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B/CS number of cases update? 11-17-20 Staff Edit on OP

1,202,895 Views | 6626 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by Nosmo
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Of course they won't tell us if those 6 cases are due to a testing backlog clearing or cluster related.
This is from 57 new test results today. Yesterday, they reported no new cases from 53 tests. It's not a residential cluster because the 6 cases came from 3 different zip codes, but they could be from a common work place?
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MiMi said:


Of course they won't tell us if those 6 cases are due to a testing backlog clearing or cluster related.
This is from 57 new test results today. Yesterday, they reported no new cases from 53 tests. It's not a residential cluster because the 6 cases came from 3 different zip codes, but they could be from a common work place?
Or more than 1 cluster, albeit small ones.

Again, the problem is they are big on numbers, low on specifics.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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Again, the problem is they are big on numbers, low on specifics.
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Rapier108 said:

Again, the problem is they are big on numbers, low on specifics.
'Fear of the unknown' card trumps your straight flush.
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Sure looks like there is a clear way to dispense more information---
HIPAA info release

"Covered entities may disclose protected health information, without the individual's authorization, to a public health authority acting as authorized by law in response to a bioterrorism threat or public health emergency..."

Now you could say this does not authorize the "public health authority" to release the same information, but nor does it say they cannot.
NRA Life
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Not B/CS but it's a disaster in Washington County. Now up to 141 cases and 15 deaths. You can't just throw out the nursing home cases and say they don't count. This outbreak is no longer confined to the nursing home and the nursing home has an extremely high positive rate. Both the owners of the nursing home and the county officials did next to nothing to contain this. Really frustrating.

Thank you to state senator Lois Kolkhurst for stepping in and getting something done. County officials should have done something weeks ago.
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Especially when a "cluster" is defined as 2 or more.

I'd say we've seen plenty of "cluster...." With this whole mess.
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Actually, you absolutely can "throw out" the nursing home. How many death have occurred outside the place?
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According to The Eagle yesterday, 32 of 47 residents at Waterford have tested positive, resulting in 11 of the 16 deaths in Brazos County. Additionally, 13 staff members have tested positive. This information was provided by Waterford, as the health department would not release that much detail.
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Yes. Essentially the same in Washington County.

You cannot apply the same model from highly concentrated, high-risk, high-mortality scenarios to the community at large when making policy decisions.

It like using NYC to make policy for West Texas.

It's not even an apples and oranges comparison. Not even apples and any type of produce.

It's apples and lawnmowers.
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I understand that statistically you can exclude them. But pretty sure their families count them. And I am concerned about the total number of cases in a small community, not just the death rate.

Do you honestly think the outbreak in Brenham has been contained to the nursing home? I don't believe that for one minute. And they probably could have limited exposure outside of the nursing home if they would have adequately addressed the situation early on.

They aren't even testing people directly exposed to people that have tested positive. And the positives are running about 20% of tests performed. Pretty sure we have more than 141 cases - just aren't testing everyone that should be tested. It literally took Lois Kolkhurst stepping in to get all the residents and employees of the nursing home tested. That is inexcusable. We will see how this all ends up but it is not currently headed in the right direction.
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141 positives out of 35,000 residents isn't great especially when you compare it to Brazos county.
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Inca said:

They aren't even testing people directly exposed to people that have tested positive. And the positives are running about 20% of tests performed. Pretty sure we have more than 141 cases - just aren't testing everyone that should be tested. It literally took Lois Kolkhurst stepping in to get all the residents and employees of the nursing home tested. That is inexcusable. We will see how this all ends up but it is not currently headed in the right direction.
That is sad. Our local nursing home decided to test everyone proactively, staff and patients. They found 2 asymptomatic positive staff. I think (hope!) they prevented an outbreak. (in Boerne). That should be every single nursing home's approach.
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That is great. Good for them for being proactive and stopping an outbreak before it started.

Yes, you would think it should be standard protocol for nursing homes at this point to test everyone proactively.
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5 more cases and one more person in the hospital.

Our local leaders are likely on the verge of a meltdown and looking for way to go full lock down.

And the obligatory comment that the BCHD is still worthless because they won't provide anything but numbers. How about telling the public whether these are random cases, due to known contact (usually family members), medical personnel/first responders, travel related (not likely, but always possible) or another nursing home.

That said, I would not be surprised if we find out that another location in town for the elderly has an outbreak. A fairly high number of calls lately to it on Broadcastify, just like how it started with The Waterford.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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Rapier108 said:

5 more cases and one more person in the hospital.

Our local leaders are likely on the verge of a meltdown and looking for way to go full lock down.

Why do you think they want a full lockdown? What do you think their motivation is?
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I think they're just panicked. When this all started, it became obvious that they were completely in over their heads. Thankfully Gov. Abbott stopped them from going farther, but after tomorrow, that order ends so we'll see how they respond.

When you have a mayor telling saying people need to "do as they're told" or else they will take more drastic steps (full on lock down or worse), and telling us we need to go to a cashless society, I have a real concern that we're being led by people who have no clue.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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You keep acting like they were calling for a lockdown. I already went back and rewatched the press conference you were referring to. A reporter asked them a question, it wasnt something they called for. This is from earlier in this thread:


They did especially stress that grocery stores would remain open and that people didn't need to rush out. And said straight up that this wasn't a lock down. The Bryan mayor specifically explained the difference between a lock down and shelter in place.

You also claimed that a lockdown and a shelter in place are the same thing. Do you still feel that way?
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You've twice already tried to drag me into this argument with you.

Not even going to acknowledge you anymore.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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Aggie1205 said:

Rapier108 said:

One thing I would absolutely not do is make threats such as imposing a "Wuhan Style Lock Down" or make statements which make people think we want to close grocery stores. The day they made the Wuhan comment, the grocery stores were about normal in terms of customers. Within 1 hour, there was not a single parking space left.

Below is a quote from you on the thread after the shelter in place was announced. So which was it? Not a single parking spot left or like a normal day? You keep blaming others for going overboard and causing panic, but your own posts seem to be doing just that.


I was shocked when I drove by HEB and Wal-Mart in Bryan. Neither was crowded at all. Looked at most like any normal day.

I would still like clarity from Rapier on which of these statements from him was accurate. Were the parking lots packed or did they look normal? Your posts spread information that isnt correct and are likely to lead to people to panic when you spin things to fit a certain narrative.
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I for one totally disagree with you. I think he is one of the most logical on the board.
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Inca said:

I understand that statistically you can exclude them. But pretty sure their families count them. And I am concerned about the total number of cases in a small community, not just the death rate.

Do you honestly think the outbreak in Brenham has been contained to the nursing home? I don't believe that for one minute. And they probably could have limited exposure outside of the nursing home if they would have adequately addressed the situation early on.

They aren't even testing people directly exposed to people that have tested positive. And the positives are running about 20% of tests performed. Pretty sure we have more than 141 cases - just aren't testing everyone that should be tested. It literally took Lois Kolkhurst stepping in to get all the residents and employees of the nursing home tested. That is inexcusable. We will see how this all ends up but it is not currently headed in the right direction.

1. Kolkhorst wasn't elected to run WaCo. She was elected to represent the district.

2. You better hope way more than 141 people have already had this and recovered. Otherwise, the county is a looooong way off from herd immunity

3. Of course the folks who've died matter to their families and loved ones. I never said they shouldn't. I said policy making must be done with good data. Parsing data includes correcting stats for anomalies. The high rate of infection and serious illness/deaths at nursing homes s not representative of the community at large; the exact definition of an anomaly.
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Are you saying Kolkhorst should not have stepped In and gotten the state involved? I'm glad she did. She's the only reason anything is being done. County officials were not dealing with the situation. Pretending there is not a problem does not make it go away.
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I'm saying it's not her job. If you are unhappy with the county judge, etc., your beef is with them.

Now if the county doesn't have the assets, and needs help, it is also her job to advocate for it at the state level. If that is what is happening here, than she is right on target, .

JK's job is to rep WaCo, not run it.

I'd like to know exactly what went down before I condemn the county or praise JK. Both, or neither, might be warranted, but to portray her as a savior who has taken over the effort is not good for our system of government, That system is just as (if not more) crucial as anything connected with disease mitigation. Without it, petty tyrants pop up all over the place.
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She has not "taken over." She got the correct state agency involved, which was definitely needed. She's not attempting a coup to take over Washington County.
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Aggie1205 said:

You keep acting like they were calling for a lockdown. I already went back and rewatched the press conference you were referring to. A reporter asked them a question, it wasnt something they called for. This is from earlier in this thread:

They did especially stress that grocery stores would remain open and that people didn't need to rush out. And said straight up that this wasn't a lock down. The Bryan mayor specifically explained the difference between a lock down and shelter in place.
You also claimed that a lockdown and a shelter in place are the same thing. Do you still feel that way?
Curious, what's the correct word for something between "lockdown" and "shelter in place + closing non-essential businesses" ... because that's exactly what our local leaders were considering before Abbot stepped in.
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I never said she did. I'm basing my comments on your assertion that she single-handedly rode to the rescue while everyone else screwed the pooch and your further assertion that the county was going down in flames due to one, very bad, cluster at the nursing home.

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"lockdown" is not a technical term; it's SIP.

Also what we've been doing is not SIP, it's SAH

Lots of confusion because our "leaders" use the terms interchangeably and cannot articulate the difference well when pressed.

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I was a little hot about it yesterday. With the spike in cases over the past week and then possible exposure at my place of employment (which is NOT the nursing home.) But you seem to be adding your own embellishments to what I said.

But it's not a great situation. Hopefully it is now being adequately addressed and will soon start to trend in the right direction.

I personally feel like the county has not done a great job. At least there is information being published in the last couple of weeks. They had the appearance of trying to sweep it under the rug in the beginning. Not at all forthcoming with information when we started to have confirmed cases.
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That said, I would not be surprised if we find out that another location in town for the elderly has an outbreak. A fairly high number of calls lately to it on Broadcastify, just like how it started with The Waterford.
Should this prove to be true. After this length of LOCKDOWN for nursing facilities there is absolutely no excuse for this to happen. With folks in SAH community contamination is acceptable and expected.

cavascout96, thanks for providing the proper definition of SIP...has been confusing to say the least.
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Fair enough. Hope you are OK.
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Truly, I hope I am absolutely wrong on this one and it is nothing but happenstance that there have been a lot of calls to this location recently. It just reminds me of The Waterford a bit too much.

If it is, the information will get out eventually. If it isn't, then that's a good thing.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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etj77845 said:


That said, I would not be surprised if we find out that another location in town for the elderly has an outbreak. A fairly high number of calls lately to it on Broadcastify, just like how it started with The Waterford.
Should this prove to be true. After this length of LOCKDOWN for nursing facilities there is absolutely no excuse for this to happen. With folks in SAH community contamination is acceptable and expected.

cavascout96, thanks for providing the proper definition of SIP...has been confusing to say the least.
The problem is the staff. Unless they live there 24/7 (and most staff as I understand it don't just work at one facility) there is no way to completely isolate a nursing home.
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88planoAg said:

etj77845 said:


That said, I would not be surprised if we find out that another location in town for the elderly has an outbreak. A fairly high number of calls lately to it on Broadcastify, just like how it started with The Waterford.
Should this prove to be true. After this length of LOCKDOWN for nursing facilities there is absolutely no excuse for this to happen. With folks in SAH community contamination is acceptable and expected.

cavascout96, thanks for providing the proper definition of SIP...has been confusing to say the least.
The problem is the staff. Unless they live there 24/7 (and most staff as I understand it don't just work at one facility) there is no way to completely isolate a nursing home.
And not all places are nursing homes.

The virus will do an equal amount of damage to a retirement community if it gets going there, and it has in other parts of the state and country. Those places have residents who come and go on their own so there are even more chances for it to be introduced. I would imagine most of those have put some kind of plan into action, but unless they keep the residents locked up, then there is only so much which can be done to keep it out.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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cavscout96 said:

"lockdown" is not a technical term; it's SIP.

Also what we've been doing is not SIP, it's SAH

Lots of confusion because our "leaders" use the terms interchangeably and cannot articulate the difference well when pressed.
Thanks for the clarification. The point being ... BCS "leaders" were headed toward additional restrictions until Abbott stepped in.
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