I'm fairly sure the matter will be resolved soon. To answer your question, accountability for city staff rests with city management. Accountability for city management rests with the council. Accountability for council rests with you, the voters- the ultimate bosses.
As for disposition of Macy's, I believe we probably need to replat the parking lot and create a couple of restaurant sites and get them sold rapidly so we can recuperate taxpayer losses from capital outlay and property taxes and get sales taxes and job creation going. As for the Macy's building- I don't know yet. It's a conundrum.
As for disposition of Macy's, I believe we probably need to replat the parking lot and create a couple of restaurant sites and get them sold rapidly so we can recuperate taxpayer losses from capital outlay and property taxes and get sales taxes and job creation going. As for the Macy's building- I don't know yet. It's a conundrum.