20ag07 said:
Moderators fact-checking Trump is not "collusion".
He could have handled that on stage. He just didn't, because he's not good at debating and is as easily baited as you are.
They weren't even giving him the opportunity to respond to their one-sided fact checking.
His authenticity is his strength in debate. He's not a politician by trade. He's not polished. I suspect he's not been a member of the debate club in any educational institute he's been in.
That is a strength and it has enabled him to win debates because he comes off as real as opposed to the air of artifice and fraud constantly emerging from the likes of everyone he's been up against from Jeb! to Oldfinger to Harris.
He destroyed Biden in 30 minutes, forcing the obviously limited coward out of the race with a kill-shot line. That debate was actually moderated in a fairly decent fashion by CNN.
ABC, knowing they needed to protect the anointed and undeserving Bimbo-in-Waiting, protected her and harassed and badgered him constantly.
The left wing pundits rejoiced. The Dick Cheney Caucus and Hunting Club raised glasses of champagne and fired buckshot into the air.
But when all was said and done, Donald Trump ended up in far better position in that debate than his opponent.
In this country, most of us still share a sense of fair play. When someone is denied that opportunity, we tend to reject those who denied the offended party their chance to represent themselves.
As a debater, as in politics and in life, President Trump is a bull in a china shop.
But at least he's authentic. It is his strength, especially against a dip**** con artist like Harris.