Yall may be talking past each other.
Go to a garden store, you'll see products labeled "Roundup" that don't have a drop of Glyphosate in them
Go to Tractor Supply, and any bulk farm chemical supplier, and there are tons of generic products that are 40-42% glyphosate, just like old Roundup.
I think, though I am not sure, that you still can buy glyphosate labeled "Roundup" or "RoundupMax" from farm chemical suppliers
On a related note, Monsanto built a huge plant just north of Lubbock, to handle their Roundup Ready cotton seed.
The word "Monsanto" is not on the building, it is labeled "Bayer"
Apparently, Roundup by Monsanto is more hated by the ignorant than Zyklon-B by Bayer