TexasRebel said:
AgGrad99 said:
People keep asking about the ladder...but these type of buildings all have ladders attached. That's not unusual.
I pointed this out almost immediately when the ladder came into the conversation. It doesn't even look like a portable ladder, too vertical.
This is a metal building with no HVAC on the roof. That ladder was brought in, either by the shooter, or someone trying to get to the shooter.
I am going with the shooter for the simple fact, that it is behind a tree in an alleyway between 2 buildings that are connected by a hallway. this nook is obscured and the connecting hallway is not as tall as either building. So you can climb up onto the hallway and then crawl onto the connecting roof. Google Street view from Nov 2023 does not have a ladder.

Perhaps the ladder was concealed prior to the event in, or behind the tree? Either way, Secret service has no line of sight to that nook, and once on the roof, the shooter is concealed from the view of the Secret Service until they crest over the ridge.

Looking from the opposite end of the building, where the videos were taken of the dead shooter lying on the roof, you can see that the back of the building is below grade, there is a sizeable dip. So the people standing out in the grass yelling at law enforcement are elevated enough to where they can actually see onto the roof.