flown-the-coop said:
Iraq2xVeteran said:
From the MSN page, I have noticed numerous articles about angry constituents and protesters giving their congressmembers an earful over Trump-Musk spending cuts.
After an initially tepid response to President Donald Trump's return to the presidency, a series of drastic and possibly unconstitutional cuts to the federal workforce has incited anger among people who fear that they and their communities will suffer from those policies. While a handful of protests outside federal agencies targeted by Elon Musk's DOGE has drawn the most media attention, viral clips of rowdy crowds at lawmakers' town hall meetings have since spread across the internet.
Many of the anti-Trump protests have been organized by progressive groups like Indivisible and MoveOn, who have seen a surge in membership and fundraising. While Republicans contend that the backlash is the creation of liberal activists rather than an organic uprising of Americans in general, videos also show unmistakable anger from constituents in deep-red congressional districts as well.
In one town hall in the district of Rep. Rich McCormick, R-Ga., an attendee, citing cuts to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, demanded: "Why is the supposedly conservative party taking such a radical and extremist and sloppy approach to this?"
McCormick tried to assuage his questioner by saying that overspending would result in shortfalls to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, prompting the attendee to retort that the administration was taking a "chainsaw approach" that was "rushed" and done "sloppily." As the town hall continued, McCormick was interrupted several times by constituents saying, "we're pissed," and "don't bend over," as well as chants of "shame!"
Spooked by public outrage, GOP aides urge lawmakers to reconsider future town halls
The townhalls were quickly shown to be a ruse by the left who funded, hired actors and staged those townhalls.
Usual suspects in Soros, MoveOn.org, WFP.
Outside of faux outrages, singing at the Capitol, and the odd stories about medical school funding cuts and blind mothers, the vast majority of Americans support DOGE. Some polls have support at 75% plus.
Sit back and let DOGE do its thing. We will all be better for it.
I found another article from the Independent: Mike Johnson claims 'paid protesters' are disrupting GOP town halls then backtracks when asked for proof
Mike Johnson claims 'paid protesters' are disrupting GOP town halls then backtracks when asked for proofAnd all these commenters:
Democrats came and filled the seats. Was that mentioned because Johnson thinks that only Republicans are to be served by the Federal gov't? Democrats are YOUR constituents, too. Do Republicans believe that They are the only ones allowed to make the rules? Are complaints and concerns of the Democrats being ignored?
54 thumbs up and 2 thumbs down
I'd like to see his evidence that protesters are/were paid. Oh, that's right, his party doesn't believe in producing evidence. It's all about here-say.
54 Thumbs up and 1 thumbs down
No, the American people are not behind what is happening. Perhaps if Johnson would read some of the emails he is getting from constituents and Americans from across the nation, and listen to the messages that are being called into him too, he would know that already.
He's either intentionally deluding himself or he is willfully lying about it.
21 thumbs up and 1 thumbs down
I agree that DOGE doing their thing will make the US better in the long run, even if it means job losses in the short run.