Total weaksauce. It's sunny outside as we speak.
I don't know if I would call it overhype considering what happened about a month ago. If we get the amount of rain they are saying we are going to get, we are going to see major flooding. I don't have a problem with school districts and other companies letting students and employees off early to go home before the serious rain hits. Just my opinion though.
It has really petered out
No rain even near us here in Austin
I was under the impression that it was going to come through our area tonight. If it wont be here until tomorrow, then I agree with you completely.
Radar shows Austin is getting rain right now.
We had 1 rain storm. That's it. There is no rain here right now. Mist does not count
But was it apocolyptic? There were offices that closed downtown at noon for a rainshower.
The storm was fast moving.
I am down in Oak Hill area and had 1
quote:According to a video that was just posted on FB, it looks like they are releasing quite of bit water out of Belton now.
Actually Belton Lake is only releasing 27cfs.
Tomorrow yes I agree but to go full retard and tell people to go home at 3 is the sky is falling mentally
Tomorrow yes I agree but to go full retard and tell people to go home at 3 is the sky is falling mentally