Why don't you offer some data points or something other than drive by comments with no information or contribution to the discussion?
What a train wreck…..Teslag said:
Consider the source
Halfway through first article:JustPanda said:
This is the best you can do? Your 2022 article was a review of very old research that suggests a vegetarian diet lowers the risks of prostate cancer. But that very article referenced a piece that pretty well debunked the methodology and conclusions of that study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41391-022-00601-xJustPanda said:
JustPanda said:
Show of hands - How many of You're Trump voters?
You're a cute little walking textbook of logical fallacies. We try to have an actual discussion with you and you reply with middle school jokes?JustPanda said:
How many of you have a 6 pack? 8 pack? We will lower the bar - how many can even touch their toes or even better put your palms on the ground?
I feel like pictures should be required to talk about fitness. Sensing a lot of 350+ lbs talking about running technique while they sit in the couch because they have bad knees.
If you can't see your man parts because of your belly, please refrain from commenting.
Hungry Ojos said:
I certainly hope he's trolling because if not, he is by far, the biggest ***** I've ever come across in 45 years on this earth.
My God.
To be fair, you can actually smoke yourself thin.ThunderCougarFalconBird said:remember when it was thought that you could smoke yourself thin?schmellba99 said:This.TarponChaser said:Aggie_Boomin 21 said:JustPanda said:
Vegetarian diet decreases the risk of almost all cancers. As someone w a predisposition, I'll cut my cancer risks wherever possible.
Post sources.
And do you at a minimum supplement B12, creatine, carnosine and/or beta-alanine, D3, DHA, iron, calcium, zinc, and protein?
If you aren't, then you're most likely nutrient deficient in a way that is much more likely to decrease your quality of life than the potential small increase in cancer risk.
Virtually all the data from the last 10 years or so shows that the directives on diet basically from most of the 20th and early 21st century is absolutely terrible for your health.
All the stuff about low-fat, high-carb, lots of grains, etc is terrible for us. Eat the least processed stuff you can get. Meat (not processed stuff), fish, fresh veggies (not grains or starches), real fruit, and real butter.
Growing up my mother was so terrified of fat/cholesterol she pushed margarine over real butter and now all the data shows that real butter is far healthier and not remotely the health risk it was once thought. Especially if you go with high quality, grass-fed butter like Kerry Gold.
There have been numerous studies recently debunking the prior claims about red meat causing cancer and the biggest criticism the folks advocating for the plant-based diets have is "it undermines public trust because we've been telling them red meat is bad for you for years."
The whole "food pyramid" is pretty much garbage and almost nothing about it is correct. It was designed in a time where we thought ultra processing everything was the wave of the future and was so much better for us because the ability to fortify foods was the rage.
This is the time frame where the medical profession encouraged moms to not breast feed and instead go directly to formula. Margarine was better than butter, eggs would kill you and were to be avoided, soft drinks were good and should be consumed, etc, etc, etc.
We know now that all of that was absolutely wrong. Just like the idea that eating only vegetables is somehow healthier and reduces risks for whatever calamity you are trying to reduce risk for is also absolutely wrong. Some people will never be open to the idea that their way of thinking isn't the best out there though. Vegans are among the worst at this.
Conversely, it's hard to be vegetarian/vegan and have the strength to do more than velcro your shoes on every day.JustPanda said:
You guys are hilarious. You lost 25 lbs because you were overweight. Being fat makes that easier. That's doesn't mean you're drastically healthier just not as fat.
If I tried to lose 25lbs it wouldn't be possible. I only carry like 10 lbs above essential.
If we looked at obesity in omnivores vs vegetarians, it's not even close.
It's hard to be houston fat and vegetarian