Pookers said:
deddog said:
Pookers said:
Open a history book please and see that this does not end well. The clown world economy is going to collapse at some point and then you will have people fighting for land.
What specifically does not work well? Hiring the best possible talent?
Mass "immigration" like we've been doing since 1965.
Fair. i don't agree with it either, even though i have benefitted.
This discussions was about H1Bs specifically.
The current H1B system is being manipulated by companies. However, not allowing any H1s is a bad idea. Want to make it more expensive to hire H1s? Absolutely, go for it. If you're sponsoring H1s make sure they are truly worth it. But make no mistake, there are some exceedingly talented folks worldwide that you want in the US.
For smaller companies (I work for one) outsourcing is a very efficient way to grow. I can hire 10 engineers in India for the price of 1 really good one in the US. There is a much higher ROI with the 10 engineers, alows us to grow. We want to get to a point where we can hire a US only team - if we were forced to hire only in the US, we would pretty much have to shut shop.
Outsourcing also makes many US companies more competitive globally. We don't like to hear it, and rail on CEOs, but it still doesn't change the fact that it's true.