Teslag said:Im Gipper said:Quote:
If Trump can ignore the law and the SCOTUS,
He is not.
So when he presents his 90 day delay to congress he will hand a detailed report of significant progress for china's divestment?
For reference to what Tesla is referencing. P 60. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-118hr8038ih/pdf/BILLS-118hr8038ih.pdf
"Under the law, the president can grant a one-time extension of 90 days if he certifies to Congress that three things are true: There's a path to divestiture, there's "significant progress" toward executing it, and "there are in place the relevant binding legal agreements to enable execution of such qualified divestiture during the period of such extension."
No such binding legal agreements have been made public. "
1) can an "extension" be granted after a deadline has passed? …
2) I'm not sure trump could certify the things necessary (especially 3)
3) where he yields the power appears to be in simply not enforcing the law. Similar to not enforcing laws against illegal immigrants etc. Some goose/gander, but if we are ignoring the law and SCOTUS based on 3, I'll stick with that aint good.