Until they remove God and guns from the show, his stance hasn't been violated
They've removed him from the show for voicing his stance based on, and quoted from, the Bible.
I guess the difference in our views on this is that I think that equates to removing, in some small way, God from the show. And I think, from reading your statements, that you don't view it that way. You view it as, "They're still allowed to say 'God' so God hasn't been removed".
I'm wondering how the Robertson's will view it.
Because there was already a bunch of faux outrage at the time. A&E never asked them to stop talking about God and guns, Phil was just responding to complainers
You may be right about some of the outrage being faux outrage, but I know I've read in more than one place, quotes from the Robertsons, stating A&E has tried to get them to quit saying/doing certain things. Up until now, it was never more than editorial disagreement. But when you go and suspend one of the 4 key characters from the show, perhaps the character that has been the most vocal about the family standing up for their beliefs (at least publicly in interviews), you've pushed the limits to a whole new level.
Thus I think his statements from May are extremely relevant to this conversation.
[This message has been edited by Stive (edited 12/19/2013 12:22p).]