4stringAg said:
He'll be found guilty and likely appeal. Conviction will mean pay some fines, no jail time is my guess. But the goal is to tie him up in court, have the pravda media breathlessly reporting on whether he's farting, sleeping, yawning every day for weeks. A guilty verdict will be enough to drive some squishy Rs and independents away from him. All part of the Dems plan.
There is a grand jury process, then a trial by jury. The venue is where the crime was committed.
The allegation is that he had sex with a porn star when his wife was recovering from pregnancy. Before the 2016 election around the time of the release of the Access Hollywood tape, he tried to hide it from electorate by having his fixer attorney pay her hush money and then they made up bogus legal fees to repay his fixer attorney so no one would see the payment and connect the dots before the election. Those are allegations of things HE DID. There are receipts and there will be testimony. Cohen was already convicted. If all of that is proven, he engaged in illegal election interference.
Democrat John Edwards was tried on very similar charges for the affair he had. He was acquitted, and Trump might be also. But don't act like there is no precedent, and this is just made-up lawfare. Trump is no different from Edwards and is no special snowflake.
Gee, no one saw this coming during the GOP nomination? That's why many here and elsewhere wanted De Santis to be the nominee. Instead of having a veteran, faithful, once-married, true conservative, you have this guy.
And the other cases are all still pending.