John's Hopkins diversity "hit list"

8,747 Views | 105 Replies | Last: 8 mo ago by SeMgCo87
Scotty Appleton
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Funny how being 6-8 or taller and able to walk and chew gum at the same time is never on these lists. Lebron sure as hell didn't earn that.

Same with running a 4.3 40. Morons like Tyreek Hill didn't "earn" that either.
BG Knocc Out
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Captain Pablo said:


Too cowardly to put Asians on there I see. By their flawed "logic", Asians should always be the most "privileged" group. Them and Jews. They lead by almost every metric in this country therefore there must be some privilege shenanigans going on.

So sick of this sh**. Sick of all liberals.
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YellowPot_97 said:

Sweet! 9 for 9
Me too. With this new understanding, I feel like I should be waved to the front of any line. Restaurants should immediately seat me and give me a complimentary beverage. Traffic should pull to the side when I approach. I should be treated like royalty.
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Captain Pablo said:



Privilege is a set of unearned benefits given to people in a specific social group.

Sounds like the welfare group to me.
Moral High Horse
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Captain Pablo said:


white people
able bodied
middle or owning class
middle aged
english speaking

8 outta 9 ain't bad, however that cisgendered bs is dumb and I really don't recognize that.
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It's not that there's privilege, it's that there's enmity and jealousy by all the groups not on that lost against everyone on that list.
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C@LAg said:

Captain Pablo said:

And the walk back

AFTER it went viral

And the fallout? Nothing to see here I'm sure
that's not a walkback.

that's a "oops we got caught/. we will keep it on the downlow going forward so you do not hear about it".

but that sounds like a harassment and discrimination lawsuit from any white person that is interested in pursuing it.

Who knew that shameless leftists could be shamed.
May it continue.
This is the way!
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Beerosch said:

How are companies not getting sued for this? If a straight, white, Christian male were to get let go from there and there was circumstantial evidence he was discriminated against, it seems like stuff like this would make a discrimination case a slam dunk.
A friend filed an EEOC complaint with the government over how he was being treated at work.

When he met with them, he was basically told "your a white male, nothing to see here".
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ValleyRatAg said:

My wife shared with me a month ago something from John's Hopkins saying red meat was a massive cause of inflammation and we should all avoid it at all costs.

I just used this to show her that an institution which was a respected bastion of medical truth and research is now using that public trust to push an agenda and not science regardless of the truth.

She's not a liberal or anything just wants us to eat healthy and take care of ourselves. Problem is she still wants to rely on "trusted", "proven" experts.

Rice just introduced Afro chemistry , detailing inequality in Chemistry.
I have always known that only sane people there were athletes, who didn't buy into their excretement.
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Maroon Dawn said:

Oh look

It's a list of who Dems want to put in camps
I didn't see non-vaccinated on that list so it's only a partial list.
BG Knocc Out
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I won't apologize for my Christian Privilege.

It's real. My sins have been atoned by Jesus death and resurrection. I'll take that privilege every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Cool thing is that it's open to everybody. EVERYBODY. Everybody can walk up and partake of the privilege.

I won't apologize for it. No, I'm going to celebrate it. I am going to brag about it.
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TChaney said:

Yes, I'm sure an African American woman with a Boosie fade isn't racist at all.
American Hardwood
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Owning class.

Any time you hear this you know you are dealing with a straight-up communist.

The simple lesson for anyone out there that may be new to this:

The more you own, the less you need.

The less you need, the less dependent you are on others.

The less dependent you are on others, the less the power of those that wish to provide.

The less power of agencies, the less control of those agencies.

This is why all communists are tyrants and communism is tyranny itself, It is all about concentrating power to enslave you and why destruction of wealth and property ownership is the apex task of communists.
American Hardwood
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ABATTBQ11 said:

It's not that there's privilege, it's that there's enmity and jealousy by all the groups not on that lost against everyone on that list.
That enmity and jealousy has been cultured specifically to divide us.
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Oh, I thought I was to mark the ones that match me....
Sid Farkas
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Captain Pablo said:

And the walk back

AFTER it went viral

And the fallout? Nothing to see here I'm sure
Everything's cool. She didn't mention the word "Jewish", therefore it won't reach Bill Ackman's radar. She'll be fine.
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I struggle with inflammation at times because of poor diet. But I also go to a real doctor that doesn't work off the insurance system. So he gives real advice and is married to a nutritionist. As judgmental as I can be with docs, these people pass with flying colors.

Oh, and she gave me very simple advice that has always worked. Alcohol, sugar, caffeine and gluten. Cut those from your diet and watch the inflammation evaporate. Works every time. By no means have I altered that much, but I'm much more balanced in what I consume.
one safe place
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There is a rather large group of people who fit his definition of "set of "unearned benefits given to people who are in a specific social group" and they have for generations. Probably not a group of people she wants to point out though.
one safe place
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Rapier108 said:

Captain Pablo said:


These people just have to make everything about race; and they've put the pedal to the floor ever since St. Floyd of Fentanyl ODed. They can't see the hypocrisy of the fact that they are being given everything, mostly as a way to buy votes for the Democrat Party.

Privilege is wearing $200 sneakers when you've never had a job.

Privilege is wearing $300 Beats headphones while living on public assistance.

Privilege is having a smartphone with a data plan for which you receive no bill.

Privilege is living in public subsided housing where you don't have a utility bill and where rising property taxes, rents, and energy costs have absolutely no effect on the amount of food you can put on the table.

Privilege is having free health insurance for you and your family that is paid for by working people who can't afford insurance for their own families.

Privilege is having multiple national organizations promoting and protecting your race that's subsidized by federal tax dollars.

Privilege is having access to a national college fund that supports only your race.

Privilege is having multiple television networks that supports only your race.

Privilege is having the ability to march and protest against anything that triggers you, without worrying about calling out of work and the consequences that accompany such.

Privilege is having as many children as you want, regardless of your employment status, and be able to send them off to daycare or school that you don't pay for.

Still waiting for this "privilege" I'm supposed to have.

And Dr. King's dream of a nation where people are judged by their character rather than their skin color has been turned into a smoldering pile of rubble by the modern day left.
Post of the year and it isn't even mid-January.
Buck Turgidson
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I'm confused - middle class is privileged, but what about the rich? Is that covered by "owner class"?

The people really pushing this BS are billionaires, so they have to speak in code to keep the plebes from giving them a proper French Revolution style backlash.
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HollywoodBQ said:

ValleyRatAg said:

She's not a liberal or anything just wants us to eat healthy and take care of ourselves. Problem is she still wants to rely on "trusted", "proven" experts.
Didn't she learn anything from the Scamdemic?
I figured y'all would take her the wrong way.

After a few weeks and me showing her what math, I could about what the scary numbers they were releasing actually meant in a percentage/ratio of population by age/comorbidity (well until they started hiding key numbers to complete the math, which I also showed her) we dropped all covid protocols.

Anytime she sees an organization make some form of woke DEI display/overture, which makes her evil, me evil, her son evil, and her daughters evil, she discounts everything else they say.

She's a woman that likes rules and wants to trust authority. Luckily, it's deeply rooted in her to trust God above man and me above other men.

The hard part is when an authority she was raised to trust such as doctors or the government say something her first inclination is to comply or abide by it. I'm the sceptic in the family as is my son.

She just wants her and her family to be safe and protected. After we caught Covid and how saw sick we got she became fearful and started talking about the vaccine. All I had to say to her was the same people that are telling you that the vaccine is safe, free, and effective are the same ones which are telling us that riots are safe, churches are unsafe, and anyone young or old can choose whatever sex they feel like they are that moment, she dropped the topic immediately.

It's funny you and Tacosaurus both made the same comment, but it's actually the absurdity of DEI which has actually caused her to finally start questioning things.

It's also really helped that while I was talking "conspiracy theories" during the pandemic because the "truth" made no sense to me, and all the experts were telling her I was crazy time has revealed many of those "conspiracy theories" were the truth. I never bought into the 5G activation or anything like that, just the "conspiracies" that I figured a handful of people in key positions could pull off if enough were just willing to believe it and repeat it.

She's a good woman and my children couldn't have a better mom and I couldn't have a better wife. God's been good to me. It's funny she tells our children to think like me, love God, and love others.
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How come our resident libs never show up on these threads to defend their non-sense?
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Sorry for the derail.
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white people
able bodied
middle or owning class
middle aged
english speaking

Ah heck yes... I'm 9 for 9 on that list. What do I win!!!!!!!
safety guy
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We all have privileges. No matter who you are, there will be millions who have less privileges than you and millions who have more than you. You should not be defined by the privileges that you have but by what you do with the privileges that you have. You can be a bitter person by looking around and just feel sorry for yourself because you dont have as much privilege as others. Or you can improve yourself by taking advantage of the privileges that you do have.
BG Knocc Out
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Sid Farkas said:

Captain Pablo said:

And the walk back

AFTER it went viral

And the fallout? Nothing to see here I'm sure
Everything's cool. She didn't mention the word "Jewish", therefore it won't reach Bill Ackman's radar. She'll be fine.
This...I just told a group of friends over text chain, including one very successful Jewish Wall Street buddy, that Jews and Asians need to start standing up more even though they aren't making lists...yet. Where TF is Ackman? Seems most powerful Jews only step in when it's them being directly targeted or oppressed...but we always seem to rush to their defense. Very one sided.
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TexAgs91 said:

If John's Hopkins wants to apologize then they should fire their Grand Wizard

That's the reality. As long as you have a DEI bureaucracy you are always going to have people claiming victimhood and making implicitly, if not explicitly as in this case, prejudiced, divisive and racist judgments and policies.
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-white people
-able-bodied people
-heterosexual people
-cisgender people
-middle or owning class people
-middle-aged people

I happen to check every one of those boxes and the vast majority of people in the country check at least one of them.

So unless you're a non-white, disabled, gay, transgender, non-Christian, young, poor, non-english speaking immigrant woman, you're privileged.
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BG Knocc Out said:

What a f'n surprise.

Some people just want revenge.

Change my mind.
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How the ef do they leave off "hot girl" from the privilege list??? That is by far the biggest privilege that exists in the world.

Any list that excludes that should be immediately disregarded as fake news. They clearly don't know what they're talking about.
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This is just soft peddling Intersectionality Theory.

If you don't like it now, read up on the theory to see the means available to "fight" it or empower others to fight it for you if you find yourself "oppressed". I don't think those ignoring how wrong and racist and bigoted Intersectionality Theory is by never looking at the individual just groupings of people are going to like where it ends up. Socialism/Communism was simply one band on it. It is the same political theory, but now they are enacting an infinite number of bands.

Basically the opposite of intersectionality is meritocracy. Pick one or the other. Either be judged as an individual or let someone else divvy out college admissions and jobs and raises and housing by group and hope you are picked within your group to receive that benefit. And yes things people currently have to be taken to conclude the theory. Should we expect that to be non-violent?

Captain Pablo
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Libs? Comment?
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Racial guilt-trippers grifting for money they don't deserve
BG Knocc Out
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Captain Pablo said:

Libs? Comment?
Childish libs:

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