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Odd and creepy outdoor stories

43,442 Views | 132 Replies | Last: 5 yr ago by SteveBott
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Not really creepy, but more funny/odd.

One summer night my cousin, a buddy, and me were headed down to Sargent. I was working a night shift rotation and we weren't able to leave Houston until about 1 or so in the morning. I had a extended cab Chevy at the time and so the three of us had to put our luggage and beer in the bed of the truck. I had just bought the truck a week or so before, and kinda wanted to see what it would do. Well, we get to 457, which is relatively deserted and very straight road, especially at almost 3 am, and I decided that I wanted to see what the Chevy would do. I got it up to about 100 mph, and was kinda slowing down, but still going really fast, and all of a sudden someone steps out into the road. We screeched to a stop (swallowed our stomachs again), and this chick runs up to the passenger side of the truck saying that she has seizures, and that her boyfriend left her at the bar, and could she have a ride home.
I told her alright.
She started climbing in the passenger side, my cousin's eyes got as big as saucers, and I said, "no in the back."
She then asked if we had a beer for her. I told her hell no.
She climbed in the back and sat on the cooler, and guided us to some a back road that I had never seen before. Well, we get to this one road, that definitely had no lights, and no houses in sight, and she keeps telling us to go further in. We all looked back at her and told her to go ahead and get out because the is as far as we are going. She climbed out, no beer in hand. We back the hell out of there, and drove off to the house.
We had a pretty good laugh about the whole situation, but when that chick stepped out in front of us in the middle of the night it scared the crap out of all of us.
Alte Schule
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Coryell County quail hunting October, 1979 on a 300 acre tract where my brothers father in law raised goats. Every autumn for three or four years my brother and I took every advantage of the abundant bird population, tall goat weed, three stock ponds just a real nice setting. This place also had a stone wall/fence about 2 1/2 feet tall and and about 50 yards long that was, I would guess, at least a hundred years old with the remains of a natural stone house at one end. Since we were younguns my brother always considered himself an amateur archeologist and was always poking around in the remains of that house and along the dry creek bed behind it. He actually found an old tin box with a bill of sale for 50 lbs of dry beans and six tobacco plugs dated 1875. We found several arrow and spear heads on that property many of which I still have.
We were driving out there in my brothers old Chevy p/u when we heard on the radio that the first "norther" of the season was just coming through Waco and the temp there had dropped from the mid seventies to the forties in an hour or so. Looking north we could see the cloud build up but decided it was still aways off and decided to hunt as planned. After hunting the south stock pond for a bit we decided to go after some quail before the front came through. We drove up to the old stone fence and we got out in the waist high goat weed. My brother walking the fence line and I was about twenty feet off to his left. We hadn't gone but a few yards when my brother dropped two quail right in front of us. It was right then the wind shifted and the available light began to quickly fade. I told my brother to get the truck and I would get the birds. As he started off I caught something out of the corner of my eye. I turned to face it and in the low light it appeared to be someone walking/running towards me from the direction of the old house. He would stop every few feet change direction but always stayed to my front. I brought my 870 up to port and watched as this person stopped and kind of , for a lack of a better word, floated just above the goat weed about thirty feet away. I backed up a few steps and called out WTF do you want! I swear he said something like "me mutte" or something like that. By that time the light was almost nil and the wind was really picking up. I thought to myself, screw this and walked towards this guy but he took off to my left and I lost sight of him. Right then my brother, in his pickup, turned the corner of the old fence and lot up the whole field in his headlights. I saw about 20 or 30 yards away a black garbage being carried by the wind over the goat weed. My brother pulled up next to me and I got in. He looked at me and said "what the hell's wrong with you did you see the goatman or something." He then said " man did you see that bag out there being carried by the wind, I thought it was some dude running around." I didn't say anything and was quiet on the way home.
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IF you google "strange things found while hunting", you will get a thread from a survival forum that is well over a hundred pages long of these types of stories, most being from the pacific northwest. All very interesting. A year or so ago someone started a thread on this board along the same lines, but it was a link to a fishing forum. I love reading these experiences. Unfortunately I have nothing interesting to add.
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Not the best story I have but the only one I can think of at the moment.

Sitting a buddy's ranch near wheelock one night. We were hunting hogs in a forrest near a creek where we had seen a bunch of tracks and could tell they were using a path regularly. 4 of us split in two groups of two in some natural blinds we had fixed up the day before that were probably 25 yards apart and both facing the trail and what we hoped was our killing zone.

So it's probably close to midnight and we suddenly hear a strange noise that I can't even begin to describe. Wasn't a cow, coyote, hog, bird or anything else that most people are accustomed to while hunting just this strange high pitched screech/yell/call/whatever and the animal making the sound does it probably once every 15 to 20 seconds. It starts up fairly close and after just a minute or two begins to fade away, but right as we almost can't hear it, it starts to get louder again.

It ends up sounding like it's right in front of us on the trail less than 50 yards away but when the guys in the other blind turn the spot light on, we can't find it. We look in the trees, on the ground, you name it and never see anything. After a minute or so it starts to fade away and this time is gone for good.

We packed it up fairly quickly after that, and I told the guys in the other blind I had this horrible mental image of like some alien vs predator sh** jumping into their blind and knocking the light out as me and the other guy hear their horrible screams for help and are forced to run for our lives through the forest since we cant shoot towards them.

Silly yes, but we never could figure out what the hell was making that noise and it spooked us fairly good. After the fact we guessed maybe a bobcat or mountain lion (yes I don't need the OB wildlife experts to tell me there's a 99% chance it wasn't because they aren't in that area).
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HA! Probably so. I've had more than one client in a blind with me in the dark and all of the sudden they are ready to pack up and go when foxes start making those weird noised they make.
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After the fact we guessed maybe a bobcat or mountain lion (yes I don't need the OB wildlife experts to tell me there's a 99% chance it wasn't because they aren't in that area).

I've seen a bobcat (looked like a lynx but prolly a regular bobcat) off 21 over the Navasota. Some posters on the Aggieland board claim to have seen some south of CS.
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A bobcat in the CS area would be nothing unusual by any stretch. Fairly common.
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Nothing supernatural or creepy, but this scared the hell out of me at the time:

Hunting in Concan in a tree stand. I had been out there for a few hours and hadn't seen much. Everything was quiet. All of a sudden I looked up and a fighter jet flew so close to me that I think I could have spit on it. Then, of course, I heard it--loud as hell and gone as quickly as it came.

I guess some S.A. AFB does manuevers out there in the hills or something. Scared me good.
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Yeah I was more referring to the mountain lion guess, I've seen a few bobcats on our place in Caldwell and on other people's land so I know they are around.

Interesting theory about the fox, I've never seen one in person or heard one so maybe that was what we heard.
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Mountain lions aren't as rare as you think. Were on the preserve I worked at in Western Travis County. Seen signs of em in the DFW area.
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Afghan, my family is from the Wheelock/Henry Prairie area. Both sides. Anyway, Robertson County is known as "Booger County" for a reason and I've heard vague stories about something roaming the woods. My grandmother alluded to a "varmint" in the woods. I think it's probably a bigfoot-type manimal but who knows. I used to roam all over the area north of Wheelock with a .22 but not at night. We coon hunted the Henry Prairie area a few times, too but I'd assume the dogs would alarm whatever could have been there.
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Which reminds me. While in high school some buddies and I were spotlighting varmints on my grandmother's pasture north of Wheelock and we spotted a large black cat running about 50 yours in front of us. I suppose it could have been a very large black house cat but there are no inhabited houses nearby. It was 2-3 times larger than a house cat, it seemed. It was running accross our field of view and not away from us.
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Uh-oh, big foot and black panthers are getting brought up now to go with the perverts, crispers, ufo's and specters.

If someone throws out a doss and an aoudad story, we may have a new one-stop shopping OB classic on our hands.
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Since I used to watch Harley Berg and he had a jaguarundi on there a time or two, that possibility crossed my mind.
$240 Worth of Pudding
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Best creepy outdoor story ever told on Texags was by NITESIDE back in 2010. I'm a HUGE bigfoot nerd and have heard or read just about every bigfoot story available. I would put NITESIDE's near the top of even the most famous Squatch stories.

It was about 1989 I think. I'd been working "crime beat" in an certain Texas city for about 10 years. Late night, out in the worst parts of town, by myself. Had been shot at, stabbed, totaled two News Units, burned half to death in a forrest fire, attacked by both an Elepahant and a Tiger(another story) and been on the scence at some 36 murders, often before the police.

I'd had enough of PEOPLE and cashed in my chips and headed for the Rockies.

Over the next year, starting down in New Mexico, I wandered my way north. Mostly staying in National Parks. Occassionally dropping in on friends who lived along the way and making an phone call home to let the folks know I was still alive. But keeping to myself mostly.

I moved back and forth, East side to West of the Rockies until I crossed the Lewis and Clark trail and decided to follow it West, taking it all the way to the Pacific where they ended their westward trek and then I turned up into the Cascades.

By now, I was pretty used to the sounds and the feel of nature and the "natural". As I moved farther north into the Cascades, the trees became heavier and the sky's constantly gloomy and rain almost constant. This was not nearly the wide open spaces of the two sides of the Rockies, but rather a...well, if any of you ever saw "Twin Peaks"....that's what it's like.

At North Casacdes National Park, up by Ross and Diablo I parked my van, loaded up my backpack and headed up towards what I thought was a Volcano...wanted to get above the clouds. But as I went, it became clear I had headed the wrong way and was getting deeper and deeper into very unfimilar type of forrests...Thick, dark, deep, so dark that could could rarely see the sun and MOSS grew on all sides of the trees. I wasn't exactly lost, but was "uncomfortable". I was pretty sure I could live out there for months if that's what it ended up taking, cause I'm pretty good at that sort of thing.

I was finally able to establish where I was and it wasn't so bad so I decided to find a little high ground and hangout for a bit.

The first night there all things, although wet seemed bout like my normal camp. I had a good fire, (don't beleive in tents just packaging for bears to eat out of at night) but had thrown a tarp up in a leanto....bout 10pm, things started to change.

Suddenly the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I got a shiver and the sent of a smell...musty...something that I have never smelled before. It was already quite this time of night in the forrest, but suddenly even the mosquitos stopped buzzing me.

The "hairs on the back of neck" thing had served me well in both city and country for many a year and had saved me from more than a few bad situation. So I did not ignore it.

Although it was illegal to carry firearms in the Nat Forrest at that time (except for hunting in certain locations) I reached for my weapon. An old Colt 45 that my Great, great Grandad had carried back when he was a Deputy for Wyatt Earp. (another story) By in large this was pretty much all I ever figured I'd need unless I encounter Brown Bear. I wasn't afraid of much else out there, having stared down some black bear a few times. I did worry about Moose which had more than once treed me and destroyed my camp. But generally speaking even Moose gave you a shot at getting away unless you got in between them and their youngun.

Anyhow, I scooted under the tarp, tossed some logs on the fire in front of it and hunkered down in my bag. Wasn't scared, just a bit confused about the "feel" of things and eventually fell asleep. The fire waned.

Must of been bout 3am and suddenly my tarp was pulled from it's stakes sort of like tossing the bed covers off in the morning.

I shot up in my bag, the Colt at the ready. But there was nothing there. Only a fleeting look into the darkness of my tarp as it disappeared into the thick trees. There was that musty smell again. Sort of a cross between a wet goat and a rattle snake hole.

Then it started to rain. I mean, REALLY RAIN! I scooted myself against a tree, held my gun to my chest and shivered through the rest of the night.

At daylight, my camp seemed OK. Everything in it's place other than the tarp. There were long skid marks in front of my trench fire. Sort of like somebody had run with mini-boggie boards on their feet through my camp. The rain had washed any defination away but from end to end they appeared to be about 18 to 25 inches long and maybe 12 to 15 across. Hard to say cause they had puddled.

Guess it could of been some locals with their Big Foot shoes on, trying to scare me, but that all seemed a lot to go through, way out here just to mess with some lone camper.

Thought it might be a Woverine, but then, a Wolverine would of torn up the whole camp just for the fun of it and probably stopped for a bite of me on the way. Bear the same thing but in the night, when a bear is in your came...it's a fight to the death. You don't scare them away then. Moose, running by in the night? Doubt it. Moose don't just go running through the forrest in the dark. And again, it was REAL Close to the fire, which I don't think a Moose would do.

I decided it was time to leave. As I packed up, the "hairs" came up again. I smelled the musty oder and had the unending feeling something was watching me.

I was pretty sure I knew where I was and started back down the trail I'd come up on. The first part was easy as I had been on it just the day before, but as I traveled I became a bit unsure at points. I also had the constant nagging feeling I was being watched. The weather was totally gloomy and wet again and I had the feeling that I was in some B horror movie. You know, the Blair Witch Project or something.

I reached a point where I had to sit and study the map again. Was not sure I was on the right path and there now seemed to be two of them, one going left, one right.

Suddenly I noticed something blue in the right hand path. I approached it and it was a torn piece of my tarp...ripped, not cut laying directly in the path. Now I had to ponder.

Whatever it was clearly could have come for me at anytime. Although I had the 45 now stuck in my belt and frankly, had pulled it out a couple of times in sort of a panic....but, the fact remained, there was something out there, something big and something that was watching me.

And yet, it seemed to have given me directions out of the forrest. So, not knowing which way to go, I took a leep of faith that whatever this was, it just wanted me gone...nothing more. I followed that path and along the way for the rest of the day I found more peices until I felt certain I was less than a few hours from my van and OUT OF THE WOODS. But, it was growing dark. The rain had started again and now I heard noise in back of me, as if something was driving me...wanted me to pick up the pace. I thought I heard something like grunts....not like a bear might grunt, that's more like a cough. This was more like something trying to spur me forward.Almost a communication. But, it had grown dark and I was exausthed having been pretty much in full flight mode for hours. I stopped. Prepared to spend another night in the woods, with...well, whatever it was.

It was now pitch black...I pulled my gun out and started to pull my backpack off with my other hand, when something hit me from the back. It sent me, my pack and my gun flying into the dark and I came up laying on my pack, the gun I didn't know where it was. I heard the grunt again and it seemed to be right behind me. I reached into my pack grabbed my flashlight, swung around and caught only the glimps of something...well, saw what appeared to be an arm...possibly red, possibly gray, definately hairy as it went behind a gaint tree.

I freaked and like the worst of all tender foots began to fly down the path, as much as I could see with my flashlight. I stumbled, I fell, I ran into things and was pretty well beaten up when suddenly I was in a campground...my campground. The one where I had left my van. I never realized I was so close or I never would of stopped.

I ran to the van and saw a window was broken...Oh, great, Big Foot and burglers too!

But there on the drivers side, front seat, surround by broken pebbles of glass was my Great Grand Daddy's 45. Barrel bent almost straight up.

I got the hell out of there...drove to Seattle where I checked into the finest hotel I could find, got in the bathtub and stayed there for a day. Emptied the mini bar of booze and snaks and tried to make sense out of what had just happened to me.
I had never been driven from anyplace before. Other than the Tiger attack, never that scared.

Was it locals funning with me...kind of doubt it. I'd of figured out men. I probably would'nt have smelled them either and frankly, they couldn't have just run circles around me on the trail. Bear, Wolverine, badger or Moose. Nope, just didn't fit.

My conclusion.??? I had just been stalked and thrown out of a National park by Big Foot himself. And frankly...well, you can go and enjoy the Northwest and the forrests of the Cascades all you want. It's beuatiful... But I ain't meeting your there, I ain't even flying over. As far as I'm concerned, that's Big Foots home and he already served me notice.
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CRAZY Bigfoot story! He's got to still have that bent .45, right??
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We need AC to go hang around the VW/Kentucky stateline for about a week, then he could blow these stories out of the water. Granted, we might not want to hear those stories.
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Thanks a lot Beer Leg. Not like I was planning on getting any sleep tonight.
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There was that musty smell again. Sort of a cross between a wet goat and a rattle snake hole.

I was unaware that my ex-wife had ever been to a national park in the Cascades.
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No creepy story to go with this other than I wanted to take a pic of my B-I-L sleeping in the blind when he was supposed to be hunting. He was really
surprised when I showed him this pic.
later. He actually said "WHO IS THAT?!"

Nuke LaLoosh
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Okay this nite side guy could write a book. Surely he has the 45 right? I'd pay to see it.

And I'm not saying that out of anything other than me being incredibly intrigued.
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The goat man story is pretty good


NSFW language
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Ursus, were you a person of interest or detained by police?
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Nice story Beer Leg
rather be fishing
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Nothing too creepy, but we did find an old wooden stretcher/backboard in the tops of some old oak trees on a place we used to hunt east of Nolanville back about 15 years ago. We eventually were able to get it down and it was a military backboard out of a Fort Hood helicopter. My dad spoke with one of his connections at Fort Hood who said it most likely fell out back during training exercises during Vietnam.
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IF you google "strange things found while hunting", you will get a thread from a survival forum that is well over a hundred pages long of these types of stories, most being from the pacific northwest. All very interesting. A year or so ago someone started a thread on this board along the same lines, but it was a link to a fishing forum. I love reading these experiences. Unfortunately I have nothing interesting to add.

You have a link I haven't found any that long yet.
rather be fishing
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Looks like I jumped the gun... might be this link instead: http://www.northwestfirearms.com/threads/strange-things-found-in-the-woods.70261/

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Carter, no, I made a statement to a local cop and federal game warden. That pretty well ended my knowledge of the matter.
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Back in 2006, I was at a Service Academy prep school in Crestline, CA located in the San Bernardino mountains. There was 3.5 Mike trail that we used to run a few times a week that went all over the mountain (the school was at the peak). Always the inquisitive runner, I noticed at a point about two miles in that there was a narrow footpath that led down a steep embankment. Running by it, I could see that it led to some kind of opening about 50 yards below. I found this odd, since this was a heavily wooded area. I finally got a couple of guys to go check it Out with me one Saturday morning. When we got to the opening, we found that the ground was covered in a sort of light brown sediment far different than the rest of the area. Further in, we found a few odd arrangements of stones that were set in neat circles about 6-7 feet in diameter. At the front, there was some small amphitheater type thing with a Stonehenge-esque table that had odd pot marks and scratches all over it. There was rusting silverware set neatly in the area around the table. These things were creepy, but our main interest was in the two small wooden edifices on site, maybe 10-12 ft each and very unkempt. Already feeling a little frightened, I mustered up some balls and opened the door to one of them. Inside, the walls were covered in some type of blood and the room reaked of death. On the far wall was a cow skull with some sort of makeshift body pinned against the wall covered in an Indian headdress. There were deer heads on the floor with no eyes, clearly in different stages of decay. Even as an avid hunter, I'd never seen anything like it. Some sort of skins were hung up on sharp hooks near the door. Suddenly, the scratched stones, silverware, and rocks made much more sense. Somebody or some group was killing and eating these things on site, while mutilating the bodies, maybe in some ritualistic fashion. We didn't bother going in the second room. We ran back up the embankment and high-tailed it back to the school.

A few years later I was running near my family's house in Colleyville, TX. I ran a three mike road run several times a week that led me down part of Old Heritage Road, which was a poorly paved road with potholes and thick brush all over the place. It was the only country-esque wild setting you're going tofind in freaking Cville. One day, I was on the road and kept feeling like something was around me. I often turned for cars, since the road was narrow and difficult for vehicles to move around. About midway through that run, I turn around and sitting In the middle of the street is the biggest cat I'd ever seen. I knew immediately it was a mountain lion. I'd heard stories of Panther and puma sightings in the area, but didn't believe that it happened in such a highly populated area. My first thought, after, "Holy hell that's a big, big cat" was that it was hunting me. I always heard never to run from big cats as it starts their chase instinct. So we stood there looking at each other. After a few minutes a car drives down the road. The cat turns his head to look at the car, then just sauntered off into the brush. People still don't believe me when I tell that story.
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OE_Ag11, here you go: http://www.survivalistboards.com/showthread.php?t=87044

Sorry for not linking it, you will have to copy and paste. It is a great thread. I had to join to see some of the photos is the posts, but they are interesting.

edit: Well, it linked automatically. Too easy.
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The guy looking in the deer blind window is pretty creepy.

Texas 1836
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FS, looks like my Son has the same hunting technique ...

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On of my first goals in my post-college life was to buy my own bass boat. So as soon as I saved enough money, I bought me a Nitro. My little brother came with me to celebrate. We hooked up the trailer at the dealership and drove straight to the nearest lake to put it in the water. I believe it was Benbrook at the time. Anyway, we fished for a while and decided to go to Fork...couldn't stand driving another minute and NOT being in the boat, so we stopped at Cooper. Fished well into the night, found our way back to the ramp, and then decided to stop at a campground. Found a spot at the north end of Ray Hubbard. Rang the bell at the gate, woke the lady up, she took our 11 bucks, didn't ay much of anything, and let us in.

We built a fire, drank beer, and got relatively loud (not REAL loud, but louder than the folks around the other campfires). I decided to sleep in the boat. My brother wasn't ready for bed, so he took off toward another campfire with 12 pack in hand.

About an hour or so later, he showed back up, and in sited that these were the lamest bunch of camp-fire-sitting people he had ever seen. No one would take a beer, and none of the people with guitars seemed very interested in Robert Earl Keen songs. He was amazed at how lame these people were on a Saturday night at a campfire.

The next morning, we put the boat in the water, fished for a while and decided Ray Hubbard was WAY smaller than it looked on the map. When we finally left, we figured out the answer to the lame campfires and the size of Ray Hubbard. Big sign at the entrance: Lake Lavon Baptist Encampment.
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