3.5" today, 11" since Wednesday. Annual rainfall here is 36". We passed 36" today and it's still coming down. Ray Roberts is now just 2' shy of flood pool. Unbelievable.
According to this, Ray Roberts is 5'
over flood pool.
My uncle ('50, Animal Husbandry, president of one of the Ag clubs while there, and his pic was still on the wall of Kleberg last time I was in there) and cousin ('83, BS AGEC, MS LERE) in VV got hit hard the other night. They didn't have their cattle locked out of the bottom, since the cows are usually smart enough to make their way to higher ground when the creek gets up. Consensus is that the cows sensed the tornado coming from the SW and were huddled down in the creek bottom. 5-6" of rain dumped on them and upstream at the same time, and they think a wall of water hit them. Half their herd is missing, and they've spent the last couple of days rounding up surviving strays. A registered bull they bought recently is rumored to have been seen alive, and they know of two dead cows that were tangled up high enough in trees that they couldn't read ear tags to ID them. The only good news is that it is only a couple of miles before Spring Creek dumps into Ray Roberts, so that narrows their search corridor.
They were interviewed on the national CBS news the other night as they were out looking for cattle.
They got hit again today with another 5-6" of rain and the creek got out again. You can see the debris tangled up in the guardrails along the road in one of the pics from the flood the other night. The other pics show the water coming up, and it was rising when these pics were taken earlier today. Those are mature pecan trees that are inundated, and they are a good 100-150 yards from the creek channel, which is ~15-20' below the land gradient. The water was up at least twice as high the other night.