dude in the green shirt sends 'em off and turns around and is walking like a man who is about to go watch golf on tv and take a nap.
He got rid of the yahoos now he ready to enjoy his day. And thats the real tragedy in all this.
But he violated a cardinal rule of seamanship which is dont turn your back on the sea.
He turned his back on the sea and shook hands with danger.
Would be surprised if the guy didn't mess up his knee and hip. He felt that the next morning. He got caught totally off guard. That's a different kind of fall right there.
But he did look mad as hell when he in that water.
The guy in the water must have been cussing up a storm because the guy jumps off the pontoon boat to come help in a rush like there was yelling involved.
That guy that fell in the water is probably still mad about it at this very moment.