aggiehawg said:
C@LAg said:
if you cannot afford kids, do not have kids.
and eliminate the child tax credit as well.
My quibble with that is we wat to incentivize married couples to have children. One of the reasons there are tax deductions for dependents.
I would be okay with tax deductions for child care at licensed facilities or within the work place. Incentivize employers to either have such facilities or deductions for giving employees stipends for same.
My reasoning is that could kill two birds, encouraging a return to the workplace from WFH to help the cratering commercial real estate market (indirectly).
Can't say don't have kids. That's what drives economy, and should drive husbands to be better. However, more faux help by the government is not what's going to fix this. I have 4 kids, three of which were adopted, all elementary age. Wife has stayed home, as well as worked.
The first problem that has to be solved is the people that shouldn't be having kids. Until that issue is fixed, the rest is moot. My solution would be to keep abortions a States rights issue. Also for violent offenders of children that have killed/physically harmed children, or had them legally taken repeatedly, must have court ordered vasectomies and hysterectomies.
Secondly, everything the feds try to do revolving family and taxes is a disaster. Child tax credit? 1200 or whatever it is? Gee thanks. Also, when I had all 4 in daycare I was spending a little over $30,000 a year in daycare expenses. Any guesses as to what we could write off? $17,000.
It's unfair to say "can't afford kids, don't have them." People are having to choose - do I live my life and build wealth? Do I live my life and raise a family? Very few can realistically do both. Also, you can't say "we have to keep incentivizing people" nothing the feds do works. Get them out of family and taxes. Flat tax is literally the only thing that makes sense.