Note: Age group added 0-4 years old. CDC number is actually 6 mo to 4 years, but to simplify, I just use population group of 4 years or less. May not be exact but close enough to get an idea what is actually going on (and makes calulations simpler).
Note, this is intended to be "monthly" information but there is no actual "end of month" numbers. Data is posted daily and this is Jun30 vs Jul31.
Vaccinations by age groups with "full vax" status for the Texas and Brazos County as percent. Last two columns are the count of Brazos County residents with "full vax" along with change over last month, and finally county residents that have not had a full vaccination "BC = not full".
age -------- Tx -------- BC -------- BC = full vax --- BC = not full vax
0-4 ---------- 0% ------- 0% ------------ 48 (+47) ------- 13,669
5-11 ------- 27% ----- 17% -------- 3,421 (+91) ------- 16,511
12-15 ----- 60% ----- 41% -------- 4,656 (+26) --------- 6,649
16-49 ----- 65% ----- 51% ------- 69,571 (+162) ----- 66,171
50-64 ----- 79% ----- 77% ------- 22,008 (+54) -------- 6,480
65-79 ----- 87% ----- 92% ------- 15,305 (+27) -------- 1,395
80++ ------ 79% ----- 93% -------- 4,538 (+20) ----------- 367
50++ ------ 82% ----- 84% ------- 41,851 (+101) ------ 8,242
<50 ------- 53% ----- 43% ------ 119,499 (+427) ----- 97,573
All --------- 62% ----- 52% ------ 119,499 (+427) ---- 111,242
Vaccinations by age groups with "boost(s)" (one or more) status for the Texas and Brazos County as percent. Last two columns are the count of Brazos County residents with "boost(s)" along with change over last month, and finally county residents that have not had a booster vaccination "BC = no boost".
age -------- Tx -------- BC ------- BC = boost(s) ------ BC = no boost
0-4 ---------- 0% ------- 0% -------------- 0 (+0) ------------ 13,717
5-11 -------- 2% ------- 2% ----------- 395 (+140) --------- 19,537
12-15 ----- 11% ------- 8% ----------- 909 (+77) ---------- 10,396
16-49 ----- 21% ----- 15% ------- 20,582 (+356) ------- 115,160
50-64 ----- 40% ----- 39% ------- 11,174 (+215) --------- 17,314
65-79 ----- 59% ----- 64% ------- 10,757 (+104) ----------- 5,943
80++ ------ 54% ----- 68% --------- 3,339 (+35) ------------ 1,566
50++ ------ 48% ----- 50% ------ 25,270 (+354) ---------- 24,823
<50 ------- 15% ----- 12% ------ 47,156 (+927) --------- 169,916
All --------- 25% ----- 20% ------ 47,156 (+927) --------- 183,633
Total doses of all COVID vaccines county administered (normalized to per week):
Dec '21 ------ 4,599
Jan '22 ------ 3,586
Feb '22 ------ 1,355
Mar '22 -------- 673
Apr '22 -------- 550
May '22 ------- 483
Jun '22 -------- 484
Jul '23 --------- 454