aggiehawg said:
Trump will have no shortage of expert pollsters to use as witnesses but there is the question of damages, as previously pointed out and I'm not sure a declaratory judgment really accomplishes anything. Her career is finished.
The Des Moines Register as the publisher does raise an interesting question however. Will have to read the complaint for the legal angle there.
Since newspapers and media outlets are free to endorse whatever candidate they choose, I don't see where he's got any angle against the paper.
There's literally hundreds of polls out there, and if your newspaper decides a particular one is credible and reliable, there's nothing to prevent them from printing it and running with it, regardless of what it says. You're risking journalistic integrity, it would seem, if you go with a lesser known poll, but that's the free market for you.
This seems frivolous on Trump's part at best.
Is this what it's gonna be like this time around? "That media outlet said bad things about me, so I'm going to sue!"
Gig 'Em