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Any Aggies on America's Great Loop ?

64,419 Views | 432 Replies | Last: 6 mo ago by Tailgate88
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Yep ! Looking forward to it !

Familiar with the view.

Lived in Chicagoland 3 years during high school. I graduated from John Hersey HS in Arlington Heights. Illinois.
Windy City Ag
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Ahh . . you know the drill then. I didn't move t here until late but spent a very long time that way. I started in Hyde Park, then River North, then Lakeview/Wrigleyville and finally as a suburban guy on the North Shore.

Good people but I don't miss the weather or taxes.
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Thanks for the info about the route south. Like most others, I just assumed you would come down the Mississippi. I had no idea there weren't any/many marinas or places to stop for pleasure boats, but it makes sense, now that you mention it. Of course there would be an issue with commercial traffic up and down the river. I suppose the major cities would have some sort of facilities, but they are fairly far apart. The river cruises must have enough supplies to get from one port to another. It is something I've thought about doing, but have not so far.
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TailG8TR said:

I was aware of the proximity of such "establishments".

We may visit to while away a few hours depending on weather and if the construction finishes on time or not. No worries about it being too much of an enticement though....not wired that way.

But it will be an interesting contrast between the Solitude of a serene anchorage up in Canada to that kind of an attraction.
You may be able to pay for your trip!

I especially appreciated your words about the rivers and the locks. I was wondering why you were "lollygagging" and not getting on to the Mississippi. Had no idea that's the way you go.

Lots of fun following you. Thanks for all of it.
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Since a few of you have commented about recently learning a few of the "in the weeds" details of the Loop....here are a couple helpful sites to kinda flesh out your understanding of this adventure.


Tumble Weed
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Thanks for the pics and story on the loop.

I always thought that cool breeze would be a good name for my next sailboat.

A friend is looking at making the loop next year in a trawler. Great way to see rural America.

When I was younger I was obsessed with speed. Now I find that 7 or 8 knots is an enjoyable pace for taking in the environment.

Once I am on a boat, I have already arrived at my destination. Not sure why I was always in a hurry before.
Well, okay then
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Tumble Weed said:

Once I am on a boat, I have already arrived at my destination.
So true. (Written on a boat)
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Well, okay then said:

Tumble Weed said:

Once I am on a boat, I have already arrived at my destination.
So true. (Written on a boat)

Were you on a pony on your boat when you wrote that?
maroon barchetta
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Burdizzo said:

Well, okay then said:

Tumble Weed said:

Once I am on a boat, I have already arrived at my destination.
So true. (Written on a boat)

Were you on a pony on your boat when you wrote that?

When I was a little girl in Poland, we all had ponies.
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Have enjoyed spending time in New Buffalo. Have walked extensively around town. Nice place.

Several good craft brew pubs throughout Michigan. Have enjoyed many unique brews.

A week here gave me time to do maintenance items that are small or overlooked. Sprayed Corrosion X on several fittings and disassembled and retightened. Nice being in fresh water these past months....has reduced the salt attack on parts.

Lots of duckweed up here....tiny floating pair of leaves with a tiny short root...whole plant smaller than a tictac...but can entirely cover the surface of the water. Removed and cleaned out the GROCO filters ahead of engine and generator. Can see where they could completely clog an intake.

I keep a "diaper"....a polypropylene oilsorb sheet ...under any component of the engine where it could leak lube oil or diesel. Glad I did....found a small spot under the banjo bolt fitting on the high pressure side of my fuel pump...not much but irritating. Tightening the bolt head didn't entirely stop it. If you don't know banjo bolts...I had to undo fitting and clean and reseat the two wavy copper crush washers on both sides of "the banjo". I kept the two old ones just in case I need more ( crush washers are dang hard to source up here ! Even marine parts stores look at you like "Huh ??" ) and that seems to have done the trick.

Spiders are HORRIBLE up here !!! They get all over the outside of the boat and hide in such tiny spaces. Their webs are taken down by my wife and I every morning ! But sheesh...their black ink blob streaks of poop are terrible ! Very tough to remove! Hate dealing with their mess !

Pumped black tank. Partially refilled freshwater tanks. Used nearby grocery to reprovision and get ready for the inland River segment beginning October with few options to pick up groceries.

Lots of sand dunes here. Michigan....surprisingly enough....has awesome beaches ! Wide soft deep sand. However, the season has ended and most places are closing up or only open on weekends. Even the marinas are beginning to close down and will shut down fully within a month.

Lots of dredging going on up here......and the name on a barge crane right beside the marina just cracks me up !

Weather window opens for the next couple days so we will cut the corner and head directly for Hammond, Indiana. Huge 900 slip marina there. Will await the Oct 1st lock opening and go from there. Hope the forecast holds for Friday...

A few recent pics ....

Santas Little Helper
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Great update!
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Our friends on Luck to Yours just dropped it off for the winter in Michigan. It'll be there until they restart in May

John Cocktolstoy
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Yes, awesome check ins, and so cool to watch the progression. I am super interested when ya'll get to the locks. Take lots of photos.
Second Hardest Workin Man on Texags
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I did the Florida to Long Island part of your trip a few years ago. That was quite an adventure. The entire loop is way more than my wife would be willing to do. Enjoying your updates.
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Great updates, very nice pictures. those spiders will drive you crazy, I had a sea ray on lake Travis for about 3 years and those things were every where and would turn the entire boat into a bunch of little black spots during the off season months…

Found the history of the Donkersloot family from Holland if you want some reading
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Update from Hammond, Indiana

So it has been more than a week sitting in the marina in Hammond, Indiana waiting on the US Corps of Engineers to finish 3 months of work updating three locks south of Chicago on the Illinois River. The three locks in question have been closed since June 1st to ALL traffic. They were supposed to be completed Oct 1st. Two of them were. The first and third lock were done on time. But the middle lock was not. So it effectively meant that they were all closed since traffic couldn't pass through the middle one. Locks finally open now but pretty congested. We hope to pass through them on Monday the 9th.

Priority is given to commercial barge traffic to lock through. The Corps will only allow one grouping of PCs (pleasure craft) to lock per day. So Loopers have formed loosely organized "flotillas" of 12 to 16 boats to travel through the three locks together as a single group. Occasionally a PC is allowed into the locks along with a smaller barge string....but wait times are hours long...Monday a PC reported almost 24 hour wait to lock.

Each flotilla has negotiated an approximate locking time for that single opportunity each day so we are optimistic that Monday will go smoothly.

Our original plan was to travel through downtown Chicago after entering at Navy Pier on the Chicago River. The river is literally feet away from the base of multiple skyscrapers through an urban canyon in downtown. However...unfortunately, an ancient Amtrak rail bridge became inoperative last week. There is only 11 feet of clearance beneath it. Amtrak is NOT known to be responsive or swift in repairing things. Best estimate is mid October for repairs. So...no Chicago Canyon Cruise on Cool Breeze.

However, there are tour boats that do that section of the river so we did get some pics of it anyway.

With the Chicago River blocked we ( and all other Loopers) will have to take the Calumet Sag Canal. MUCH LESS scenic, its basically through the industrial heart of Gary and South Chicago. Disappointing to have to use it instead of downtown.

There are approximately 300 Looper boats in and around Chicagoland right now. All of us have been waiting for the locks to open so we can head south on the Illinois River. It is THE ONLY ROUTE off of Lake Michigan southward.

I will attach a couple screen grabs from Hammond Marina. Its close to the entrance to the CalSag and Is much less expensive than the marinas in Chicago. Has cheapest diesel around at $3.99. Security gated and is next door to the Horseshoe Casino. Turned out that the sportsbook in the Horseshoe was a great place to watch football games the past couple weekends....and I literally have broken even on bets, so its all good.

Anyway...about 80 of the 300 Loopers are here waiting. Good comradierie and lots of boaters helping boaters going on. The images are screen grabs from an app called NEBO. It is popular among Loopers for keeping track of one another. You can see COOL BREEZE displayed about middle left on the image.

Got lots of maintenance chores done this week. Had one of my brothers come visit for a couple days. Reprovisioned. And now the marinas around here are closing down for the season and temperatures are to drop into the 40s overnight by Friday....Just getting antsy to be on the move again !

Windy City Ag
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So no casino trip? That many idle hands right next to the Devil's workshop? Too bad about the Navy Pier entrance. Aging infrastructure is what it is I guess but that is one really epic view.

The crap really doesn't hit the fan until late November usually so hopefully you will be fine in getting down towards more manageable climates long before then.

Did you read about the S.S. Eastland Disaster on the Chicago river? Don't repeat that one.

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We spent several hours on multiple days in the casino. Watched the Ags play and several more games. I managed to break even betting games and the wife ended up about $25 ahead on various slots....but we are definitely not big gamblers.

I will check out the story you referenced.
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You guys still waiting to get through those locks? Don't worry if you missed any of the last 2 Aggie games.. for sanity purposes, missing them may have been a good thing ! Lol
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It has been a hectic couple of weeks. We are on the move , albeit with hurdles.

Have to carve out some time to post narratives and pics soon.

Currently in Southern Illinois on the Mississippi....Will pass St Louis tomorrow.

Will update soon !
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uh...the Mississippi wasn't part of the original plan was it?
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Pahdz said:

uh...the Mississippi wasn't part of the original plan was it?

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okay that's right... just not on it very long
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Brief update....

Today we traveled the last miles of the Mississippi that we will travel until crossing a 5 mile stretch of it in New Orleans. We covered about 65 miles from Cape Girardeau, Missouri....down to Cairo, Illinois ( by the way, pronounced Karo, like the syrup up here )....and turned north to travel UP the Ohio. We are currently anchored just below Olmstead Lock on the Ohio.

Tomorrow we will lock up and head to Paducah, Kentucky for the weekend.

I will have lots of catching up to do regarding updates from this past month and loads of pics. But for now....just a couple...

Coming through St Louis and the Arch...courtesy of a buddy boater.

Another one of the MANY awesome sunsets we have witnessed on the water in the past year on our Adventure around and through the US !

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Since you'll be going near, you should eat at Patti's in Grand Rivers. Best pork chops and pie you'll find anywhere! Get a reservation now!
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Catching up ....

All of those of us "Looping" this year were constrained by the work on three locks on the Illinois River south of Chicago. The locks were closed from June 1st to October 1st. So lots of Loopers gathered in the Chicago/Hammond , Indiana area to stage for transiting the locks. Lots of commercials stacked up as well.

There are about 300 Looper boats trying to get through the locks to head south. Commercial vessels have priority over pleasure vessels/pleasure craft...or PCs as the lockmasters refer to us. Locks only wanted to lock through one group of 12 to 16 PCs per day.

So we Loopers formed "Flotillas" of 16 boats each to expedite passage each day. We planned to assemble and travel as a group through the 3 recently opened locks as one flotilla each day. Complicated....but it worked out fairly well.....until mother nature turned Lake Michigan into a washing machine with 10 to 14 footers ! After several days delay the flotillas continued.

Cool Breeze was in Flotilla 4. By now my wife and I are comfortable with locking and all went well.

The process goes kinda like this.... about 1 or 2 miles out you contact the lockmaster via VHF radio and request lockage, stating you are a PC and request passage. Lockmaster will inform you of current lockage, traffic anticipated, general idea of time frame, which side you should plan to tie to and where to wait.

"TIE to" is not literal. A vessel should not "tie" in a lock. As water rises of falls based on your direction of travel in a lock, the boat will rise or fall relative to bollards on the lock walls. Tight attachment would result in at least a cleat being pulled out if not a hanging boat or a partial capsize. Lines are lead around a cleat once for friction to hold your position but must be tended and let loose or tightened as appropriate.

When the lockmastet hails you and opens lock, boats enter single file and find their assigned positions and secure themselves. In a flotilla grouping boats are rafted off one another to increase the number of boats that can fit in one lockage cycle. From opening the lock gates, entering, securing, closing gates filling or lowering, and then opening gates and leaving takes 45 to 90 minutes each time. It's time consuming.

Locks below Chicago range from about 4 feet to 40 feet change in water level. The locks are all about 110 feet wide and either 600 or 1200 feet long. So....some smart Aggie do the math on a typical 600 foot by 110 foot 30 foot drop lock. How much water or how much weight is that ?

There are eight locks on the Illinois before we reached the Mississippi at Grafton, Illinois. It took us 7 days to travel from Hammond on Lake Michigan to Grafton and the Mississippi River.

Interesting side note....the invasive Asian jumping big head carp are a menace to invade the Great Lakes. There is an electric barrier to prevent the carp migrating into the lakes by stunning or killing them . Boats pass over the live wires on the bottom of the canal. At least one boat with all "fly by wire" control systems was completely knocked out dead. No controls no instruments....had to go below and manually shut down engines. Resulted in several days repairs.

Illinois River is pretty wil once south of Chicago area with tons of bald eagles.

I will attach pics for that segment.

I will then do a segment from Grafton, down the Mississippi and then UP the Ohio River to Paducah Kentucky and beyond.

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Following this thread has been a blast! I can't imagine having the experience / knowledge (and unfortunately-the time - to undertake such an effort! Good for you!
Type 07 FFL / Class 2 SOT
Nightforce Optics Dealer
AGM Night Vision Dealer
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Have heard good things ! We plan to be there Tuesday for dinner.
Windy City Ag
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Interesting side note....the invasive Asian jumping big head carp are a menace to invade the Great Lakes. There is an electric barrier to prevent the carp migrating into the lakes by stunning or killing them . Boats pass over the live wires on the bottom of the canal. At least one boat with all "fly by wire" control systems was completely knocked out dead. No controls no instruments....had to go below and manually shut down engines. Resulted in several days repairs.

Illinois River is pretty wil once south of Chicago area with tons of bald eagles.
I was invited downstate a few times to engage in battle with the Asian Carp but never did participate. Those guys around Peoria go all crazy and redneck to reduce the populations.

Stat Monitor Repairman
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Boats pass over the live wires on the bottom of the canal. At least one boat with all "fly by wire" control systems was completely knocked out dead. No controls no instruments....had to go below and manually shut down engines. Resulted in several days repairs.
This is wild. What else were people saying about this? Any record of this happening before?
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Yes....it happens occasionally but not frequently.

Online recommendation is to power off all electronics before going through there. I did not.....and my MFD flickered and my transducer/depth finder went blank. I powered all electronics off and rebooted after passing over the live electric field and all was fine again.

It must be hell on the fish !
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Continuing downstream ....

The Illinois has a few marinas along its length but for most of us Loopers, anchorages are what we use along this stretch. Sometimes its a creek mouth with enough depth and swing room, sometimes an oxbow, sometimes just the inside of a wide sweeping bend that puts the big tow barges safely toward the outsides. And sometimes in the tail race areas just below a dam associated with a lock. Tows run 24/7 so finding safe anchorages out of their way is crucial.

We used the below dam areas of the Peoria Lock and the Lagrange lock. We tied to the outside wall of the Kaskaskia Lock. Anchored in the Little River Diversion Canal below Cape Girardeau. Good places all.

Three good marinas.....Heritage Harbor in Ottawa Illinois. Grafton Marina where the Illinois and Mississippi meet. And the Alton Marina on the Mississippi.

Anchoring is free but have to run the generator for a short while usually. Some boats run generator all night but we don't find that pleasant or necessary. I hate the noise as well even with a well insulated well muffled internal boat generator. Our solar panels and big house bank run the boat just fine without the generator but I like an hour or so to top them off or run an electric space heater an hour to take off the chill. Nights have been in low 40s to high 30s of late.

Dropped down another lock right below Alton and took a bypass around "The Chain of Rocks" on the Mississippi. Basically a riverwide rock formation that forms a rapid on the river. Drop is several feet.. Disastrous for any boat that misses the bypass canal.....and a few have !

Immediately after the bypass you find yourself in St. Louis. We arranged with some buddy boats to be their photographer for 5 boats as they passed in front of the Arch. Classic Looper keepsake photo along with the one in front of the Statue of Liberty. The last boat then peeled off and took up position to take our pic with the Arch. Exchanged/shared pics later.

Interesting sidenote.....as big as St Louis us and right on the river....it has no marinas...Zero that can be used by pleasure boaters....too much current and fluctuations too great seasonally.

The downstream current push of both the Illinois and Mississippi have been nice. 2 to 4 knots boost. Certainly increases our daily runs. Made several days on the rivers 70 and 80 plus mile days whereas we usually target 40 to 50miles a day.

Leaves are changing fast up here. Rolling hills and hardwoods all through this part of the country.

Lots of big tows. Not the 4 and 6 barge types of the Gulf Coast. Big Boys. 5 by 5s and 4 by 6s are common.

At Cairo ( Karo ) we turned east to head up the Ohio. Went from doing 11 mph to 4.5. Traveled upstream and anchored below Olmsted Lock. Its a slog going upstream ! Makes for long days.

Currently in Paducah, Ky. Nice city owned dock facility. Nice downtown area and several good restaurants.

Next hop will be upstream on the Cumberland River....and through a BIG 54 foot lift at Barkley Lock. That will put us up on Barkley and Kentucky Lakes....The Land Between The Lakes area. Big vacation spot up here with huge lakes and shorelines. Staying at Green Turtle Bay for a few days.

But I see weather forecasts and 36 degree nights are forecast by next Monday....so have to keep pushing southward......

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Thank you once again for taking the time to let us enjoy the journey as well.
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I appreciate it hearing back from you guys saying you have enjoyed the posts. Thanks. I don't want to be posting these if its not enjoyed or is annoying to TexAgs posters. Again, thanks.
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No, thank you. I've gone from never knowing looping existed to looking forward to new posts in this thread more than just about any others I follow
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