Here was my buddys response
I am loved by God, I cannot earn it, I cannot lose it..."
This is the core of the Christian belief (and the Shoreline Dallas creed). This is also the core of my problem with the media's current attack on Phil Robertson "The Duck Commander". This man's words have been twisted and skewed to fit an agenda, and I am not buying it. So let me be clear on a few things.
Christians don't hate gay people, and neither do I. I don't agree with a homosexual lifestyle, but I don't agree with a drug addicts lifestyle either, or an adulterers, but I don't hate them. I don't demonize them for having different views or for having sin in their life (as I still do myself, everyday). I simply don't agree with it. In fact, I still love them. I pray for them. I went as far as to serve my country so that they could also be free and pursue the American dream as they see it. If they walk into my Church on Sunday morning, I will honor them, love them, minister to them; the same way I would honor a heterosexual. Agreement and love are not mutually exclusive. (If you actually read Phil's quote below you will see that he states this clearly, and see that the media conveniently leaves this out.)
"Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise convictions to be compassionate." -Phil Robertson
Sin is sin. Period. It has never been wrong to say that murder is sin, that drug addiction is sin, that adultery is sin. In humility, I have stood before my whole church and talked about the adultery that I committed 10 years ago and how we got through that and how God changed my life. Guess what though, it was still sin. If you don't like it tough, it's still sin. Read the Bible, there is no way around it, it says homosexuality is sin. We are all sinners, everyone one of us so we have no business judging each other for sin since we are all guilty, but sin is still sin.
Jesus died for ALL sin. So saying that one sin is worse then another is foolish and lacks biblical foundation. Rating sin on a scale of not-so-bad (little white lie) to horrific (murder) is a human behavior but not a God behavior. We do this to account for our human laws, but Jesus died for ALL sin.
Jesus spent most of his time arguing with the religious and spending time with the sinners and the hurting people of his time. He is not up in heaven with a lightning bolt waiting to strike you down because of your sin, he is standing with open arms waiting to love you in spite of it. Despite what the media wants you to believe, this is the Christian message. In your darkest hour, in the most secret and hidden of sin, Jesus is still standing there saying "I love you..."
Phil Robertson is human. He is a normal human being that certainly can make mistakes, but is entitled to his opinion. Worse things are said about Christians via the media EVERY day. Phil Robertson is also an American, so he is entitled to his freedom of speech (which many of my brothers and sisters in arms have fought and died to defend). If you don't like what he said, here's a novel idea... DON'T READ IT! I don't like the articles posted by the liberal left about abortion and their anti-gun agenda, so I avoid supporting and reading their materials. However, I DON'T ASK THAT THEY BE SILENCED! They have the right to their opinion as much as Phil does to his, and I to mine. I don't agree with it, so I don't support it. If you don't like Phil and Duck Dynasty, stop watching. I for one, love the show, it's values and especially Si Robertson.
So here is my message to the Liberal Left media and to those who are taking so many quotes out of context without reading what was said in whole. To those who have forgotten what America is actually about and are asking this man to be silenced. Stop trying to demonize this man, and furthermore stop trying to demonize my Jesus. Christianity will not be manipulated because of the media's agenda to bully and silence Christians. We will not be silent, if you don't like it, go somewhere else.
If you decide to hate me for saying this, just know that hate is NOT reciprocated. You can hate me, I will still love you, so will Jesus.