Casual Cynic said:
He did it to extort his client.
Does have that vibe to it after this morning.
But let's go back to 2017-2018 time period. In 2017, he had the monthly payments coming in. What other income did he have that year from other legal clients or "consulting" clients? (Should he have registered as a lobbyist?)
Going all of the way back to when Cohen first went to work for Trump org. Cohen testified he had a base salary of $375,000. When did that end, if it ever did? Did he get raises in his base or just very large year end bonuses in his Christmas card?
And I am still confused about using a HELOC allowed him to hide the transction from his wife? he had been married for years before that. Was their apartment separate property?
And his testimony that Trump wanted him to "push" the Stormy deal until after the election? He claimed Trump said if he won the election, it was irrelevant and if he loses, he didn't care. But doesn't that imply Trump really did not want to pay her at all?