal" going to look like?
I think you could play with numbers a bit and say we probably could have gone another week or so before complete shut down and would have only paid a minimal price of a few hundred more deaths in the end but you would still end up with a shut down like this for a significant period of time.
If the numbers of infections and deaths continue to undershoot the projections, I think our leaders need to start talking about how we go back to business as usual and what steps we take to minimize bounce back because we may be doing that sooner than many think, like maybe in May. I think masks are definitely going to need to be mandated for awhile. Businesses that put employees together in tight spaces probably need to be reconfigured, same for schools.
I agree. I also think there are going to be some companies/businesses that don't want the risk of having an outbreak at work - those like CVX, XOM, etc. especially if a lot of their employees work in open-concept cube farms. So, even if the restrictions are lifted, I think a lot of these companies will be telling employees who work in an office to continue to stay home.
There are 10k employees just at the XOM campus in Spring. A whole ton of restaurants opened up right around there. If no one is going to the office, those restaurants won't get back to normal, even if they are allowed to open.
Downtown may continue to be Ghostown for a while, too.