Will Trump regret picking Vance?

8,152 Views | 93 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by txwxman
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bobbranco said:

suburban cowboy said:

Artorias said:

Nobody really cares about the VP.

Right. Until the Dem talking points come out to the media.
They have.

For starters.

Vance won't let you kill your baby.
Vance will take away all your birth control.
Vance will imprison you in a heartbeat.
Vance will make project 2025 rain down on you.
Vance will send your precious to pray away the gay camps.
They would do this with any candidate Trump picked.
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Tactically, he would have done better with Nikki Haley.
She is a good debater with UN-level experience defending our Israel policies and slamming our enemies.
She is just a more attractive and experienced candidate than Vance.
It is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness- Sir Terence Pratchett
“ III stooges si viveret et nos omnes ad quos etiam probabile est mittent custard pies”
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annie88 said:

I'm OK with the choice, but I think Byron Donalds would've been a good choice.
Oh hell yeah!
Ellis Wyatt
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UTExan said:

Tactically, he would have done better with Nikki Haley.
She is a good debater with UN-level experience defending our Israel policies and slamming our enemies.
She is just a more attractive and experienced candidate than Vance.
She's a globalist.
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UntoldSpirit said:

He should have picked Youngkin or Desantis. Politically, Youngkin was the right guy. Desantis would have been the best guy for the party and future.

Yougkin wins Virginia and Virginia wins the election regardless of the rust belt states.
I said this 100 times.

Youngkin has the gravitas to go against Mark Kelly

Vance is still a bit of a goofy millenial.

and we would have won Virginia!

if Trump loses to Kacklin Kamala there will have been SO MANY bad decisions from Republicans between November 2023-November 2024 they will literally create a college course on it.

and if he beats her, then all will be forgotten and forgiven
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I doubt Youngkin could beat Harris in a VA race for President if he was at the top of the ticket. He is not putting VA in play as the VP choice.

VA is way, way down the list of possible battle ground State's in a federal election.

He won an off year election for a State level office when the main issues were school board/education issues and post-Covid State level policies. In any national level race the State of VA is going Dem unless the whole race is a complete blowout.
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DonHenley said:

Picking Sarah Palin helped torpedo any chances McCain had of winning
You think John McCain wanted to win the election?
That's hilarious.
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"Regret" is not in Trump's vocab.
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Ellis Wyatt said:

UTExan said:

Tactically, he would have done better with Nikki Haley.
She is a good debater with UN-level experience defending our Israel policies and slamming our enemies.
She is just a more attractive and experienced candidate than Vance.
She's a globalist.
Did I mention a good debater?
Sometimes perfect is the enemy of good.
It is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness- Sir Terence Pratchett
“ III stooges si viveret et nos omnes ad quos etiam probabile est mittent custard pies”
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John Fisher Pessimist said:

I think he would better in a debate than a speech
All I've seen of Vance was his Senate race debate and i thought he destroyed the other guy.
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TyHolden said:

VPs don't matter....
They do if the media is more interested in them and if they steal the spot light from a President that thrives on it. So yes, I think Vance could possibly be a regret for Trump. Pence certainly was. And apparently Pence did matter to some or he wouldn't be so hated by some on the right.
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Trump picked Vance for the rust belt . If he delivers it will be a great pick ; if he doesn't, it will justifiably be questioned.

Overall regardless of whether you like her or not Haley would have delivered more votes from independents and suburban women as would Youngkin.
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DonHenley said:

Picking Sarah Palin helped torpedo any chances McCain had of winning
McCain was never going to beat Obama. No Republican was.

Palin actually helped McCain with turnout and probably kept another state or two from flipping to Obama. The base was at best "meh" about McCain, but they loved 2008 Palin.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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I like the Vance pick when Biden was running because I think it would help Trump claw back some of the blue collar rust belt types that Biden peeled off in 2020.

Harris won't win those types anyway so in retrospect knowing Harris is the nominee, I might have gone in a different direction if I were Trump. Youngkin or Scott or Donalds.

But I don't think it matters a great deal either way in the end.
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SA68AG said:

Trump picked Vance for the rust belt . If he delivers it will be a great pick ; if he doesn't, it will justifiably be questioned.

Overall regardless of whether you like her or not Haley would have delivered more votes from independents and suburban women as would Youngkin.
I have yet to meet anyone who voted "for" Haley. They were all solely voting "against" Trump,

She would not have brought any significant number of voters to Trump as a VP candidate. And she would have been constantly undermining his polices as VP.
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But I don't think it matters a great deal either way in the end.

Also between Silicon Valley and YLS Vance has quite a network, and from what I can tell is pretty well thought of.

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I like Trump, but I think Youngkin and Desantis probably turned down a VP nomination because they want to distance themselves from Trump. They have their own Presidential aspirations in the future, and aligning themselves so closely with Trump may backfire.
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I like Vance. He's a bit chill and seems genuine.
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DonHenley said:

Picking Sarah Palin helped torpedo any chances McCain had of winning

A torpedo wouldn't hurt McCain's campaign. That is a job for a depth charge.
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DonHenley said:

Picking Sarah Palin helped torpedo any chances McCain had of winning
John McCain shot himself down. Sad that he went Hanoi Jane on his legacy at the end.
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Great pick
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Wes97 said:

I doubt Youngkin could beat Harris in a VA race for President if he was at the top of the ticket. He is not putting VA in play as the VP choice.

VA is way, way down the list of possible battle ground State's in a federal election.

He won an off year election for a State level office when the main issues were school board/education issues and post-Covid State level policies. In any national level race the State of VA is going Dem unless the whole race is a complete blowout.
Trump is already ahead, at least over Biden. Youngkin is popular there. But again, the main thing about Virginia is that they can't cheat as easy.

It may be down the list, but its not that far down the list. Out of the four hardest to win states for Trump (Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Virginia), its the one that can't be "stolen" as easily. So if you can win there, they won't be able to do anything about it. And that one state wins him the election, even if he loses Arizona or Nevada.

No Spin Ag
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Artorias said:

Nobody really cares about the VP.

And now that Kamala won't be in the VP debate, there'll be even less appeal to that debate since it'll probably be two very similar types of candidates debating.
There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the later ignorance. Hippocrates
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The more I thought about it I think he should've named me VP choice.
Currently a happy listless vessel and deplorable. #FDEMS TRUMP 2024.
Fight Fight Fight.
Psycho Bunny
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Doesn't matter who Trump picked for VP, Kalama is going to win. The system is rigged and we are just pawns thinking our vote matters. Load up on guns, lead, silver and gold. It's going to be an exciting 4 years.
I want to see chaos in America. My vote will be for Harris.
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Vance is a solid pick, as he will help get votes in the Rust Belt, which Trump knows he can and will win. Kamala ain't sweeping those states, and that's necessary for her to win. EVERYTHING Trump and the GOP are doing revolves around winning Rust Belt voters in the B1G states. Its why Kid Rock, Hulk Hogan, and Dana White appeared at the convention, as well as the Teamsters leader.

As long as Kamala has to talk, she will show off the reasons she is so unlikeable and unpopular. Don't get fooled by the MSM and their sycophants. They cannot make her into something that is better than Hillary, who was way more qualified than KH and still lost to Trump. She will, too...
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JWinTX said:

Vance is a solid pick, as he will help get votes in the Rust Belt, which Trump knows he can and will win. Kamala ain't sweeping those states, and that's necessary for her to win. EVERYTHING Trump and the GOP are doing revolves around winning Rust Belt voters in the B1G states. Its why Kid Rock, Hulk Hogan, and Dana White appeared at the convention, as well as the Teamsters leader.

As long as Kamala has to talk, she will show off the reasons she is so unlikeable and unpopular. Don't get fooled by the MSM and their sycophants. They cannot make her into something that is better than Hillary, who was way more qualified than KH and still lost to Trump. She will, too...

This. There's a reason you didn't really see or hear that much from KH the past 3.5 years. Once she starts it will become obvious why she couldn't win a delegate in 2020.
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Ellis Wyatt said:

UTExan said:

Tactically, he would have done better with Nikki Haley.
She is a good debater with UN-level experience defending our Israel policies and slamming our enemies.
She is just a more attractive and experienced candidate than Vance.
She's a globalist.
Yeah, picking Haley would've been a huge mistake. Trump couldn't trust her not to sabotage him at every opportunity.
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American Hardwood
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Ellis Wyatt said:

DonHenley said:

Picking Sarah Palin helped torpedo any chances McCain had of winning
Palin was the only reason I voted for the piece of **** McCain.

He was disgusting, and he proved it over many years, icing it with his thumbs down vote to defeat Obamacare. **** McCain.
This X 1000.

I remember all the bumper stickers that had Palin in bigger letters at the top of the ticket. If anything, McCain ruined Palin's chances.
The best way to keep evil men from wielding great power is to not create great power in the first place.
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The only plus for the VP pick is it springboards that person to top of the party selection in 2028.

Which is why I did not necessarily like the Vance pick, but was okay with it. He likely helps in the rust belt and is a decent person to take over the reigns for Trump

However, DeSantis, Byron Donalds, Sarah Sanders would have been great and stronger candidates to lead his legacy onward

Youngkin is not where the party is headed
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bobbranco said:

suburban cowboy said:

Artorias said:

Nobody really cares about the VP.

Right. Until the Dem talking points come out to the media.
They have.

For starters.

Vance won't let you kill your baby.
Vance will take away all your birth control.
Vance will imprison you in a heartbeat.
Vance will make project 2025 rain down on you.
Vance will send your precious to pray away the gay camps.

I think they are going to hit Vance hard with in 2016 you tweeted Trump raped women, Trump is bad....blah, blah, blah

What changed your mind?

He did put a lot of stuff on social media for them to use against them.
Flavius Agximus
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annie88 said:

I'm OK with the choice, but I think Byron Donalds would've been a good choice.
I'm the same. Although I think Byron might have had the Rubio issue (Florida). Was hoping for a woman or black or Hispanic male to counter the inevitable identity politics attacks from the left. I think Vance is good and in a normal world would be great, but the degree to which people have internalized the idea that "historically marginalized" groups deserve certain positions regardless of individual merit has increased immensely since 2008. I think they will try to get people excited to vote for the first woman of color president and create that same wave effect as with the "first black president" thing with Obama. Vance doesn't counter that.

Although Biden is untenable as a candidate due to his mental state, I believe the Dems strategically held off on dumping him to see who Trump's VP choice was. Once it was two white dudes running, that sealed the decision to shiv Biden and go all in on the historic woman of color strategy.
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Nobody was beating Obama. Palin pick was an understandable throw it up and to the end zone from the 50 play. Economy plus Bush plus making history was an impossible formula.
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Ramdiesel said:

bobbranco said:

suburban cowboy said:

Artorias said:

Nobody really cares about the VP.

Right. Until the Dem talking points come out to the media.
They have.

For starters.

Vance won't let you kill your baby.
Vance will take away all your birth control.
Vance will imprison you in a heartbeat.
Vance will make project 2025 rain down on you.
Vance will send your precious to pray away the gay camps.

I think they are going to hit Vance hard with in 2016 you tweeted Trump raped women, Trump is bad....blah, blah, blah

What changed your mind?

He did put a lot of stuff on social media for them to use against them.

He's already explained that many times. I mean, Kamala said she believed the women that said Biden assaulted them and that she thought he was a racist. And yet she ran with him, but they don't care about that.

Remember, Democrats can change their mind on anything even going from the KKK and killing a woman to being glorified.

Currently a happy listless vessel and deplorable. #FDEMS TRUMP 2024.
Fight Fight Fight.
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