EliteElectric said:
Hornbeck said:
I think several of us should speak.
Brian Alg, Elite, me, Officer Fred, Jim Lewis… I could keep going but you guys get the picture. If enough of us speak, we won't out ourselves as bad.
I don't care about outing myself (obviously I post here under my business name lol) but I am not a CoCS citizen. I live in Bryan, however my business is in CoCS so technically I am a taxpayer.
I think people showing up and calling them out is a great idea and would probably help Mr. Yancy out greatly. I am down to show up for moral support but not being a resident IDK if I could speak.
If I could speak the questions I would ask would be-
1. Who had it out for Jim Lewis
2. What if anything were the relationships between those involved on the city level and the owners of Grand Station
Only logical reason I see for CoCS harpooning Jim on this deal is either personal or someone around the corner didn't want competition and friends at city hall protected them.
I wasn't going to comment on this particular thread, but I want to head something off at the pass, if I may.
I don't think anyone was trying to harm Jim Lewis. The owner of Grand Station had a similar thing happen to him. Both men were trying to acquire Macy's for a family entertainment center. The owner of Grand Station, who is a friend and golf buddy, had an initial offer fall through and was simply letting the listing sit awhile before making another run at it.
No, Macy's was acquired because there was an intense desire for a city rec center / YMCA. In their eyes, a complete redevelopment of the mall would've been optimal, with an esports AND a rec center in a whole scale mixed use rebuild. Failing that Macy's would work in a pinch as a stand-alone rec center perhaps.
I wouldn't be surprised if the California seller had a buddy call the city at the right moment and inquire about a storage unit use for it, thus setting off the hurried city purchase negotiation to "save" Macy's from a storage unit fate.
But Macy's was never going to be a storage facility. CBL had had that experience in another state and it hurt that property, so they never would've agreed to let it happen again. Recall that the REA requires unanimous consent of all tenants for a change in use from retail.
No, there's nothing nefarious here. Just a lack of business acumen and early due diligence.
Portions of the above are my opinion.
Respectfully & Transparently
My opinions are mine and should not be construed as those of city council or staff. I welcome robust debate but will cease communication on any thread in which colleagues or staff are personally criticized. I must refrain from comment on posted agenda items until after meetings are concluded. Bob Yancy 95