Yes, the area has always had flooding issues because of the rock base, the elevation changes and the resulting gullies and canyons, the type of heavy rapid rainfall events that can occur in the region due to the local climate and intense frontal activity and long lines of supercells that can form, and you get a lot of rapid aggregation and channelization of rainfall.
What is changing over time is that people, myself included, are very drawn to those canyons and streams with their shade trees and such, and you have boatloads of people living in them now, and building as if the water doesn't rise 20 or 30 feet in a few hours. To add to that, we in fact HAVE been covering thousands and thousands of acres of rolling farmland and fields with asphalt and concrete, and then channeling that flow into storm drains that very rapidly dump that water into creeks and rivers so most of us can continue going about our business in heavy rain, which makes flood control models and data obsolete every few years. In the last decade or so we have begun to attempt to mitigate this effect with attempts to capture and hold runoff in basins and small reservoirs that have outlets with limited flow rates in order to delay the surge of runoff into the natural creeks and rivers, and it has helped, but we have a lot of catching up to do, and at the rate we build new drainage and add new burden to existing systems we have trouble really planning and anticipating the effects of our development on drainage. Adding small reservoirs on major side creeks that only limit flow rate at the outlet is probably the best strategy to limit flooding on the main river, but you have to have undeveloped park space for them to fill up into in a flood event until they can slowly release down to regular flow rate.