*** Official Trump Hush Money Trial Thread ***

591,825 Views | 6803 Replies | Last: 21 days ago by jt2hunt
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TheRatt87 said:

TexAg1987 said:

Tony Franklins Other Shoe said:

jetch17 said:

I'm guessing any resistance or peaceful protests to a potential conviction will be an insurrection & terroristic, correct?

Any protests/riots from libtards from a possible acquittal will be celebrated & encouraged right?

Potential gloating from the oatmeal head in chief? Totally cool?
Good point, they probably need to rouse him out of bed, pop in that 8 ball and get him ready for the "Convicted Felon Donald Trump" speech from the Oval office tonight.
Probably pre-recording it now.

With 20+ jump cuts
Folk on youtube been using AI tools now to detect whether Biden's videos been modified or edited by AI.
Ellis Wyatt
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Probably pre-recording it now.
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This is from Breitbart:

The Trump campaign released a memo from pollsters Tony Fabrizio and Travis Tunis to top Trump advisers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita revealing that internal polling data shows the trial will not affect the election in any meaningful way across the battleground states. Some key findings from the memo:

We have been routinely surveying thousands of voters in the seven target states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin on a weekly basis. We have similar data going back nearly two months since before the New York trial began. In that entire time period, changes to how voters feel about the trial have been negligible at best.
While a total of 60% of target state voters claim to be following the trial, only 21% are following it "very" closely. Furthermore, those following the trial most closely are significantly more partisan and less likely to be persuadable voters. Democrats (66%) and Biden voters (72%), in particular drive awareness of the trial. Conversely, key target groups like Independents (55%), Undecideds (36%), and our key target Persuadables (38%) are much less likely to be following the trial, with almost none following it "very" closely.
A 53% majority believe the New York trial is politically motivated, exactly the same number we saw two months ago before the trial began and a number that has not significantly changed during the entire period. Further among the key groups who will untimately decided this election like Independents, 54% say the trial is politically motivated as do 55% of our target Persuadables. Even as many as one in five Democrats have said the trial is politically motivated.
Furthermore, a plurality of voters feel that the prosecution has failed to prove their case against President Trump by a 42% 34% margin. Republicans overwhelmingly feel this way, but even Independents say they have failed to prove their case by an 11-point margin. Only Democrats are driving the belief that the New York prosecution has proved that the President committed a crime.
Most importantly, when we asked voters how they would vote given a conviction or an acquittal, the changes were insignificant. President Trump's lead fell by two net points among those asked how they would vote if he was convicted. His lead increased by one net point among those asked how they would vote if he was not convicted. Both of these shifts are statistically insignificant, meaning that by mathematical standards, no real change in the race.


UPDATE 1:00 p.m. ET:
The courthouse in Manhattan is closed for lunch now, but jury deliberations are continuing over lunch in the jury room. No news has come out since the deliberations continued a couple hours ago.
UPDATE 12:05 p.m. ET:
ABC News reports that Trump's legal team wants "chaos" and "evidence of strong disagreements" among the jurors in hoping for a hung jury here:

Quoting anonymous sources familiar with the defense's view of the notes the jury sent out to the judge on Wednesday and Thursday, ABC News notes that the Trump team sees it as a "mixed bag" at this point and it's too early to tell which way it will break.
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

txags92 said:

Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Any news on the lunch order?
11 jurors requested kale salad and 1 requested prime rib.
No taco bowl?

This ain't looking good.
The Prime Rib was requested rare if that helps.
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AggieUSMC said:

aggiehawg said:


Noted attorney Alan Dershowitz said on Wednesday that it is possible New York Judge Juan Merchan is not dismissing alternate jurors in order to deal with a holdout that will not convict former President Donald Trump.

Merchan issued instructions to the jury of seven men and five women Wednesday, pointing them to some of the key evidence in the case prior to the panel beginning its deliberations. Dershowitz admitted he was speculating during Wednesday's episode of "The Dershow" about Merchan's reason for keeping the alternates available, but said he had seen a judge in an unrelated case make a similar move.

"I admit this is highly, highly speculative, but there… I know a case on this, so that I'm not making it up: The judge said he's not going to dismiss the alternate jurors until there's an absolute verdict," Dershowitz said. "One possible reason for that, again, I want to emphasize that I'm speculating, one possible reason for this might be following, it is quite cynical: Let's assume that the jurors come back and say, 'Sorry we're, uh, we're deadlocked. We have one juror who just won't give in. Well, there are eleven of us who think he's guilty.' By the way, the jurors don't say what they think, they just say there's a deadlock, but if they come back that way, the inference will be that the jury is, that is, is locked eleven to one in favor of conviction.'"

"So the judge hears from the jurors and the judge hears that they're eleven to one and then the judge says, 'Well is that other juror, the twelfth juror, is he negotiating? Is he involved in the conversations?' And the foreman to the jury says 'No, he's refusing, he's sitting there with his arms folded, saying, 'Guy's innocent, sorry, guy's innocent, I'm not going to listen to you. The guy's innocent, there's no case here, the guy's innocent,'" Dershowitz continued. "If I were on the jury, that's what I'd be doing, and then the judge has the power, rarely, rarely, exercised, but he has the power, I've seen it done, to say 'Well, if this juror won't deliberate, then he's violating his oath, and I'm going to substitute one of the alternate jurors for that juror,' and then immediately, they come back with a twelve to nothing verdict of conviction."

"I'm not saying that that's going to happen, I'm not saying that's even in the judge's mind, but knowing this judge and seeing him in action, particularly having seen him in action on the day I was in the court when they cleared everybody but I was allowed to stay, why, I still don't know, and I saw the real Judge Merchan," Dershowitz said. "Um, that's not beyond the realm of possibility, so anything's possible. This judge wants Donald Trump convicted."
I call BS on this. Correct me if I'm wrong but the judge, or anybody for that matter, is not allowed to ask anything regarding their deliberations and they are not allowed to say anything to anyone outside the jury room. The only communication allowed outside the jury room during deliberations is questions regarding instructions or to review evidence presented in court.

The judge cannot ask what the vote is or how many holdouts there are, who the holdouts are, or anything regarding the deliberation itself.
Since when has this judge actually followed the law?
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From the Bretibart feed posted above:


The waiting game is in full effect now, as jurors have been deliberating for more than eight hours across two days still without reaching a verdict. Little is known about where they stand or what's happening in that room, but some tea leaves are emerging based off various questions jurors asked back to the judge in written notes about what testimony they wanted to hear again and what instructions they wanted to hear again. The nation is watching and waiting for any signs of a possible verdict or news from the deliberations, and jurors are expected to continue deliberating until at least 6 p.m. eastern today if they do not reach a verdict by then.
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Since when has this judge actually followed the law?

This judge is an absolute piece of **** and I want this piece of **** disbarred but that's another matter.

All he cares about is being a savior in the mind of the left of "bringing down Trump" even though it won't. That's what all of these are doing it for. James, Smith, fat Albert, Engeron, all of them. Even the judges. It's disgusting and it's sick and it's corrupt and it's wrong.
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that doesn't support the hypothesis that a "guilty" verdict will be meaningless

it only claims that the most interested right now are partisans.

which actually weakens the argument-

because it shows most people are not following the trial so when the media 24x7

goes with "Trump found guilty of felonies" then the concerned moderates will for the first time be faced with this issue.
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Was Hillary's payment of the Steele dossier classified as a campaign expense?
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BlackLab said:

Was Hillary's payment of the Steele dossier classified as a campaign expense?
It was classified as legal expenses and the campaign paid a fine to the FEC for the violation.

Edit to add: They definitely tried to hide their unlawful interference in an election.
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VegasAg86 said:

BlackLab said:

Was Hillary's payment of the Steele dossier classified as a campaign expense?
It was classified as legal expenses and the campaign paid a fine to the FEC for the violation.
Probably because it wasn't done in furtherance of any kind of conspiracy to affect the election...oh wait...
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BlackLab said:

Was Hillary's payment of the Steele dossier classified as a campaign expense?
Legal expense since it wen through Perkins, Coie at first. Later on Perkins, Coie forwarded invoices from Fusion, GPS directly to the campaign/DNC since both were clients.
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aggiehawg said:

BlackLab said:

Was Hillary's payment of the Steele dossier classified as a campaign expense?
Legal expense since it wen through Perkins, Coie at first. Later on Perkins, Coie forwarded invoices from Fusion, GPS directly to the campaign/DNC since both were clients.
So why wasn't Hillary charged with falsifying business records? Wait, don't tell me, I already know.
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AggieUSMC said:

aggiehawg said:

BlackLab said:

Was Hillary's payment of the Steele dossier classified as a campaign expense?
Legal expense since it wen through Perkins, Coie at first. Later on Perkins, Coie forwarded invoices from Fusion, GPS directly to the campaign/DNC since both were clients.
So why wasn't Hillary charged with falsifying business records? Wait, don't tell me, I already know.
You conspiracy theorist. Next you'll make some outlandish claim that the DOJ has brought charges against Trump for mishandling classified documents but decided not to do the same for Biden for doing the same thing or worse.
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AggieUSMC said:

aggiehawg said:

BlackLab said:

Was Hillary's payment of the Steele dossier classified as a campaign expense?
Legal expense since it wen through Perkins, Coie at first. Later on Perkins, Coie forwarded invoices from Fusion, GPS directly to the campaign/DNC since both were clients.
So why wasn't Hillary charged with falsifying business records? Wait, don't tell me, I already know.
Yep, our party seems flat out scared to get in the pig pen and play in the mud with the demorats. I don't understand it. Plenty of conservative courts to bring charges but we just don't do it.
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Now I am really confused about writtn jury instructions. Don't know what to believe.

Good point.
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And Merchan wants to make sure Trump is there for his sentencing tirade.

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Tramp96 said:

AggieUSMC said:

aggiehawg said:

BlackLab said:

Was Hillary's payment of the Steele dossier classified as a campaign expense?
Legal expense since it wen through Perkins, Coie at first. Later on Perkins, Coie forwarded invoices from Fusion, GPS directly to the campaign/DNC since both were clients.
So why wasn't Hillary charged with falsifying business records? Wait, don't tell me, I already know.
You conspiracy theorist. Next you'll make some outlandish claim that the DOJ has brought charges against Trump for mishandling classified documents but decided not to do the same for Biden for doing the same thing or worse.
So what if a senator illegally removing classified documents from a SCIF is worse than a former president with ultimate classification authority possessing disputed documents. What really matters is how they acted after. Biden said, "oopsy, here you go." That's what really matters.

Kind of like when a bank robber gets caught and gives the money back. Everyone knows you won't get charged if you give the money back.
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So what if a senator illegally removing classified documents from a SCIF is worse than a former president with ultimate classification authority possessing disputed documents.
Possessing documents sent to him by the new administration, who retained copies of the documents themselves anyway, and when seized were staged dishonestly to show some sort of markings that they did not have.
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I just want to point out that given the spotty WiFi inside the courthouse as those tweets above document, I have to wonder if the WiFi will be deliberately shut down if and when the judge is informed they have reached a verdict? Put the courthouse on lockdown?

Is there a plan?
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I doubt the wifi issues are anything more than the capacity is being overwhelmed. I am sure the court house's wifi system wasn't designed with the media circus around the trial of a President in mind.
Ellis Wyatt
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Oh, I have no doubt they'll have plants inciting violence like they did on J6. Is Ray Epps in Manhattan?
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I'll take it as a sign that they think they are close if they opt to stay until 6pm. If they break at 4:30 they still have a ways to go.
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aggiehawg said:

Zeke1995 said:

I've had this same thought too. If I recall correctly, aren't alternate jurors usually cut loose after the closing arguments have been completed and the case is sent to the jury?
In my experience yes.

Further, a few weeks back when Merchan was practically ordering counsel to begin closing arguments last Tuesday, he stated he was planning to be able to dscharge the alternates on Thursday when the jury began deliberations. That was orignally his plan back then. I have not seen anny official reason for his change of heart on that.

You know damn good and well why he hasn't. Merchan is not going to settle for a mistrial because of a couple of holdouts he's going to find a way to dismiss or disqualify the holdouts and have the alternates readily available.

Anyone that says it's impossible for him to get away with that hasn't been paying attention. He wants a guilty verdict and that's it. Damn the appeal and he doesn't care if it gets him defrocked to achieve the goal. He's gone all in and damn the consequences
“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience" - Mark Twain
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UPDATE 2:52 p.m. ET:

Judge Merchan says deliberations will go until 6 p.m. today:
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It is unclear whether that is a jury decision or Merchan's?
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
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aggiehawg said:

I just want to point out that given the spotty WiFi inside the courthouse as those tweets above document, I have to wonder if the WiFi will be deliberately shut down if and when the judge is informed they have reached a verdict? Put the courthouse on lockdown?

Is there a plan?
Which one hurts Trump more? That's the right answer.

Person Not Capable of Pregnancy
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I was shocked when OJ came back not guilty, I'll be even more shocked if Trump is acquitted.
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Wabs said:

I was shocked when OJ came back not guilty, I'll be even more shocked if Trump is acquitted.
Not to derail but when OJ died recently, I saw a replay with several of the OJ jurors that had been recorded on the 20th anniversary of the verdict. All of them were black and amazingly all of them still believed he was not guilty. Twenty years later! They were still confident he was not guilty and that the LAPD had framed him.

That blew my mind.
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Back in '95 when the OJ verdict came out I was working at Nortel Enterprise Support and we got a flood of support cases where they claimed their PBX was down. We had to keep telling them, if everyone in your office picks up the phone at the same time you simply don't have enough lines for everyone.

Of course this was before cell phones were everywhere. Now it's WIFI availabilty when this verdict is reached.
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Never underestimate the power of people trained to go with the crowd.
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Muy said:

Never underestimate the power of people trained to go with the crowd.

Once closed, a mind is a difficult thing to open.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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Muy said:

Never underestimate the power of people trained to go with the crowd.

Covid sure learnt us on that.

I''ll never underestimate dumbasses again.
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Prosperdick said:

Back in '95 when the OJ verdict came out I was working at Nortel Enterprise Support and we got a flood of support cases where they claimed their PBX was down. We had to keep telling them, if everyone in your office picks up the phone at the same time you simply don't have enough lines for everyone.

Of course this was before cell phones were everywhere. Now it's WIFI availabilty when this verdict is reached.
Going back even further, the entire DC area phone system crashed when JFK was assassinated.

ETA: AG RFK had to use the red phone to contact J.Edgar Hoover. The story goes that after that call, J.Edgar ordered that direct line to be removed from his office since he had no intention of ever dealing with RFK again now that his brother was dead.
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