Asking a 3rd time? CSISD School Board Approves A Third Attempt To...

64,899 Views | 528 Replies | Last: 3 mo ago by George Costanza
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Thank you for all this and reposting the videos.

Tbh the vote was very close last time per the data 52% to 48% and 9% turnout I expect if the turnout is pushed to 20% it will easily pass.
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Apologies if there's a more recent thread, but fresh from my mailbox tonight:

"Approximately 7000 treatments were administered last fall as part of the sports medicine program at AMCHS."

Can someone explain what constitutes a "treatment"? I see the enrollment of AMCHS is ~2000 (per their website). The other flyer I received said 49% of students participate in a "co-curricular" activity. So we're working with ~1000 student-athletes receiving the ~7000 treatments. That seems... high? Is this like giving out a bandage for scrapes, or performing a massage, or stretches, or what? Help me out here!
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spike427 said:

Apologies if there's a more recent thread, but fresh from my mailbox tonight:

"Approximately 7000 treatments were administered last fall as part of the sports medicine program at AMCHS."

Can someone explain what constitutes a "treatment"? I see the enrollment of AMCHS is ~2000 (per their website). The other flyer I received said 49% of students participate in a "co-curricular" activity. So we're working with ~1000 student-athletes receiving the ~7000 treatments. That seems... high? Is this like giving out a bandage for scrapes, or performing a massage, or stretches, or what? Help me out here!
Students usually receive multiple treatments when they are injured. That could be going in to ice daily for a week or two. I knew of kids using trainers to rehab injuries for weeks because they couldn't go to a PT.
Buford T. Justice
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Why don't we just move to having a district athletic complex? It is believed that there will be a third high school in the future. Why not have one primary football field, and 2-3 primary baseball/softball fields?
"Gimme a diablo sandwhich and a dr. go"
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Buford T. Justice said:

Why don't we just move to having a district athletic complex? It is believed that there will be a third high school in the future. Why not have one primary football field, and 2-3 primary baseball/softball fields?
That's the best solution for all. Built a state of the art facility that can be a showplace.
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I like the idea of a virtual or live tour of the facilities to show what's needed.

I have friends who complain schools don't have a time of prayer, or say the Pledge Of Allegiance, or teach civics because they haven't been inside a Texas public school in 40 years.

I don't get why the board doesn't recognize this.
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dogowner said:

Thank you for all this and reposting the videos.

Tbh the vote was very close last time per the data 52% to 48% and 9% turnout I expect if the turnout is pushed to 20% it will easily pass.
No problem, if it fails the CSISD will try again, and again, and again.
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I have no dog in this hunt as I live in Bryan but I am a sports official and I have gone in and out of the facilities at both schools countless time.

The difference in them is dramatic. More importantly the one at Consol is in bad shape. The weight room area is small and so cramped you really can't even walk through it safely. I've seen it in full use during workouts and how they don't have kids hurt all the time from space and safety issues is beyond me. It lacks basic things like adequate locker rooms for players. The locker facilities for the soccer teams are in bathroom building behind the away bleachers.

I see lots of facilities up close in the area. It's not the worst but plain and simple it's old and it shows.

If I were voting I would 100% be in favor of this bond.

Buford T. Justice
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I could very well be wrong, but wasn't the current field house and weight room built when Consol was a small 4A school? If that is correct, the growth in enrollment would really need to be addressed, and I completely get that. With that said, and this is just the perspective of a passerby, but it appears to me that there is a lot of wasted space at Consol, in terms of the athletic space.

I would like to see a school specific plan that dovetails into what I mentioned above, which would be the district master plan. Knock out the impending issues like the locker room/field house and weight room. Skip out on the press box and ancillary items that could go into the aforementioned distric athletic complex in the years ahead.
"Gimme a diablo sandwhich and a dr. go"
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At some point district facilities become a logistical issue.

So you have 3 schools with 3 football teams. Someone plays Friday and two play Saturday afternoon and evening. Or Thursday and Saturday. But you can't practice there so you need a practice field at each school plus locker rooms at the school and district facility.

Baseball? Same thing but it's using that district facility twice a week for each team and you cannot play multiple midweek games. Add in a JV game first and it's a lot of teams on one field.

Soccer is worse as it's the same facility for boys and girls so for 3 schools JV at 5 and V at 7 you can get one home team in a night. You can play T/F for one school, someone does W/Sa (and now you need ticket takers, admin, security etc on the weekend) and the third school plays I guess Mo/Sa?

And all these teams need a practice field at the school that's also artificial so that it doesn't turn into a mudpit at the first rainstorm.

Weightrooms are still at each school in this model so no savings there. You have to duplicate trainers facilities though. Practice is at the school and real games aren't.

In the end you have a district football stadium and every other sport more fields at the district and schools in combination than you would have otherwise. And you need equipment to maintain them at all locations too.

None of the districts I go to as an official do this. They all have school based facilities.
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woodiewood said:

Buford T. Justice said:

Why don't we just move to having a district athletic complex? It is believed that there will be a third high school in the future. Why not have one primary football field, and 2-3 primary baseball/softball fields?
That's the best solution for all. Built a state of the art facility that can be a showplace.
A showplace for a mess of scheduling conflicts.

But, it will look good.
Orlando Ayala Cant Read
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Consol field house and facilities are on par with some 3A programs. And I'm not talking rich 3As. I'm talking very mediocre 3As.
Orlando Ayala Cant Read
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Buford T. Justice said:

I could very well be wrong, but wasn't the current field house and weight room built when Consol was a small 4A school? If that is correct, the growth in enrollment would really need to be addressed, and I completely get that. With that said, and this is just the perspective of a passerby, but it appears to me that there is a lot of wasted space at Consol, in terms of the athletic space.

I would like to see a school specific plan that dovetails into what I mentioned above, which would be the district master plan. Knock out the impending issues like the locker room/field house and weight room. Skip out on the press box and ancillary items that could go into the aforementioned distric athletic complex in the years ahead.

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Agree with that entire post.

The only reason to do a combined facility is if there just isn't enough physical space to build it on a new campus.

We have a lot of friends in Cypress. As nice as the Berry Center football facility is, most parents and athletes hate playing "home" games there.

Fans of visiting schools also make a lot of comments about "how nice it is to have a stadium at the school" instead of driving across town to play a home game.
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Orlando Ayala Cant Read said:

Consol field house and facilities are on par with some 3A programs. And I'm not talking rich 3As. I'm talking very mediocre 3As.
As long as the academics are of the highest quality for a 4A program then I am all for the improvements.
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As long as the academics are of the highest quality for a 4A program then I am all for the improvements.

Why do you want a 5A Div 1 school to have the academic choices of a 4A school?
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Aggie said:

maroon barchetta said:

AGro99 said:

I'm curious as to why folks are so adamantly in the "no way" category?

Tired of being taxed to build Taj Mahal facilities or upgrade existing facilities.

Everything in our lives has become more expensive in recent years. Asking us to fork out more money after being told "NO!!!" twice is just tone deaf.

But it does seem to be the way around these parts.

Taj Mahal Facilties???
No they are just trying to make the necessary upgrades to make them adequate
Especially at Consol

Then put together a bond package that focuses on the legitimate needs at Consol. This district acts like the U.S. Congress, lumping together disparate line items to try to attract votes for the whole. In brief, CSHS does not have the needs Consol has.
Buford T. Justice
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Agreed. I think that the messaging could be improved.
They've got to develop a maintenance plan that will provide upgrades every (x) number of years for Consol, and every (y) number of years for CSHS. The current glaring need being the Consol field house.
"Gimme a diablo sandwhich and a dr. go"
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Stupe said:


As long as the academics are of the highest quality for a 4A program then I am all for the improvements.

Why do you want a 5A Div 1 school to have the academic choices of a 4A school?
I am saying at least that level.... (Since this thread is comparing Consolidated with 3-4A schools)
Anna Molly
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I don't believe there is a level of a bond package that *would* be considered "reasonable" for the naysayers. Not when a bond request to fix failing facilities is considered "Taj Mahal."
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That's exactly what they've done!

The students at both schools have needs, but Consol's are greater. Thus the larger amount going to renovations there.
George Costanza
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"It is believed that there will be a third high school in the future. "

From the passage of the last bond and watching a few board meetings, its pretty clear that a third high school is several years (if not decades) off.
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Both of our high school baseball/softball/football fields in CS back up to creeks. At a recent track meet, there was flooding on the concourse area at CSHS. Bathrooms had standing water. Concession stand had standing water.
This experience showed me that these facilities need improvements and drainage is a big one. That's one of the bond points - issues with drainage at baseball and softball. If you are there during a downpour, you can see some of the reasons the schools need help.
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Consol is in desperate need for upgrades of the stadium, field house, concessions ect...

CSHS is not in the same boat. I think that, along with a tax hike fear caused it to fail the last time.

And while we're at it, consider this: you realize that when athletic teams can't practice preseason like baseball couldn't this year, the Admin reaches out to other districts to "rent" their facilities thus spending money/ giving money to other schools right?

And to the poster who said the new Superintendent was brought in to get these bonds passed, you're wrong.

Read up on his track record at Willis ISD and tell me how successful he was at getting bonds passed there.

That compares to bringing in Coach Fran to beat Oklahoma.

Pass the bond folks. You communities biggest investment is in its kids and your kids are in need. Don't even get me started on the girls athletics safety and facility concerns.
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You are incorrect concerning CSHS not needing work done on the stadium.
The drainage system needs serious work. The bathrooms flood every time it rains.
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Stupe said:

You are incorrect concerning CSHS not needing work done on the stadium.
The drainage system needs serious work. The bathrooms flood every time it rains.
I'll give you that because I've seen it. Drainage there is an issue.

Expanded seating at Cougar stadium was snuck in on the last try. It's not a decade old and seating is not an issue for them.

The focus on this bond should be repairing drainage at CSHS and a complete overhaul at Consol for all areas of need including the items I listed.

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It's embarrassing that the concessions at Consol (the one inside the school - for basketball and volleyball) don't even have plumbing. Therefore limiting what items can be sold.
It is the ONLY school in the district with NO running water!
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TXCityGirl said:

Both of our high school baseball/softball/football fields in CS back up to creeks. At a recent track meet, there was flooding on the concourse area at CSHS. Bathrooms had standing water. Concession stand had standing water.
This experience showed me that these facilities need improvements and drainage is a big one. That's one of the bond points - issues with drainage at baseball and softball.

Sounds like a major failure of the original construction. Was someone paid millions of tax payer dollars to do all this questionable work? Who was held responsible?
Ribbed Paultz
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Who cares about whether or not the facilities are top notch or not? As long as it's not a safety issue, there is no reason to upgrade.

Allocate the money for better academic facilities and programs, you know, things that ACTUALLY benefit all students and society as a whole. These vanity projects for athletic facilities benefit the chosen few.

I will be voting NO again.
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I, my husband, and my three 19-24 yr-old children will be voting yes. They are no longer CSISD students but are in favor of improving the existing facilities.
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MiMi said:

I, my husband, and my three 19-24 yr-old children will be voting yes. They are no longer CSISD students but are in favor of improving the existing facilities.
as will my wife, my Consol graduate son and myself.
George Costanza
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"Allocate the money for better academic facilities and programs, you know, things that ACTUALLY benefit all students and society as a whole. These vanity projects for athletic facilities benefit the chosen few."

Bonds can't be used for "programs." They can only be used for facilities, transportation and technology. It's state law.

Between the athletic teams, band, AVP programs, drill team, etc at least 1/3 (probably more) of all students directly use those facilities. On top of that, they also get used by the junior highs, by the community for things like Special Olympics and for non-district events like drumline competitions, playoff games for other schools, etc.

Team sports, music education, community involvement do benefit society as a whole. Life lessons in winning and losing, being part of a team, striving for excellence are important.
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wasntme said:

It's embarrassing that the concessions at Consol (the one inside the school - for basketball and volleyball) don't even have plumbing. Therefore limiting what items can be sold.
It is the ONLY school in the district with NO running water!
then kindly donate your time, money, and services to give them something they so desperately need.
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The question is not whether the improvements are needed. The question is why things have gotten to the state where a bond is necessary. Why hasn't necessary maintenance been done along the way? Why isn't the ever-growing revenue from the growing tax base enough to do what is needed? Why are things in a state of disrepair given the massive budget for CSISD every year?

CSISD needs to be managing its money wisely and spending it along the way as and when needed. It is an interesting thing to ask for many more millions when the millions already given along the way apparently haven't been managed correctly.
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BCSWguru said:

wasntme said:

It's embarrassing that the concessions at Consol (the one inside the school - for basketball and volleyball) don't even have plumbing. Therefore limiting what items can be sold.
It is the ONLY school in the district with NO running water!
then kindly donate your time, money, and services to give them something they so desperately need.
I DO, I volunteer my TIME helping run the concession stands. I buy items, therefore, my MONEY.
I'm saying if there was running water them there would be more items to sell. Therefore, increasing more revenue.
How you are so obtuse to not see that NO running water is NOT a problem is beyond me!
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