saray said:
Aggie1205 said:
Rapier, Cavscout, and Saray,
Question for yall that I'm interested in. If you were given full Czar powers of Brazos County and could implement the response to Corona starting now, what steps would you take immediately? For the purpose of this you can also assume you wouldn't be restricted by any state or national decrees. You have full power of Brazos County.
What would you open back up immediately? Would everything be freed back up or would you keep some restrictions? What information would you release to the public? What else would be part of your plan?
A. I'd open all small businesses (say 5 employees or less) at the discretion of the owner. These are the people who are being killed financially, who live month to month, and have little or no reserves. Examples would be an alteration shop, a shoe repair shop, etc. Customers could use them at their discretion and maintain social distancing.
B. Open all parks and allow children to play with one another in small groups---at their parents discretion.
C. Force elected leaders to take the lead----not well-meaning but myopic doctors.
D. On a national scale, we probably have 1000's of world-class statisticians and epidemiologists. Convene them ASAP and have them come up with more realistic consensus models and projections. Much of the publics concern has been brought about by worthless models that change every couple of days.
E. Open all churches. Configure for social distancing; but let people make a choice about whether they wish to go to church or not.
I sympathize fully with the desire to get everything back open ASAP, and I do think there has been some overreaction.
A. why limit to 5 employees or less, why not 10 or 20? So long as social distancing guidelines are used, what's the difference how big the business is?
B. let kids play right next to each other with no distancing? Children can catch and spread viruses better than any known being on the face of this earth. I may be exaggerating, but not by much.
C. maybe elected leaders are taking the lead when it comes to making the decisions but they know the populace would prefer to take their medicine from a doctor. They're all just trying to keep the spread down, and we always tell them to get input from experts. Seems like the elected leaders are following CDC and Sullivan's advice, and maybe the info we haven't seen confirms their decisions (I'm not sure it would and I still think the elected leaders look a bit like they're looking for cover).
D. You're only Brazos Valley Czar, so good luck with that. But I do think at the national level they are getting this type of input, and that has led us to where we are today.
E. Most churches I've been to are already configured for social distancing. Just have family units stagger throughout the sanctuary - most can handle a bunch of worshippers with a 6-feet separation. If a church has to add a service or two to accommodate all, that's their choice but I bet most would overjoyed to do so.
Now, what do you do as Czar if 2 weeks into this re-opening the attack rate doubles or triples? Nobody wants to be the one to make the decision that leads to this because no one wants anymore people to get sick much less a lot more. But whenever we open back up, even if it's in stages, more people will likely get infected and the elected leaders who made the decision will get blamed.
When we do open back up, and I hope it's soon, I would allow everything to open back up subject to social distancing enforcement for several weeks. And I'd do everything possible to encourage those with underlying conditions, especially if they are old but really anyone in that situation, to continue to shelter in place. But if they're adults and went out, they would still have to social distance. And anyone who tests positive would have to be quarantined for 2 weeks in one of the many empty hotels courtesy of the city. Have each city contract with one such hotel in their city, and the county can do the same.