Has there ever been a serial killer or mass shooter who had a loving relationship with both parents? Seems like most of them had no relationship with their father, or a very bad one. Some of them had horrible crazy mothers.
The breakdown of the family unit seems like the biggest epidemic our society faces. Maybe we need more good traditional latino two-parent families and should streamline the legal immigration process for them somehow?
The problem is too many white parents are afraid to spank their kids. This problem afflicts mostly white parents. Not black, asian or latinos. White parents think that they are being modern and progressive and civilized by sparing the rod. Talk to any Asian kid, their parents would have spanked them when they were kids and straightened them out at the right age and focused them on academics which leads them to going to Harvard, Stanford and MIT and becoming CEOs. I will wager thatr Vivek Ramaswamy's parents beat the sheet out of him when he was little. Not as abuse, but to parent.
White dads are too scared to discipline their kids these days, they want to buy their love with iPhones and iPads and the kids fall behind other kids with involved parents leading to frustration and anger. Some erupt like this kid.
I blame the men here. Be men. Take control. Be leaders of your family. Stop looking to your wives to tell you what to do. Look at your grandfathers, they were real men.