Kenneth_2003 said:
Enzomatic said:
MaroonStain said:
All work will be subcontract or 1099 by then anyways.
Which is why Newsom has made every effort to ban 1099 classification in the state. It's very difficult to be allowed to be an independent contractor except in very specific scenarios now. It's all part of the plan...
So literally the opposite of what you said will happen.
Wasn't a lot of that initially targeted at Uber and Lyft to protect the taxi drivers? Of course it immediately hit the truckers... Then it wrecked the gig economy associated with the entire entertainment industry.
Literally ZERO forethought regarding the unintended consequences of government intervention in a market
Yep. They aimed at the gig workers, who are literally the main people who SHOULD be 1099 classification. To be fair, the example used in this thread is actually not supposed to be 1099 works anywhere, including California, but the overall intention of the new law there was never a matter of helping the misclassified employees. That wasn't even a problem that needed to be addressed.
Personally, it was going to cost me tens of thousands of additional taxes since I have so many travel expenses and tons of business expenses that would have been disallowed for my gig-based job. I literally fit the definition of 1099, along with so many others, but it didnt matter, since the overall goal was to kill 1099 classification. Before I got tired of all that bull**** and moved to Idaho, where they welcomed me with open arms, I passed on all the lost deductions to my clients in a massive invoice hike just to break even, which they had no choice but to cover if they wanted my services. And in the end is passed on to the customers. Any wonder why that state's economy is such a disaster...