That is the way I view it. If the police and local leaders don't want people hunting down thieves and killing them, they should do a better job of pursuing the thieves themselves when people report something stolen. The absence of effective law enforcement is what leads to this.River Bass said:
This is vigilante or frontier justice and it is how most of our country led to civilization.
It is rooted deep in our nation's history and character.
In the absence of functional law enforcement, its the only option.
It's scary that it comes down to this, we have to handle it ourselves, and their stinky liberal asses will then allow us to be sued out of existence by the very aholes that raised them to be thieves and killers.txags92 said:That is the way I view it. If the police and local leaders don't want people hunting down thieves and killing them, they should do a better job of pursuing the thieves themselves when people report something stolen. The absence of effective law enforcement is what leads to this.River Bass said:
This is vigilante or frontier justice and it is how most of our country led to civilization.
It is rooted deep in our nation's history and character.
In the absence of functional law enforcement, its the only option.
txaggie_08 said:Well you sure can't count on law enforcement to take care of it.Quote:
"If you are to get your vehicle stolen, I know that it's frustrating, but please do not take matters into your own hands like this," Soliz said.
Seems that maybe doing something about the stolen truck would have been easier than the homicide investigation.
Owner: Hey Police, my truck was stolen and I've got the exact GPS location from a tracker!
Police: We don't have time for that.
Owner: I'm going to go get my truck.
Police: Don't do that. Leave it to us.
Owner: You said you don't have time!
Police: ...
Owner: Hey you guys got time for a shooting investigation? BTW, I got my truck back!
TikkaShooter said:
I think its normal to be upset that the police departments in all major cities DGAF
I don't think its normal to be "meh" about killing someone for a truck. Kinda shocked how many posters here are applauding the "i'll happily hunt down and kill a thief" mentality. Y'all need to see your pcp and get a script for some SSRI's.
If was good enough for horse thieves then …. Iron horses deserve the same respect.Trucker 96 said:
I would never convict someone for killing a car thief. I don't care how premeditated or unfair the fight ends up being
i read somewhere that 75 trucks were stolen there.jtp01 said:
My sister's pickup was stolen at SA livestock show this year.
TikkaShooter said:
I think its normal to be upset that the police departments in all major cities DGAF
I don't think its normal to be "meh" about killing someone for a truck. Kinda shocked how many posters here are applauding the "i'll happily hunt down and kill a thief" mentality. Y'all need to see your pcp and get a script for some SSRI's.
TikkaShooter said:
I think its normal to be upset that the police departments in all major cities DGAF
I don't think its normal to be "meh" about killing someone for a truck. Kinda shocked how many posters here are applauding the "i'll happily hunt down and kill a thief" mentality. Y'all need to see your pcp and get a script for some SSRI's.
Easy solution for the people who are worried about people being killed for stealing a truck. Stop stealing trucks. If it isn't worth killing somebody over, it isn't worth dying for either. All of this stops if people stop stealing things or the public has some reason to believe the police will help them if it does. As long as theft is rampant and the police refuse to do anything to help, IMO people are justified to use force to protect their $50+k vehicles.TikkaShooter said:
I think its normal to be upset that the police departments in all major cities DGAF
I don't think its normal to be "meh" about killing someone for a truck. Kinda shocked how many posters here are applauding the "i'll happily hunt down and kill a thief" mentality. Y'all need to see your pcp and get a script for some SSRI's.
I don't think it's normal to be "meh" about killing someone for a truck. Kinda shocked how many posters here are applauding the "i'll happily hunt down and kill a thief" mentality.
I would have taken the over on that.rlb28 said:i read somewhere that 75 trucks were stolen there.jtp01 said:
My sister's pickup was stolen at SA livestock show this year.
this is the exact type of lesson I was teaching my 6 y.o. daughter this weekend after she came crying that her 4 yo brother punched her in the face. Turned out she had been harassing him verbally and physically and he finally snapped and clocked her. my lesson to her was that, while it was not ok that he punched her, that sometimes when we hurt people, they will hurt you back whether or not it is right, and so often, the best way to not get hurt, is to not hurt/be mean to others. if a 6 year old can understand this, it shouldn't be hard to teach to adults. don't play stupid games, and usually, you wont win stupid prizes.txags92 said:Easy solution for the people who are worried about people being killed for stealing a truck. Stop stealing trucks. If it isn't worth killing somebody over, it isn't worth dying for either. All of this stops if people stop stealing things or the public has some reason to believe the police will help them if it does. As long as theft is rampant and the police refuse to do anything to help, IMO people are justified to use force to protect their $50+k vehicles.TikkaShooter said:
I think its normal to be upset that the police departments in all major cities DGAF
I don't think its normal to be "meh" about killing someone for a truck. Kinda shocked how many posters here are applauding the "i'll happily hunt down and kill a thief" mentality. Y'all need to see your pcp and get a script for some SSRI's.
Not a spare key....just the key.Watchful Ag said:
How did it all go down? Roll up with a spare key?
Uvalde PD on line 1.txaggie_08 said:Well you sure can't count on law enforcement to take care of it.Quote:
"If you are to get your vehicle stolen, I know that it's frustrating, but please do not take matters into your own hands like this," Soliz said.
Congrats on being part of the problem.TikkaShooter said:
I think its normal to be upset that the police departments in all major cities DGAF
I don't think its normal to be "meh" about killing someone for a truck. Kinda shocked how many posters here are applauding the "i'll happily hunt down and kill a thief" mentality. Y'all need to see your pcp and get a script for some SSRI's.
Motherfuggin TRUTH spoken here folks. TRUTH.highvelocity said:
really wish people would stop victimizing criminals that **** around and find out.
"no life is worth a thing" argument is so played out. if you're a criminal and get smoked whilst doing criminal things, throw some dirt on them and move on.
In Harris county they won't bother because the democrat black magic judges will just release the criminal on a PR bond and they'll subsequently walk out the courthouse door and go right back to committing crimes again.agwrestler said:Morpholino said:Quote:
"If you are to get your vehicle stolen, I know that it's frustrating, but please do not take matters into your own hands like this," Soliz said.
What are you suppose to do, wait until the truck is found in Mexico or taken apart in a chop shop?
In SA (or any other majormetro area), you could provide real time GPS, pictures and video while LEO are preoccupied with traffic accidents.
Yep.txyaloo said:The Legislature did address this about 15 years ago. You can be sued for property damage but generally have civil immunity for personal injury/death as a result of a good shoottxags92 said:This is really something our legislature should address. If somebody is found to have been justified in using deadly force, it should be illegal to sue them for damages resulting from that use.3 Toed Pete said:I agree with you. Unfortunately, there will almost certainly be a civil trial where the dead man's family sues and wins a large settlement from the shooter. That's the part most people never think about and only consider whether or not they could be charged with a crime. Our legal system does not favor the honest, law-abiding citizens, especially in Texas' major metro areas.BlackGoldAg2011 said:
- So owner tracks down stolen truck and confronts the thief. (no crime here)
- owner believes the thief pulled or was trying to pull a gun. (reasonable fear for life, even if no gun is found)
- owner smokes the bad guy, defending his own life with lethal force (justifiable homicide, pretty cut and dry).
seems to me unless there is video evidence that the truck owner approached the thief already waving his gun around (or the owner says something really stupid to police), this is (or should be) a pretty open and shut case of a self defense shooting.Quote:
Sec. 83.001. CIVIL IMMUNITY. A defendant who uses force or deadly force that is justified under Chapter 9, Penal Code, is immune from civil liability for personal injury or death that results from the defendant's use of force or deadly force, as applicable.