quote:Don't know about your gins, but ours face a yearly "horsepower charge" for their electric motors. For those who have never had an electric irrigation well or other large motor, you get to pay a minimum yearly charge for being connected to the grid. If you use the elctricity, you use that up.
Sadly our gins are major employers in the area so there is some major trickle down impacts that are going to occur. We are being told the ginners are going to give it a shot, but we got another 1-2" in the last 24hours. It will be weeks before we even get to pick it.
But if you don't run, or don't run very much, that money is gone.
So gins look at thousands, or maybe tens of thousands of dollars of outlay, just for the privilige of trying to run. If they only gin a little bit of cotton, that money is totally pooped off.
It's been a while since I had an electric well that big, so maybe it's different now.