Everyone knows that this won't be a fair trial. The right is either resigned or pissed about it. The left is either indifferent or gleeful. The battle lines are entrenched and the rhetoric has been ratcheted up so high that there is no fall back position.
That's why it was so insane comparing McCain and Romney to Hitler. The only place to go after that is this. And of course it's a self fulfilling prophecy right? As soon as you get to this place, twisting the law (and it was twisted even if it could conform to the letter) to pin a Presidential candidate down, possibly imprison him, his people and confiscate businesses and properties etc. Where do you go from there?
If Trump wins he would be justified in going after the people that broke the law to go after him, to punish the people and systems that attacked him and have them investigated. Obviously looking at the track record for many of these people they have things to hide and the gross conflicts of interest are absolutely mind boggling. Growing up I never thought we would get to this level. Yes there is always a low level of corruption in any system, but really if Trump didn't go after some of these people he'd be the biggest idiot on the planet. And all of that comes with other problems, and that's just if he wins!
If he loses, no one who supports him or opposes the railroading will look at the election or the government as legitimate. It's very clear we have already entered an extrajudicial, extraconstitutional period. There are very clearly two justice systems depending on venue (location AND level). Reforming those types of things isn't easy either. Usually it comes in the form of scrapping the entire system and starting from scratch and that's really, really hard to pull off. I won't break any laws but you can be damn sure I won't cooperate with anything at the federal level. I travel to the NE frequently but I'll do significantly more remote to avoid putting money in the pockets of locals. If called for a Federal jury I won't convict in a criminal case.
We've come to a breaking point. And more and more people are coming, slowly, reluctantly, begrudgingly to that realization. Peaceful or unpeaceful is the real question because one side has so demonized the other that there is no possible coexistence. The unintended consequence of course is that they will become demonized by the ones they hate. And then the real fireworks start. If history teaches us anything it will be slowly, then all at once.