We came home late from dinner at a friends house. I was out back making sure the back porch and yard were clear before letting the dog out, when I hear my daughter yell from the front "Daddy, bring the shovel."
My bride opened the front door to grab a package, and thankfully looked around before bending down to grab it. He probably would have stayed in his corner, but not what you want to see at your front door.
The snake war continues. I'm not so sure that they aren't coming over from the neighbors place. The back of their property butts up to the front/side of mine. Theirs is fully fenced and heavily treed, so I can't see in.
Before I go tearing down fences, burning bridges, and firing off propane cannons, I'm going to go knock on their door (haven't met them yet) and ask if there are any wood piles or anything in the back that might be habitats for the snakes. I think I've heard a dog, so she might be interested in the issue. Hell, I might even offer to help her clean them up if so. I've only ever seen 1 older lady there.
I know, not exciting by OB standards.