You guys convinced me, hang on to the guns!
I will say this though with regard to your 1301. I waited over a feeder with mine until a bunch of hogs came out (iluminated with a green light at night) and wore them out with it. 2 Confirmed dead, 1-2 more that probably have a sore backside.RightWingConspirator said:
I'm contemplating selling the aforementioned so if there's a way to list them without listing them, I'm all ears.
Or people have bad experiences with their guns....CS78 said:
Never understood the "I don't sell guns" guys. What I hear is they obviously don't buy enough then. Trim the fat every once in a while and use the proceeds for something youd rather have.
CS78 said:
Never understood the "I don't sell guns" guys. What I hear is they obviously don't buy enough then. Trim the fat every once in a while and use the proceeds for something youd rather have.
I won't advise you to sell any guns if you don't want to, but I would advise that you sell the peloton.Claude! said:
Look, I don't use my Peloton for much these days, but I keep it just in case I get the urge.
Where would I put my half-clean clothes?oh no said:I won't advise you to sell any guns if you don't want to, but I would advise that you sell the peloton.Claude! said:
Look, I don't use my Peloton for much these days, but I keep it just in case I get the urge.
BenderRodriguez said:
They're objects. Dont let them take too much real estate in your head or heart.
If I never sold a gun, I wouldnt have half the stuff I do now.
Worth considering how easy a specific gun would be to replace before you sell given our idiotic import laws, but beyond that, sell it if you don't use it and don't like it, and buy stuff you will use.
Dont let possessions own you.
on your gun safe of course.Claude! said:Where would I put my half-clean clothes?oh no said:I won't advise you to sell any guns if you don't want to, but I would advise that you sell the peloton.Claude! said:
Look, I don't use my Peloton for much these days, but I keep it just in case I get the urge.
Apache said:
What the heck is the point of keeping your ******* great uncles busted 50 year old 243 Remington Woodsmaster that has a stock that looks like it's been through a wood chipper and a crap homemade re bluing job?
Apache said:
What the heck is the point of keeping your ******* great uncles busted 50 year old 243 Remington Woodsmaster that has a stock that looks like it's been through a wood chipper and a crap homemade re bluing job?