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Odd and creepy outdoor stories

43,435 Views | 132 Replies | Last: 5 yr ago by SteveBott
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Nothing supernatural or creepy, but this scared the hell out of me at the time:

Hunting in Concan in a tree stand. I had been out there for a few hours and hadn't seen much. Everything was quiet. All of a sudden I looked up and a fighter jet flew so close to me that I think I could have spit on it. Then, of course, I heard it--loud as hell and gone as quickly as it came.

I guess some S.A. AFB does manuevers out there in the hills or something. Scared me good.

Probably from the base in Del Rio.
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CTP, that's a pretty funny story and reminds me of a High Island trip my buddies and I took in college. This one isn't too creepy besides the perverts, but may be good for a laugh. TLDR warning.

I love to fish, and had therefore heard about the legendary runs of bull redfish that stage off the beaches of High Island every fall. My buddies are novice fishermen, but I manged to talk a couple of them into fishing with me and to camp for a night. So we piled up my Four Wheel Drive truck with all my fishing gear and of course a couple coolers full of cold keystone light (9.99 for 30 stones!) and made the drive from College Station. Now, we were living in the dorms so we were pretty limited on gear storage. I had my parents bring my surf rods in on a previous game day, but we were pretty light on camping gear. I figured we would just fish all night or sleep in the truck for a night and then drive back to College Station.

This was our first trip to High Island and I wasn't aware of the "interesting" folks that patrol the first couple miles of the beach at the time. We got there around mid morning and drove down the beach to a spot that had plenty of elbow room to set up my surf rods but was close enough to the road in case we had any problems with the sand or the tide that we could likely flag down some help. The surf was pretty rough, but I figured we were finally here, might as well give it a go. I proceed to cast net some mullet for bait and my buddies set up a few lawn chairs and dug some holes for the PVC pipe rod holders. I caught a couple horse mullet and cut them up and set out a few lines.

Throughout the day the crowd around us began to gather, but they were still a couple hundred yards away in either direction, so you could never get a good look. The fishing was amazingly slow, but around mid-afternoon I finally got a good run and reeled in a nice 47" Bull Red. I was pretty pumped to catch my first Bull, so even though the fishing was slow and the wind and surf were rough, I was determined to keep at it.

Not long after that, this old fat bearded dude in a beat up Bronco started driving by us extremely slowly and was just gawking at three college kids with their shirts off, drinking beer and trying to catch some fish. It continued sporadically all afternoon and finally got to the point that we all agreed we should confront this creepy guy on his next pass to figure out what the heck his intentions were before nightfall came. So sure enough around dusk here comes the bronco puttering past us at a crawl and just staring at us. We signal to him and kind of walk towards his bronco so we could talk to him. Well he stops all right and unfortunately opened the door to his bronco and stepped out in his full glory. That image has scarred us for life. This ole boy was rolling down the beach in his birthday suit all afternoon trolling for more than kingfish and thought we were flagging him down for his services, I guess. We all were all caught off guard at the display and he could tell by our reaction that his company was definitely not welcome. He quickly hops back in his bronco (fat rolls and other things flopping) without a word being said and hits the gas pretty good to get on down the beach quickly.

We all had a good laugh and a few conversations on if that just happened and if we were really on a beach in the middle of nowhere Texas. Well it was now starting to get towards dark and we decided we wanted no part in camping next to such a guy, and we had consumed way too many keystones to drive home, so the only option was to head further down the beach to get away from people. So we loaded up our gear, jumped in the truck and headed down the beach to find a quiet spot void from perverts where we could stay for the night. As we passed the groups, we soon saw that our Bronco friend was not an isolated perv. There were multiple banana hammocks and birthday suits surrounding where we had spent our whole afternoon. No wonder ole boy thought we were open for business. The craziest scene was this old dude all by himself (no vehicle or person within hundreds of yards) complety buck naked simply standing up on this Texas beach around dusk just staring into a fire. We sure didn't count on seeing that scenery when we made the drive to High Island that morning.

Well we finally got away from the first couple miles of high island beach and went well past the last group we saw. We finally thought we had an adequate buffer zone and decided this would be home for the night. We were done fishing at that point, but still had plenty of keystones to kill so we decided drinking away the terrors we had seen that evening would be an appropriate end to a day we wished we could forget. For the next few hours, we put a dent in our beer stash and had a few good laughs at the days events. We had a fire going and were just thowing our beer cans in a big pile next to the fire to pick up the next morning before we left. Finally, we had consumed enough beer to possibly sleep. Now sleeping on the beach is a miserable experience, sleeping on the beach in a truck cab is an even more miserable experience and sleeping on the beach in a truck cab with fears of perverts dancing around the truck naked basically leads to a sleepless night. Somewhere through the night, without us knowing, one of my buddies decides the truck isn't working so he literally throws his sleeping bag under the truck on the sand and goes to sleep. I wake up the next morning to some clinking of metal. Windows are completly fogged up from the humidity, sea breeze, and dudes sleeping in a truck cab all night. I look around and only one of my friends is in the vehicle. My first thought was that bronco boy is doing unspeakable acts and lord knows what to my friend leading to the clinking. So I pile out of the truck not knowing what the heck I am about to encounter on this God-forsaken stretch of beach called High Island. My buddy rolls out from under the truck and we both stare as we see a FULLY CLOTHED PERSON all by himself hammering a sign directly in the sand in front of our huge pile of keystone light cans that reads: "High Island Beach Clean-up Day".

We brought out our trash bag, quickly cleaned up our cans, and explained to the clean-up dude we were going to get the cans in the morning which is why we had them in a pile. He wasn't too friendly about it, but we weren't looking for friendly on that beach anymore. We piled into the truck and with one heck of a hangover and one hell of a story, we got the hell off High Island and high-tailed it back to safe confines of beautiful College Station.
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Not really creepy, but more funny/odd.

One summer night my cousin, a buddy, and me were headed down to Sargent. I was working a night shift rotation and we weren't able to leave Houston until about 1 or so in the morning. I had a extended cab Chevy at the time and so the three of us had to put our luggage and beer in the bed of the truck. I had just bought the truck a week or so before, and kinda wanted to see what it would do. Well, we get to 457, which is relatively deserted and very straight road, especially at almost 3 am, and I decided that I wanted to see what the Chevy would do. I got it up to about 100 mph, and was kinda slowing down, but still going really fast, and all of a sudden someone steps out into the road. We screeched to a stop (swallowed our stomachs again), and this chick runs up to the passenger side of the truck saying that she has seizures, and that her boyfriend left her at the bar, and could she have a ride home.
I told her alright.
She started climbing in the passenger side, my cousin's eyes got as big as saucers, and I said, "no in the back."
She then asked if we had a beer for her. I told her hell no.
She climbed in the back and sat on the cooler, and guided us to some a back road that I had never seen before. Well, we get to this one road, that definitely had no lights, and no houses in sight, and she keeps telling us to go further in. We all looked back at her and told her to go ahead and get out because the is as far as we are going. She climbed out, no beer in hand. We back the hell out of there, and drove off to the house.
We had a pretty good laugh about the whole situation, but when that chick stepped out in front of us in the middle of the night it scared the crap out of all of us.

If this happened in the vicinity of Cedar Lane at all, good call stopping where you did and getting out of dodge. That is a strange neck of the woods down there, and 457 at night is just kind of a spooky place to be.

Many years ago my wife was driving from Bay City to LJ (may have been the other way around, not sure) at night and right in the general vicinity of Cedar Lane she said a woman came running out of the woods topless across the road trying to flag her down. She was by herself and this was about the time some people had gone missing in the area, so she didn't stop. Freaked her out pretty good.
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Went on a morning dove hunt in September near Refugio. The gate was locked, so I walked in and was walking down a very long, straight caliche road in the pre-dawn light. There was a small ditch running parallel to the road and beyond the ditch was plowed field. The ditch had pretty high grass in it from retaining water. I had my .12 gauge Remington 1100 on my shoulder just humping it on to my favorite dove pond. All of a sudden, there is a huge commotion directly to my side in the ditch...maybe 10 feet away. A BIG mountain lion jumps out of the grass and starts running directly away from me across the field- I figure that it had been watching me walk up the road and decided when I got closer that I was too big to take on. I should have dropped a little 7 1/2 bird load on his butt just to remind him that it's not a good idea to jump me. I saw this cat 3 additional times- once it crossed a sendero 30 yards from me and a friend as we were standing there talking.

At another ranch I hunt, one of our guys dropped a spike under a feeder right before dark. It was dead- never even moved. He went down there after dark to pick it up and it was gone! He saw some drag marks and started following them....they stopped at a tree. He shines his flashlight up into the tree- there's the spike! Had to be a big cat- right? We never saw tracks or any sign of cats, but this was around George West so it's definitely cat country.

They're out there, boys! Keep an eye out!
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OE_Ag11, here you go: http://www.survivalistboards.com/showthread.php?t=87044

Sorry for not linking it, you will have to copy and paste. It is a great thread. I had to join to see some of the photos is the posts, but they are interesting.

edit: Well, it linked automatically. Too easy.

This is another I found. The northwest guns one talks about. Haven't got to far into it but looks good.

Tree Hugger
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Some of these are downright creepy.

I see interesting things all the time doing field work, but nothing close to the creepy/fear level that some of these posts have.

It's not uncommon for use to find someone's porn stash out in the woods a couple hundred yards off a fenceline behind a house. We've also found some pot stashes and some crude grow operations, likely some HS kid.

Once when doing a tree inventory along an urban stream we saw an invitation written in marker on a hackberry saying that free BJ's were available down one particular path. Unfortunately, our work required us to follow that path. We found a small cleared area in the privet where someone had cleared the vegetation and spread a bunch of newspapers on the ground to sit on, thankfully it wasn't occupied. We continued with our work and got out of the wooded area into a more parklike setting and noticed a guy walk down the path into the woods. An hour or so later we decided to call it a day and head back to the truck and had to head back down the same path and saw the guy sitting on his newspapers. He asked us if he could give either or both of us a BJ, no charge. We declined. He continued with his sales pitch and said it would likely be the best either of us would ever get, he gets a lot of practice. Again we declined and went on our way. He didn't look like a homeless guy or anything, in fact we weren't terribly far from SMU, he could have been a student for all we know.

Along that same stretch of stream we saw plenty of homeless people and noticed that they all seemed to have an area staked out as their own. The were one lady that had claimed an area under a bridge and we couldn't help but notice that it smelled like an outhouse and even saw a few turds laying about, talk about marking your territory. She even treated us to a show by walking out from under the bridge, dropping her shorts and laying a log right there about 50 feet from us.

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TH, I suspect I know where you are talking about (no partaking here either).

There have been several occassions over the years where I've coordinated a body searchs (suspected dead folks), and found my self standing in the same area 2 weeks to 6 months later for work. Especially anywhere within 3 miles of the 20/45 intersection. Good times.
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During high school me and two other buddies went camping at some of his family's land between Navasota and Conroe. We spent the day drinking beer we smuggled out there, smoking grapevine (genius), shooting off fireworks, fishing and just general high school hijinks.

Well at one point this ol dude rides up the fence line on his 4 wheeler looking up to no good. He's got a pistol on his hip, rifle on the side and asks us who is shooting down here. We explain we were shooting fireworks and he seems kind of miffed and just says he wasn't used to people being down there and drives off. He was a weird dude and just gave us all a bad vibe. Couple that with it being the time that serial killer was traveling Texas on the railroad and one happened to cut through this property by the time night had rolled around we worked ourselves into the worst scenarios possible. Either the railroad serial killer was going to make us his next 3 victims or the guy who could have been in Deliverance was going to do worse. About that time a train whistle blew and we packed up camp in world record speed, tucked tail and drove back.

When we got back late that night/early the next morning our parents just laughed at us, called us idiots and they were right.
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I love this thread. Keep the stories coming!
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Seen some pretty interesting things while out surveying, but about the biggest wtf moment came in SW Arkansas. Came up on two trailer houses. The first one was so trashed I guess they just decided to move the second one in. I'm assuming they have never seen a trash can because all of the trash was in the yard. Well this is SW Arkansas so nothing out of the ordinary yet. The door to the "nicer trailer" was open and out walks some goats. Full grown muddy goats. Once again I had to remind myself of where I was. Something then caught my attention coming around the trailer. A white cow that had been painted purple. We passed by there a few other times and every time that cow would be a different color, green, red, striped. Saw the guy once and all I can say is meth is one hell of a drug.
$240 Worth of Pudding
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OOOOOHHHH YES! I can attest to the fact that as a surveyor in the boonies you see the most incredible things.

The most incredible (as in "WTF did I just find and what is it doing way the hell out here?") thing I've found was in Starr County out in the sticks. We were MILES from anywhere and hundreds of yards from the nearest road, a caliche road at that. We stumbled up onto a rectangle formed by stadium bench seats. Just on the other side of the 'stadium' was a full on concession stand with a BBQ pit, countless coolers, multiple 55 gallon drums for trash barrels. A little further back off into the woods were multiple port o' potties and burn barrels. Trash everywhere. Then about 50 yards past that we walked up on a "hill" that was probably 8 feet tall and 10 feet wide on every side. The hill was made of cages. The cages were full of roosters. We had found a cock fighting ring and by the looks of things it was hopping multiple nights a week. As we hightailed it out of there we started to notice feathers and other chicken parts randomly strewn about in the woods.

Not scary (well, it was scary in the "let's GTFO here before someone who doesn't want us here finds us) but just more disgusting and sad.
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Some of these are downright creepy.

I see interesting things all the time doing field work, but nothing close to the creepy/fear level that some of these posts have.

It's not uncommon for use to find someone's porn stash out in the woods a couple hundred yards off a fenceline behind a house. We've also found some pot stashes and some crude grow operations, likely some HS kid.

Once when doing a tree inventory along an urban stream we saw an invitation written in marker on a hackberry saying that free BJ's were available down one particular path. Unfortunately, our work required us to follow that path. We found a small cleared area in the privet where someone had cleared the vegetation and spread a bunch of newspapers on the ground to sit on, thankfully it wasn't occupied. We continued with our work and got out of the wooded area into a more parklike setting and noticed a guy walk down the path into the woods. An hour or so later we decided to call it a day and head back to the truck and had to head back down the same path and saw the guy sitting on his newspapers. He asked us if he could give either or both of us a BJ, no charge. We declined. He continued with his sales pitch and said it would likely be the best either of us would ever get, he gets a lot of practice. Again we declined and went on our way. He didn't look like a homeless guy or anything, in fact we weren't terribly far from SMU, he could have been a student for all we know.

Along that same stretch of stream we saw plenty of homeless people and noticed that they all seemed to have an area staked out as their own. The were one lady that had claimed an area under a bridge and we couldn't help but notice that it smelled like an outhouse and even saw a few turds laying about, talk about marking your territory. She even treated us to a show by walking out from under the bridge, dropping her shorts and laying a log right there about 50 feet from us.

Moss Park Area? I played paintball there for for a couple years and saw all kinds of crazy ****.
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Beer Legs jogged a memory for me. My mom is huge into genealogy (to the point the rest are very burned out). Which means on trips as a kid we frequently stopped at small church centered cemeteries that vaguely jogged her memory, and pencil sketched headstones. Basically the rest of the family dreaded driving through East Texas, Louisiana and southern Arkansas.

In the mid-80's we to a trip that took us to Natchitoches (apparently many generations ago our family owned a big chunk of western Louisiana, cool knowing now, boring as crap when you are 8-9). Somewhere west of there my mom spotted a church that had a tiny cemetery, and insisted my dad stop. My dad was trying to politely explain it was pretty obviously the wrong demographics (well, in hindsight, not really as it turns out).

My mom practically bailed out of the car to get intobthe cemetery. What you couldn't see behind the church from the highway was this neat little community, on a horseshoe shaped road. By neat, I mean crappy single-wides, OLD shotgun houses, and pretty much everything sitting on cinderblocks.

Oddly enough, right smack in the middle of the horseshoe is an old, in the ground pool, with metal bleachers right next to it. With no water in it. About simultaneously, my dad realizes the pool is coated in blood, I see dog legs sticking out from under an adjacent tarp, and my 4 year old sister is putting on a show gagging from the smell. And heads were started to peak out windows and doors.

Yep, my mom was not pleased with the hasty effort to leave. She had somehow completely missed the whole dog fighting setup.
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And then there was the time we went fishing in Texas City on a whim. We drive down from College Station and got to the dike around 11 or so and found an open bait shop. There were a few people hanging out drinking beer, and there was an old lady working the register. She was about 70 years old and looked and talked like she'd smoked for about 68 of those (think of the landlady from Kingpin). While we were ordering bait she asked, "are you boys here to fish, or are you looking for a real good time?"...

We opted for the fishing.

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Not outdoors but we were deer hunting at my family ranch in Blanco the weekend this occurred. We went to town to grab some lunch at the Blanco Bowling Club and some strange older looking version of Jeffery Dahmer complete with the aviator style clear lenses asks if he can join our table. Dude sits down before we can say anything. He rants about all sorts of crazy stuff like when he was a sniper in Vietnam in "1978". I am no historian but I do know Saigon Fell in the spring of 1975. Dude was a complete wacko. I knew he was full of it so I asked him if he ever shot anyone when in Vietnam and he looked at me with a stone cold crazy eyed look and told me that he "took care of business". At one point he told my friend he wanted to be an archeologist because he loves finding old Indian artifacts. He tells my buddy that he thinks that he must be part Indian (he is full blood German) most likely Apache because of his bone structure but "I would really rather take a look at your skull without the skin on it". I immediately excused myself from the table and high tailed it to the truck to retrieve my XD. I went back in quickly sat down and looked at by buddies with the WTF look as to which they responded with the WTF look. We quickly finished our lunch and made our way out to the truck with Dahmer in tow. He told us that he wanted to get our phone numbers so he could get together with us to do some reloading. I gave him a fake # and he climbed into his beat up Brown 80's model F-150 with the serial killer white shell camper on the bed and New Mexico Plates. To be honest I still look out the window every night to make sure that truck is not outside before shutting down the house. I just know that dude got my license plate number while we were outside trying to get rid of him and will one day come for me.
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For agenjake:

rather be fishing
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the time that serial killer was traveling Texas on the railroad
Went to my good friend's deer lease down south of Falfurrias one time and they had pictures of that guy on their bulletin board of deer that had been killed on the ranch. He worked out there as a ranch hand a few years before (maybe during?) his killings. Pretty damn creepy.

The Fife
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I was visiting a friend in San Marcos while they were looking for that guy. We were at her place watching a movie when out of nowhere the whole back yard lights up with a police helicopter search light. They moved on to check every yard from the air. They didn't catch him that night. Definitely a WTF moment though.
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I was in Big Sandy on my annual summer trip my grandparents when they had the massive manhunt for Jerry McFadden. My grandad was in Houston for a livestock function, and my grandmother had all the grandkids. We weren't allowed outside, and my grandmother kept the doors locked (very odd at the time). Every 5-6 hours assorted law enforcement would come by to check on us, and ask to check the assorted barns. My granddad dropped off the gooseneck up by the high school. Not 10 minutes later it was announced they found McFadden in an abandoned house right next to where he dropped the trailer.

Outdoors, granddad was a long time Ag teacher and had the first meats lab in the state.
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I was hog hunting with a buddy down in a 200 acre river bottom off the guadelupe river near Hochheim. It was nearly dark, hard to see but too early for flashlights. The air was dead still and it was humid as heck and I was dripping with sweat. As we headed down the narrow sendero that ran parallel to the river, we spotted a tecate beer can sitting in the tire rut as if someone had just set it down.

We were on private property way off the county roads, so it was a little unusual to find that can sitting like that. My friend Mike bent down and looked at the can . "Hell, it's still kinda cold and it has a lime in it!" He said white as a ghost. I laughed and called "horse s@&t! as I bent down to check it out. He wasn't lying about the lime, and I couldn't tell if it was really THAT cold. We continued to hunt until after midnight... Stuck a small sow the dogs caught but otherwise he rest of the hunt was uneventful.

We shot the bull a while at our pickups before we parted ways and agreed to hunt again the next day. I stopped to get some gas and a Gatorade when I got back into town. I was coming back out to my truck and an old pickup pulling a Jon boat was parked at the next pump filling up as well. A dirty skinny man in his mid- 50's smiled at me.... with a tecate beer in his hand. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. He took a swig and said "Cant beat them Mexican beers when it's hot out can you?" I agreed and got the f outta there. I told my buddy the story which he passed on to the sheriff. Turns out there is quite a bit of weed grown on the Guadalupe and this guy was likely an "organic farmer"
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My wife and her family talk quite about the resindez serial killer. They grew up in Weimar where I think he killed 1 couple and a preacher. My wife said all the kids slept on the floor in their parents room for days. Everyone was pretty terrified.
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Apache's story reminded me of something that happened to me.

I was doing a scouting trip in Sam Houston National Forest before the season started one day. This was in 2007 I believe, when I was still in school. I had gotten there pretty early one morning and done quite a bit of walking. I parked at a locked gate at a new area around noon, crossed the gate, and took off down the road into the woods. I was about a mile in, and still walking on the road, when I came up to a full size red Coleman cooler sitting in the middle of the road. I stood there and thought about it for a minute or so, wondering how the heck it got there. There were no tire tracks or boot tracks on the road I had came in on. The gate back at the main road was locked. The road looked like it hadn't been used by anyone in awhile. I had walked in here thinking I was probably the only one in this area. Plus, this was in August. There may have been some other folks scouting, but no hunters. Not legally, at least.

My mind started going crazy wondering what the heck was in this cooler, and why was it out in the middle of nowhere with not a trace of anyone around. Was it empty? Was it full of chopped up body parts? Was it full of meat left by poachers who saw me and are now hiding in the bushes, armed, waiting on me to leave? Was Jack the Ripper out there watching me? Are those banjos that I hear off in the distance? I scanned the woods looking for anything. I even yelled out asking if anyone was there, trying to get a response. Nothing.

I decided to not look in it. So I just walked passed it and went on about my scouting, further into the woods. After I was done scouting the area, I had to walk back the same way I came in, and ended up coming right back to that cooler. Again, I scanned the woods looking for someone, or something. And again, I saw nothing. I yelled out again, and still got no response.

I couldn't take it anymore. I had to look in it. So I walked right up to it, opened the lid, and I **** you not.....that cooler was full of iced down Miller Lite. With lots of ice and very little water. It was hot as hell, so I decided to help myself to a couple. So I grabbed 2 cans, yelled out, "Thanks for the beers!" and drank ice cold Miller Lite on my hike back to the truck.

On the walk back, I decided that there was only one logical explanation. Bigfoot does indeed exist in Sam Houston National Forest, and he likes Miller Lite.
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Apache, where abouts in that area? Inlaws live there on the river. We are building in that area currently as well.
The Fall Guy
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Land surveyor here also.

Have had some odd encounters also in the past 14 years.

1. Working in Austin in the Barton Springs greenbelt and had a feeling somebody was watching us. We then hear cackling and this woman in ragged clothes and long hair is running from tree to tree laughing g at us. She gets closer as time goes on cackling away. I finally tell my crew to pack it up. She was getting weird.

2. Working in Van Horn, Texas on IH-10 one afternoon and it had just stopped raining and got foggy. Out of the fog a man on a donkey with a sombrero and a Mexican pullover trots by us. We say he and he just tips his hat and vanished into the fog. Still have not explained that one.

3. Came upon a Meth lab in Blanco County laying aerial targets. House had tin foil on the windows. 2 guys kept coming out and watching us. We layer the targets and got the heck out of there.

4. I was not in the field for this story bit my field crew was. At Barton Springs pool in Austin my crew was Surveying the pool and I got a call from my I-man. He said some Homo was laying 5 feet from his Survey gun and had a hard on. I said what?? He said the 60 something year old man was sunbathing in a banana hammock with a full on boner. I busted out laughing and told him to go say something to the pool guys. He did and they asked the man to move or leave.

5. Was working in Robstown, Texas on US 77 for 2 months about 8 years ago and these 2 chicas would stop every morning and evening to talk to us. We would be nice and converse with them. I was married but the other 2 guys were not. 1 was a 20 year old guy and the other guy was my bosses 17 year old son. The chicas were in their early 20s.
.well after a month we noticed that they would bring their kids along also. They would talk dirty to us and flirt with us. I stayed back but let the other 2 have their fun. One day one of the girls just blurted out that they wanted to take us to the city park and give us blowjobs. All our eyes got wide bit my common sense clicked in but the other two were hit hook line and sinker. I told the girls that we had to work and they left smiling. Well back at the hotel the 2 guys minds were racing saying they would be getting blown the next day. I told them yall can do what you want, but number 1 the 17 year old bosses son was out of the question. Underage and plus my bosses son. The other guy I said would be by himself and if their boyfriends jumped out of a Bush and beat the Hell out of you and Robb you that was your choice. He backed down. The next day we told the girls no and they became more desperate. The last day of our job we told them we would be leaving and bot come back. They freaked out saying we were abandoning them. As we drove off they followed us all the way to ih 35 and up to Oakville and finally turned around. Whacked out small town girls.
rather be fishing
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I was doing a bird survey on Rancho Diana out near Helotes a few years back and walked up on an area that was cleared of grass, probably about a 3-4' diameter area. Soil was soaked with blood and covered with flies. Mountain lion scat laying right beside it. I was over a mile from the office where we had parker and in some pretty rough terrain. I was nervous as hell the rest of the survey season out there.
$240 Worth of Pudding
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2. Working in Van Horn, Texas on IH-10 one afternoon and it had just stopped raining and got foggy. Out of the fog a man on a donkey with a sombrero and a Mexican pullover trots by us. We say he and he just tips his hat and vanished into the fog. Still have not explained that one.
I'm not quite sure why but this has me just tickled pink this morning. It's simultaneously hilarious and badass all at once.
Tree Hugger
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Moss Park Area? I played paintball there for for a couple years and saw all kinds of crazy ****.
It was closer to Lee Park
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Years ago I was working on a wireline crew and we had a job come up in Oklahoma. The rig site was fairly remote, but had obviously been someones's homestead years back as there were some dilapidated buildings and random junk strewn about. A hundred yards or so behind where our truck was parked were five or six old 1940's era cars, basically looked to be just rusted out bodies. I get out of the truck to take a break when I notice what looks like someone sitting in one of the old cars. I move around to get a better view and sure enough there's someone in the car. I figured that it must be one of the guys from the rig crew goofing off so I just went back about my business. A few hours later the guy is still there but in a different car. I ask one of the roughnecks if he's seen the guy and he says "yeah, he's been watching us for a few days. Don't know where he came from."

The next day as we were finishing up I saw him climb out of the car he was in and move in a sort of run crouch to behind a pile of overgrown junk further back away from the rig. I guess he was working his way back out to wherever it was that he came from.
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Love this thread! Keep up the good stories
Bird Dog
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I wasn't present when any of this happened, but here's a crazy story.

My Grandfather's ranch has a large bowl shaped area in the middle where a wet weather creek turns into a lake. This entire area is lower elevation than the surrounding terrain and besides the water it has some big open CRP fields.

One day while working cattle up top he saw a small plane fly over and drop down into the low spot, it never came back up. He was concerned, thinking that maybe they had crashed. My Mom & Aunt were sitting on their horses when the plane flew over so he sent them to ride over to the edge of the bowl real quick and see what happened (at his age he could no longer ride).

They came back and said the plane had landed in the grass and there was also van parked next to it. Keep in mind this was pretty far away so whoever was down there was unaware that they had been spotted. After a while the plane took off and van disappeared, so my Grandfather drove down there and found a bunch of tire tracks, cigarette buttes, etc.

He's wasn't a fool so he called a DEA friend of his and got them involved. This DEA agent spent the next few weeks living on the ranch, camping out and had the whole place under surveillance. He witnessed several more plane landings and witnessed them unloading large amounts of drugs. They set up a sting operation to bust these guys which basically meant they had guys camo'ed out hiding all over the ranch with other law enforcement patrolling all the county roads. The plane showed up and they moved in which turned into a big chase where a few of the guys got away, but at least they quit using the ranch to unload drugs.

Bird Dog
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This is a similar thread from the 2cool forum. Lot's of interesting stuff.

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In March, I want to say '97, went out to Arcata, CA for a wildlife competition. At the time I didn't put a lot of thought into the fact that Spring Break in coastal northern CA wasn't remotely like you see on TV associated with southern CA. We showed up with the best looking women....by a large margin, and it was in the 40's and 50's.

The state university, Humbolt St., doesn't know where about 10% of the students live. They literally wander out of the hills for class. At the opening night social, some girl (no one knew) came in literally wearing a burlap sack as a dress. Not so shocking, there were sticks stuck in her dreads.

We went hiking in the local redwoods park. We got a decent distance from the road, and noticed a group of three a 100 yards ahead of us. Man, woman, and little kid, all with blond blond, waist length hair. They reached the creek bottom a couple minutes before we did, but we could plainly see them. The guy sat down on the ground and pulled a bongo drum out of its handy trashbag. As he started pounding on the drum, the "wife" and kid (call him 3), started dancing around him in some jerky hippie dance.
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When I worked in the oil bidness many years ago, one of the perks we had was that once a year we were allowed to go on a 3 day geology field trip at company expense. Self organized and guided. It was always a good time basically looking at rock faces and drinking beer.

One year we go to northern Alabama. One of the Geologists had done their thesis in the area and knew of the best rock outcroppings. We stop at one of them way out in the boonies on a two lane asphalt road. It was a relatively recent cut and so was great. So to set the scene, there are about ten of us in three of four company cars, all identical color with the cheap ass moon hubcaps and cheap interiors etc. We are on the outcrop chipping rocks when a guy pulls up in a pickup. Middle of summer and he is in full camo. Asks who we are and what are we doing. Of course we are on highway right of way, outside of any fence and pretty close to the road, so not trespassing. He keeps asking questions and eying us. 4 or 5 of our party are yankees and he seems really disturbed when one of them talks. I look at the Geologist who did his thesis in the area. He looks nervous as hell. The camo guy finally leaves. We ask the Geologist that was familiar with the area what is going on. He says, "I am not sure but I have heard rumors of a KKK camp in the area." I think all of the government looking company cars had the camo guy convinced we were Feds snooping around.
Fishin Texas Aggie 05
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these two are kinda lame but ODD

when I was working at academy in college station one of my cowokers got back from lunch and said there is a bird under my truck. that bird was there when I went out and was there late in the afternoon when I went to check on it.


when I left @ 9:00 it was gone

I love my weiner dog, best dog ive ever had. last year when I let her out she was barking a making a huge fuss for being a little dog. I go outside and there is a .... wait for it .... A COOT in the corner of my fence that she has bayed up. I do the nice thing and put it in a dog kennel and take it to the nearest pond (we live in the city) and release it. Coots are very mean birds.

also of note had a similar experience with a juvenile night heron the backyard that my GSP were going ape over
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