I just closed my account and ended services with Frontier. I've probably been on the phone with them for one thing or another at least twenty times in the last 6 weeks. The phone is intermittent and they have not responded to the FCC complaint I filed over porting the number. I will be forced to get a new number. They did assign a very friendly individual to work cancellations. It took about 30 minutes to get a bill (verbally at least) that represents something close to the services they say I have. They eventually removed charges for DVR(s?) that I don't have. They removed long distance charges (>$50) since I was also paying for unlimited long distance! I still don't have a detailed bill in writing. My FiOS 75/75 consistently performs at speeds around half of what I get with my new VDSL speeds (17 mbps vs 34 mbps.) They never changed the router or the fiber or cabling so there was no way for the network to "speed up." They just arbitrarily decided the 75/75 was the "slowest" service they offer so they could triple the price!
Hopefully my nightmare is coming to an end
I have internet only with Frontier, but after reading all this I've been expecting problems for the last several weeks. It finally happened last night.
I was streaming something on the Roku and quality went to crap. I did a speedtest on the wifi on my phone and it was 1-2 megabits per second, with lots of stuttering. Went to a wired connection and it was the same thing. I pay for 25 mbps up and down, so that can't be right
I got online with Frontier's chatting app, and the tech said to call because I needed some kind of bounce. I called the service line and got through, and after giving me crap about using my own router they ran a bunch of stuff, and suddenly it was running at full speed again. I went back to my movie, and the same problem happened, so I called again. Same story, they had me reboot the router, ran some stuff on their end, and it seemed to fix it.
However, I noticed Steam was downloading an update, but I had Steam limited to 3 megabits per second, so that couldn't possibly be sucking up all my data, right? So, I took another look, and Steam was limited to 3 MBps, not 3 Mbps. Every time I restarted my router, Steam was suspending the download, so my connection was good for a couple of minutes until Steam restarted again.
TLDR: Mbps =/ MBps