Joes said:
LOYAL AG said:
Joes said:
The fact that we act like we're winning because we're shipping invaders all over the rest of the country just shows how hopeless it all is. "Let's take the trash on our front seat and toss it over our shoulder into the back seat. Yay! We cleaned the car!"
This is wholly irrelevant. I mean completely. It's extremely clear Texas can't win the border fight on its own, hell the federal government is suing Texas for trying to restrict illegal crossings. Meanwhile until the busses started running there were huge parts of this country that thought illegals deserved to be here and to receive services and support. Why? Because it wasn't coming from their tax dollars or impacting their lives in any way. Now it is coming from their tax dollars and creating problems in their neighborhoods and over time that is going to change their expectations from their elected officials. When the mayor of NYC is publicly calling for stronger border control you know it's having an impact and that's major progress. All these blue cities complaining about strain on resources means they're feeling the pain of their own policies. Keeping up the flow is how you get them from there to "something has to change". It'll happen at some point.
Alright, well, I'm of the strong opinion that once these people are in the country there's no getting them out. Shuffling them around is not a solution, it's for nothing but for a laugh. The idea that liberals will "learn a lesson from this if they see it themselves" is silly to me. It's like hoping people in Chicago will finally learn not to vote Democrat. Never gonna happen. I guess we'll see what happens but I'm confident we'll gain nothing meaningful from this.
Then let's approach it from another angle. If border states do NOT "shuffle" the illegals around, as you suggest, what will be the result? Texas becomes an unliveable arena of chaos. People who live here have to navigate tents on the streets, people urinating at their doorstep asking for handouts, and if you need medical attention, the ER's are completely full of non-english speaking people who have brought wonderful old/new experiences like malaria, tuberculosis, hepatitis, etc. The sanctuary cities in Blue states continue to virtue signal about how compassionate they are while ignoring what is happening on the ground in border states. Oh, and Texas turns blue in the very near future, cementing Democrat rule for generations.
In other words, Good Abbott.