I think people -can- see it as the same thing and be unable to separate the pieces.
However, I also believe it's completely reasonable for people to -not- see nicer athletic fields, expedited training facilities, etc as core to the true purpose of schools which is educating our children (my opinion). It's "nice to have" less wait for PT or a rubdown, turf fields that drain in an hour or the like.. but is it -required-? No. It's not. No one is going to die, not graduate or get lower grades without those things.
More importantly, though, don't conflate the opinion of what can reasonably considered "optional" as "against investment in the children". Everyone is ignoring the bonds that -DID- pass last time. Security enhancements in an age of school shootings (and specifically post-Uvalde), additional learning tracks, technology investments, curriculum improvements. ALL of those things passed by overwhelming numbers (70/30). So, clearly at least 70% of us are "investing in the children".
But when 1 in 3 (-ish) of even -those- folks drew the line at unscrewing someone else's shoddy construction job.. or installing turf where grass will do.. or being OK to have to wait a little longer to get PT in an -OPTIONAL- sport? If it was a few kooks and you wanted to bang the "unreasonable" drum, fine. But that's a significant percentage.. maybe it is reasonable after all; even if you disagree.