aggiehawg said:
Wyoming said:
Thank you for sharing. That is a fascinating video.
Color me very skeptical of some DEW weapon being used there.
But somethings are just too weird to explain. Actually now that I have done some more research, maybe, emphasize MAYBE (because some posters here do not understand qualifiers at all ever) could have been an ill-timed and planned insurance scam? Have seen those a few in my career.
Yes, I think the video got farfetched once it went into the DEW weapon. Extraordinary claims need extraordinary proof, and I would never make that statement in public based on the video.
Damage can be mysterious sometimes, and fires is not always cut and dry either. There are so many variables.
I think possibly the torching of BLM buildings was possibly insurance scams in some cases. Target a building on a list, burn the building, collect the insurance. I could see a lot of failing or fledgling businesses where that might be reasonable for them.
But that would be true demonic sh*t for that to be intentional in Maui. It is a stretch, even for an insurance scam. But there are people out there that will kill their kids for insurance so who knows.
The Hawaiian people have been screwed over ever since the Queen had a gun to her head to transfer the Hawaiian government to the U.S.. Just about as bad as what happened to the American Indians. I guess we were on a roll in the 1800's.
Whatever happened to the ancestral hawaiian land that was to be given back. Well, that would be the rich elite and powerful in control of it, and they are not going to give it up.