2040huck said:
91AggieLawyer said:
2040huck said:
Does he still have supporters? The ethics report was pretty bad. Is his political carrer finally over?
Pretty bad in what respect? Give us specifics, please. Or, are you basing that on what others are saying, just like the investigation did?
Several girls, one age 17, said he paid them for sex. He also provided drugs. He didnt even deny it. He just said he has changed since then. I honestly love it when "conservatives" defend this behavior.
And he's not being prosecuted why?
I'm not defending ANY behavior. I don't believe it happened -- at least not to the extent (or in the way, certainly not your summary) it is stated, especially by those that despise him. If all this were actually true, he would have been indicted a long time ago. At the very least, they would have pressured him into resigning from Congress.
His constituents certainly don't buy into it.