My dad (CanyonAg77) made a pretty cool Christmas present for me this year: A Discada.

For those who don't know what it is, discadas are repurposed plow discs used to cook with in Mexico/South Texas. This one was made using a plow disc that had been used on our family farm, making it extra cool (to me).
Because of the shape/thickness, it's a lot like a wok, with liquids/grease collecting in the middle, where it is warmest. I started seasoning mine this week, using the most appropriate possible seasoning ingredient....bacon.
Thought I'd share this morning's results with the OB.

Right now I'm using a turkey fryer stand/burner, though he's working on a more portable setup using a bigger burner.

Toasting a little sourdough in the bacon grease:

Plus an egg:

The nice thing about a heavy discada is that while it is very hot in the middle, I can push the bacon/bread to the sides while I cook the egg and its cool enough that there is no risk of over cooking.

Not a bad little one dish breakfast.

For those who don't know what it is, discadas are repurposed plow discs used to cook with in Mexico/South Texas. This one was made using a plow disc that had been used on our family farm, making it extra cool (to me).
Because of the shape/thickness, it's a lot like a wok, with liquids/grease collecting in the middle, where it is warmest. I started seasoning mine this week, using the most appropriate possible seasoning ingredient....bacon.
Thought I'd share this morning's results with the OB.

Right now I'm using a turkey fryer stand/burner, though he's working on a more portable setup using a bigger burner.

Toasting a little sourdough in the bacon grease:

Plus an egg:

The nice thing about a heavy discada is that while it is very hot in the middle, I can push the bacon/bread to the sides while I cook the egg and its cool enough that there is no risk of over cooking.

Not a bad little one dish breakfast.