Beretta Outlander A300 in Realtree Max-5? Put 60 rds through it at a skeet shoot last year but other than that hasn't been used. Bought it for a duck gun myself. Hadn't thought of getting rid of it but it's not getting used anytime soon.
highvelocity said:
Anyone have a duck gun they're looking to part with? Lookin for something under $1000. Beretta, benelli, cz, etc
AgFlyGuy said:
Beretta Outlander A300 in Realtree Max-5? Put 60 rds through it at a skeet shoot last year but other than that hasn't been used. Bought it for a duck gun myself. Hadn't thought of getting rid of it but it's not getting used anytime soon.
drummer0415 said:
I'm already in discussions with other guys about 2 different p320s, but I am interested. Go ahead and shoot me a couple pics and what you're looking to get for it.
J_Daddy05 said:
Apparently I've got to get in line too. Probably not a cash thing for me but maybe we could play swapskies for a P07+ammo and a 6.8spc build.
AgFlyGuy said:
highvelocity said:
Go for it. I was able to find a beretta al391 extrema with a bunch of briley chokes for $700 here in DFW I'm picking up today
AgFlyGuy said:
He's trying to find something more local, so don't think he'll mind, but not something I was really planning to sell, so no big rush on my part either way.
Still looking for this if anyone is looking to offload one. Also looking for older revolvers as well.stroodles said:
Long shot, but several months there was a Ruger Super Redhawk in 44 mag with a scope that was posted on this thread. That gun is sold and gone, but it peaked my interest.
Does anyone have one they're looking to sell either with or without a scope?
drummer0415 said:
Update on my earlier request. I was able to meat up with a good Ag from this thread and acquire a p320 full size, which is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for being such a great group.
where is this one located?hudmoon said:
Ruger ranch rifle 223/556. Like new with a Nikon 4-12x scope. This one does not accept ar15 mags but i spoke with ruger today and they sell a mag well replacement to accept ar mags for $20. $600 firm