Asking a 3rd time? CSISD School Board Approves A Third Attempt To...

64,873 Views | 528 Replies | Last: 3 mo ago by George Costanza
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Midland just passed a 1.4 billion dollar bond to build two new comprehensive high schools. That is the price of kicking the can down the road.
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UrbanDecay said:

Midland just passed a 1.4 billion dollar bond to build two new comprehensive high schools. That is the price of kicking the can down the road.
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agaberto said:

George Costanza said:

"A special election for two bonds, nothing more, that voters rejected twice before.

Bad school board."

What's crazy is I heard people complaining the last time that the school district "put it on the November ballot so it was buried at the end of the ballot." Some people just like to complain and imagine conspiracy theories.

That's a stupid complaint.

A complaint about a school board not respecting our democracy by trying to push though twice rejected bonds in a low-turn out election is completely warranted and they should be held accountable by the voters.

It's the school board's job to make decisions about what they think is best for the district. If that means putting bond election up to voters that's their job. It's the electorate's job to vote on those items. If you think the board member is doing a bad job, run for their spot on the platform that you would be better qualified to manage the district and its budget.

If failing in an election was grounds to never have that item up for vote again a whole lot of people who lost their first race for office would never get elected on their second or third try. Heck, there are a fair number of Presidents who would never have gotten elected.
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UrbanDecay said:

Midland just passed a 1.4 billion dollar bond to build two new comprehensive high schools. That is the price of kicking the can down the road.

Just a *slight* difference in the median income in Midland vs B/CS...
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UrbanDecay said:

Midland just passed a 1.4 billion dollar bond to build two new comprehensive high schools. That is the price of kicking the can down the road.
My daughter lives in Midland. They haven't built a comprehensive high school since 1961. If you're going to argue what costs more, stop alluding / pretending the time value of money doesn't apply, and pencil in your real cost of deploying capital 10, 20, 30, 40 years ago. Your "cost" likely becomes a savings.

I also don't understand being unable to host district track meets at either stadium. I had a kid who ran track, both stadiums hosted district meets within the last 10 years and CSHS hosted at least one area meet.

I played varsity sports, so did my dad and most of my relatives, I grew up immersed in athletic culture and so did my kids. I 100% support functional core infrastructure. I do not support jumbotrons, "all weather everything", and over the top broadcasting facilities, etc. I support athletics, not Disneyworld, and this culture shift is eroding the value and benefits athletics bring to the table to begin with.

There are numerous highly accomplished and distinguished individuals in our community who attended A&M Consolidated in the 1960s, I know a lot of them, and those from most other decades can't hold a candle to them. This was a time when the coaching staff and volunteers built the baseball field themselves, and helped build the football stadium and gym on Holik Street. Based on that "injustice", you would think it led those students to careers in coal mining or prison when framed against the histrionics we hear today.
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spike427 said:

UrbanDecay said:

Midland just passed a 1.4 billion dollar bond to build two new comprehensive high schools. That is the price of kicking the can down the road.

Just a *slight* difference in the median income in Midland vs B/CS...
Also a little difference in needing two new high schools and needing a new press box.

Is the vote going to be Yea or Nay on the whole bond package or is the needs split out to a degree?

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The track meet was canceled at Consol because the track was deemed unsafe because chunks of it was missing.
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JMac03 said:

The track meet was canceled at Consol because the track was deemed unsafe because chunks of it was missing.

Can a track not be repaired? The pics that I saw from one of the schools showed chunks missing from damage. Like a piece of equipment was drug across the edge.
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Just in the last 4 months, 4 schools that I know of resurfaced their tracks. Rudder, Hearne, Magnolia and Mag West all did it. I gather it's one of those things that periodically has to be done as the surface ages and comes apart.
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Which meet? The district JV/freshman meet was there about a month ago.
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cslifer said:

Which meet? The district JV/freshman meet was there about a month ago.

I don't know for sure. I actually think I saw it on one of the threads on TexAgs. As well as somewhere on Facebook. My daughter is at the middle school and I know the coaches said something to them as well.
State of Texas
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AgDotCom said:

UrbanDecay said:

Midland just passed a 1.4 billion dollar bond to build two new comprehensive high schools. That is the price of kicking the can down the road.

I played varsity sports, so did my dad and most of my relatives, I grew up immersed in athletic culture and so did my kids. I 100% support functional core infrastructure. I do not support jumbotrons, "all weather everything", and over the top broadcasting facilities, etc. I support athletics, not Disneyworld, and this culture shift is eroding the value and benefits athletics bring to the table to begin with.

There are numerous highly accomplished and distinguished individuals in our community who attended A&M Consolidated in the 1960s, I know a lot of them, and those from most other decades can't hold a candle to them. This was a time when the coaching staff and volunteers built the baseball field themselves, and helped build the football stadium and gym on Holik Street. Based on that "injustice", you would think it led those students to careers in coal mining or prison when framed against the histrionics we hear today.

I swear this town loves "We've always done it that way…"

Broadcast facilities, Jumbotrons…providing ways for students to cut their teeth in streaming live audio video production of games on YouTube and filming experience for the Jumbotron, game film, etc. Was that even considered or was it just thought of for fan entertainment? Have you ever watched the AVP production of a CSHS/Consol game on YouTube? For high school kids, its top notch. You have kids from both schools coming together and busting their ass to film a game that generally comes down to the wire and puts it on YouTube for everyone to see.

And for the record, my dad graduated from Consol in '68.
George Costanza
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"I also don't understand being unable to host district track meets at either stadium. I had a kid who ran track, both stadiums hosted district meets within the last 10 years and CSHS hosted at least one area meet."

The lifespan, with spot repairs along the way, of a well-used track is 7-10 years. CSHS is as old as the school and I think Consol is close in age. At some point, you have to take it all down to the subsurface and redo the whole thing.
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Correct. And CSHS is currently under repair.
State of Texas
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AgDotCom said:

There are numerous highly accomplished and distinguished individuals in our community who attended A&M Consolidated in the 1960s, I know a lot of them, and those from most other decades can't hold a candle to them. This was a time when the coaching staff and volunteers built the baseball field themselves, and helped build the football stadium and gym on Holik Street. Based on that "injustice", you would think it led those students to careers in coal mining or prison when framed against the histrionics we hear today.

Make sure to vote "no" to the bond, so your kids and and grandkids can play football, basketball and baseball in those facilities because by golly, they just don't make 'em like that anymore!!!

Once's an LED videoboard...I don't recall people in Bryan or Temple crying over it when it was added to their stadiums and neither of theirs are over-the-top. Huntsville (new stadium), Navasota...I mean there are smaller and comparable schools with less that are not so called "taj mahals".
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Can you explain why my tax dollars should go to an LED video board? What will the students gain?
Independence H-D
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They will gain the ability to use a scoreboard. The current one is so old that they can't get parts to repair it.
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Has the school district ever publicly said that? If it is the case they should be really pushing that.
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Yes!! In my previous jobs at A&M and TexAgs, we hired highly skilled kids out of these programs who were ready to hit the ground running and be solid contributors for our organizations. The AV-P teachers at both schools do a fantastic job of preparing these kids for the next level, should they choose to pursue it. Thank you for pointing this out.
State of Texas
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cslifer said:

Can you explain why my tax dollars should go to an LED video board? What will the students gain?
Depends. Can you do some research on what the AVP clubs at A&M Consolidated and CSHS do? It runs both ways. This isn't 100% my responsibility. They have websites. Start there.

Did you know that both schools also have short film festivals? What if the winner could show their video on said LED videoboard next year to the community? Or better yet, have the festival at one of the stadiums.

I already explained how it provides the students hands on experience filming and working with media, camera and electronics. There are students who can benefit from this bond who may not be athletic at all or not like sports, but who are into media, editing, producing, directing, live streaming, etc who can benefit from this. This isn't just so we can berate an official because they got a call wrong after we see a replay.

These are LED videoboards for statistics, video and replay. They aren't ribbon boards and the like.
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KidDoc said:

Tossed my early vote yesterday- no line took 5 minutes. The 2 bonds are the only thing on the ballot. Seems weird to me voting on a bond for the 3rd time and that is the ONLY thing we are voting on.

Has anyone addressed why this was not paired with the runoff elections?
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lockett93 said:

KidDoc said:

Tossed my early vote yesterday- no line took 5 minutes. The 2 bonds are the only thing on the ballot. Seems weird to me voting on a bond for the 3rd time and that is the ONLY thing we are voting on.

Has anyone addressed why this was not paired with the runoff elections?
I don't actually know, but my cynical side says having it be the only thing on the ballot means anyone who votes actually cares about it. The school is hoping that out of those who care enough, there's a higher percentage who want it to pass (every school employee). Putting it with another election would mean more negative votes from people who don't care or aren't informed but see "tax increase".
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This is no doubt the exact reason and I don't blame them.

A lot of people vote emotionally, whether they will admit it or not, and a lot of the no voters are just mad at government spending of any kind.

So they'll have to actually go vote no instead of simply having the no vote available when they go pull the lever against their hated political rivals or whatever.
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You have some good ideas, but all I am seeing is that it "can" or "could" benefit some students. Without a legitimate plan in place of how it will benefit those particular students we are left spending large amounts of money on the hope that it "can" or "could" be a good thing. And we have to be honest, not having the large screen isn't hindering the students that are currently involved in video production. Would it be neat? Of course! Is the lack of it currently hurting the AV kids? Nope.
State of Texas
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Too bad you aren't on the board of regents. You could have saved them a lot of money, too.

I guess you need a more extensive list for the video board
Special Olympics
Welcome to the pride
Track Meets
Soccer games
Band competition
Guard competition
Senior Sunset
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Haha as taxpayers we don't really have much direct say in what they do as far as I can tell. Fortunately we do have direct say in how SOME school district money is spent.
State of Texas
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Maybe not but their extravagant athletic spending has no affect on the local voter attitude when it comes to things like this?
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Maybe,maybe not. But fortunately they are in no way involved in this decision for the local school district and voters. Trying to even imply that the behavior of the board of regents has anything to do with if local voters approve a rather controversial bond serves only to muddy the waters. If you want to get the bond passed, sell it based on its merits. Implying people are voting against it based on the actions of the TAMU board of regents is a stretch at best, and definitely isn't bringing anyone on board with the bond.
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Are any of those activities in danger of not happening without a video board? I sincerely doubt it.
I have no idea what "senior sunset" is so I cannot speak to that.
State of Texas
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Maybe not but the product on the field is much better. That has been proven for many years through many coaches.

Senior sunset is an opportunity for seniors to come together one last time the night before graduation at school, have a meal, spend time together, say goodbye to their friends, teachers, school and watch a movie together in the evening.
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"Product on the field"? Do you mean the level of football/track/soccer performance? Video boards have zero effect on that.
And I'm sorry, I will spend a lot of money on kids having nice things, but asking someone to pay more taxes so high school seniors can enjoy a nicer movie night than they currently have is ridiculous.
ETA: I was on the fence leaning towards yes, but the movie night thing rubs me all wrong. I am a solid no at this point.
A Net Full of Jello
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chickencoupe16 said:

lockett93 said:

KidDoc said:

Tossed my early vote yesterday- no line took 5 minutes. The 2 bonds are the only thing on the ballot. Seems weird to me voting on a bond for the 3rd time and that is the ONLY thing we are voting on.

Has anyone addressed why this was not paired with the runoff elections?
I don't actually know, but my cynical side says having it be the only thing on the ballot means anyone who votes actually cares about it. The school is hoping that out of those who care enough, there's a higher percentage who want it to pass (every school employee). Putting it with another election would mean more negative votes from people who don't care or aren't informed but see "tax increase".
Ding ding ding! They know the tax payers don't want this as evidenced by the fact that it has already been voted down twice. They are trying to cram in through now with hopes that there will be a lower voter turnout.
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Voted today...

Interesting clause on the ballot

"levy, pledge, assess, and collect any taxes sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds as the principal and interest become due ... "

I have been told that these two bonds would not raise taxes. But there it is on the ballot. It just could be standard boiler plate wording for bonds, still I urge everyone to read the ballot(s) and make up their own minds.

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The definition of not raising taxes is a grey area.

Does that mean the same tax rate per $$ of valuation? Even if valuations go up 26% and revenue goes up 26% that's not an increase?

Does that mean the same $$ revenue regardless of valuation or tax rate?
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