Novice here so please go easy.
I've never hunted ferel hog. Is dressing one fairly straightforward? Don't laugh - do deer processing places deal with ferel hogs? Is the meat generally considered decent or is it an acquired taste? Is it considered in poor taste / bad ethics to just kill and not eat hogs?
I've hunted and eaten dove & quail and don't care for dove but love quail. Wild turkey hunting intrigues me - is it decent eating or overly lean?
Novice here so please go easy.
I've never hunted ferel hog. Is dressing one fairly straightforward? Don't laugh - do deer processing places deal with ferel hogs? Is the meat generally considered decent or is it an acquired taste? Is it considered in poor taste / bad ethics to just kill and not eat hogs?
I've hunted and eaten dove & quail and don't care for dove but love quail. Wild turkey hunting intrigues me - is it decent eating or overly lean?