Left a job making over 100k after spending 50k for the new job (to get additional licenses and build some time,) took a pay cut for a few years, now making over 200k. My job isn't something you'd normally just jump in to - airline pilot for one of the big 3 - but the point is I spent money and took a pay cut knowing I'd eventually eclipse what I was making back then. If there are additional skills you can learn or a higher degree you can get, and might need to pay for, or need to take a pay cut to get a foot in the door - it's something to consider.
Have a buddy who hated his well paying desk job. Learned to be a welder. Now makes at least what he used to make, and loves his job. It's scary, especially with a family to support, but having plan A, B, and C to mitigate risks is a good thing to have anyhow.
There's a former military guy in IG I follow because he flew rotorcraft in the Army as well, and he seems to have it dialed in with getting a MBA and launching into a bunch of stuff that pays well. sitreps2steercos. Even if you are not military, he seems to tout good advice on getting your MBA etc. and has a bunch of discussion forums. Believe he's currently in Austin.