KidDoc said:
Rapier108 said:
redd38 said:
tb9665 said:
People talk about herd immunity. Do people forget that there are long term effects of this virus in young and old? Just ask the people who have had it.
None of the people I know that have had it have any lingering effects
Most people don't. Those that have suffered the worst cases of it, and nearly all of those had multiple underlying health issues, are the group where there have been longer lasting issues. And one has to wonder how many of those were from early on, when hospitals were putting people on ventilators the instant they were admitted. It is now painfully well known that ventilators are the options of absolute last resort, and make things much worse.
"Long term effects" gets brought up a lot by the coronadoomers as a reason to keep everything shutdown forever.
This is not accurate.
A very small number of young healthy patients have developed a delayed hyperinflammatory reaction (MIS-C) that can lead to heart and brain problems. Also there have been reports of strokes late in the course in otherwise healthy people. These are very rare though and,at this time, not considered a common enough problem to alter public policy. All virus can cause very rare and odd problems but we don't shut down the country for them. Feel free to look up Guillian-Barre, transverse myelitis, viral myocarditis, etc for examples of these rare but scary complications.
I wasn't trying to say it was only people with severe cases. Yes, long term problems can happen to anyone, but far more likely with those who suffer the worse cases, and generally have conditions which make those cases worse.
But like every many other viruses out there, anyone can suffer extreme or unusual side effects.
Edit: Fox News has a story about a study done by King's College in the UK about different "types" of the virus. It might be of some interest to you and other docs on this forum, but I don't post on F84. "If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill