Monica Lewinsky is 50

11,370 Views | 127 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by pagerman @ work
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LoudestWHOOP! said:

hsjnlssmith89 said:

TexasAggiesWin said:

Can someone remind me what the question was that went with that answer? It escapes me at the moment. Getting old I guess.
I was around and following this crap closely, but I didn't remember either.
I found this (from Slate) from 1998 - Link

Yes! It's clear once again. How he thought that respknse was a good idea is beyond me. LoL
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Logos Stick said:

Stat Monitor Repairman said:

We might be a lot better off if Monica kept her mouth shut.

The republicans monica lewensky bs in the 90s was the precipice for a lot of the chaos we see today,
Lol, he lied under oath, which is called perjury.
Dude should have never been under oath in the first place.

Monica and that other lady should have kept their mouth shut and republicans should have minded their own business.

I have been in the workforce for 30+ years.

To this day, I don't know anyone who wouldn't get hauled into HR and immediately fired for what Bill Clinton did in his office on company time. It was not just a "personal matter". It was a "personnel matter".

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Stat Monitor Repairman said:


The thing that was so funny is that he had a meeting with his whole cabinet and told them that Monica was lying.
So what.

You get a bj in the office and get asked about it, you walking into that conference room and doing the exact same thing.

So I don't blame the guy. He did what he had to do under the circumstances.

If Biden can do coke in the white house then Bill and Monica should have been allowed to have consensual sex in the white house.
So its OK for an Executive to get blown by interns in his office? Asking for a friend
Mayor West
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Old May Banker said:


It's about a lying ass POTUS.... he's the one that put Monica in that situation. Not your "the meanie republicans" propaganda.
Having sex with an intern inside your home-office should get a free pass across the board.

Apply that equally to everyone.

This never should have been made into a partisan issue.

An intern can't simply "consent" when propositioned by their boss, who also just so happens to be the most powerful person in the world.
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

I don't care about meanie republican angle to it.

All i'm tryna say is that 30-years out the whole deal looks like the stupidest decision imaginable.

Nobody can complain about the treatment of Trump in 2023 without first acknowledging that Monica was the camel's nose under the tent.
He was being investigated for among other things - Whitewater, misuse of FBI files and sexual harassment charges from a government worker - Paula Jones. The Lewinsky matter became relevant to the latter.
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TxTarpon said:

All the rage at the time.

Amazing that this Me-too fling is what got Slick Willie impeached (Actually it was Paula Jones that started it as per CaptKirk ... above, but wasn't this one of his cases of perjury?), when the Clintons had corruption spilling out of every crack and crevice that on you would think it was the Biden Crime Family in charge. So much corruption in so little time.
The Clintons did have an effective counter to those who wanted to blow the whistle on them.
Clinton Body Count
Just a small taste:

Yah-Lin "Charlie" Trie
The most significant activity by Yah-Lin "Charlie" Trie ([6]) was a $450,000 attempted donation from him to Clinton's legal defense fund (for his impeachment trials) which Trie allegedly delivered in two envelopes each containing several checks and money orders. The fund immediately rejected $70,000 and deposited the remainder, but ordered an investigation of the source. The investigation found that some of the money orders were made out in different names but with the same handwriting, and sequentially numbered. The fund then rejected the donation entirely, and allegedly returned the deposited funds two months after the initial contribution.

Johnny Chung
Between 1994 and 1996, Chung donated $366,000 to the DNC. Once the truth of this situation was revealed to the public, all of the money was allegedly returned. Chung told federal investigators that $35,000 of the money he donated came from Liu Chaoying and, in turn, China's military intelligence.

Specifically, Chung testified under oath to the U.S. House Committee investigating the issue in May 1999 that he was introduced to Chinese Gen. Ji Shengde, then the head of Chinese military intelligence, by Liu Chaoying. Chung said that Ji told him: "We like your president very much. We would like to see him reelect [sic]. I will give you 300,000 U.S. dollars. You can give it to the president and the Democrat [sic] Party."[13] Both Liu and the Chinese government denied the claims.

John Huang and James Riady
Huang eventually pleaded guilty to conspiring to reimburse Lippo Group employees' campaign contributions with corporate or foreign funds.[20] James Riady was later convicted of campaign finance violations relating to the same scheme as well, and was sentenced to pay a large fine. Shortly after Riady pledged $1 million in support of then-Governor Clinton's campaign for the presidency, contributions made by Huang had been reimbursed with funds wired from a foreign Lippo Group entity into an account Riady maintained at Lippo Bank and then distributed to Huang in cash. Also, contributions made by Lippo Group entities operating in the United States were reimbursed with wire transfers from foreign Lippo Group entities.[15]

Bernard Schwartz
Bernard L. Schwartz CEO of Loral Space & Communications, a satellite communications company, donated over $600,000 to the Democratic Party.[35] Schwartz said he did not expect, need, or receive any special treatment from the Clinton administration as a result of his donations.[36] In 1998 Loral was under investigation for illegally transferring satellite technology to China.[37]

In February 1998 during the time Loral was under investigation, Loral requested Clinton to sign a waiver which would allow Loral to ship satellite technology to China. Clinton's justice department advised against signing the waiver because they believed that a jury wouldn't convict Loral if they received a waiver from Clinton.[38] Clinton did eventually sign the waiver.[39][40] The U.S space technology received by China may have furthered Beijing's military development of nuclear missiles.[41][42] In 2002 Loral would later be fined $14 million for its involvement in illegally transferring classified secrets to China.
China couldn't even hit the Pacific Ocean with their rockets until after Loral. Then they could put satellites in orbit.

Hell Paul Shanklin, Rush Limbaugh's parody song guy turned "Secret Agent Man" into "Secret Asian Man" over ChinaGate.
Velvet Jones
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Funky Winkerbean said:

Come on now.

Ain't no probably about it.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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Burdizzo said:

Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Logos Stick said:

Stat Monitor Repairman said:

We might be a lot better off if Monica kept her mouth shut.

The republicans monica lewensky bs in the 90s was the precipice for a lot of the chaos we see today,
Lol, he lied under oath, which is called perjury.
Dude should have never been under oath in the first place.

Monica and that other lady should have kept their mouth shut and republicans should have minded their own business.
I have been in the workforce for 30+ years.

To this day, I don't know anyone who wouldn't get hauled into HR and immediately fired for what Bill Clinton did in his office on company time. It was not just a "personal matter". It was a "personnel matter".
The US Congress isn't HR for the President.

Thats my issue.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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captkirk said:

Stat Monitor Repairman said:

I don't care about meanie republican angle to it.

All i'm tryna say is that 30-years out the whole deal looks like the stupidest decision imaginable.

Nobody can complain about the treatment of Trump in 2023 without first acknowledging that Monica was the camel's nose under the tent.
He was being investigated for among other things - Whitewater, misuse of FBI files and sexual harassment charges from a government worker - Paula Jones. The Lewinsky matter became relevant to the latter.
Relevant as to what?

Bill having hot sex with Monica is more probative or less probative to what issue?

Thats the rub.
Im Gipper
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Starr was not investigating the Paula Jones case until Linda Tripp told Starr that Lewinsky was going to commit perjury in that case. Starr then got permission from Reno to add that to the Whitewater & FBI files investigations.

I'm Gipper
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Im Gipper said:


Starr was not investigating the Paula Jones case until Linda Tripp told Starr that Lewinsky was going to commit perjury in that case. Starr then got permission from Reno to add that to the Whitewater & FBI files investigations.
For a woman "in comfortable shoes" Reno had more brass ones than either Hillary or Bill ever had. One the very few things on which I'll give her a modicum of respect.

Thinking further, that is probably the only thing.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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Mayor West said:

Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Old May Banker said:


It's about a lying ass POTUS.... he's the one that put Monica in that situation. Not your "the meanie republicans" propaganda.
Having sex with an intern inside your home-office should get a free pass across the board.

Apply that equally to everyone.

This never should have been made into a partisan issue.
An intern can't simply "consent" when propositioned by their boss, who also just so happens to be the most powerful person in the world.
Monica can't go to the beach then complain about the sand.

Your consent argument is true in some circumstances; but that dog don't hunt in this case.

It's true that you can't consent when placed under duress, coercion or some sort of unconscionable circumstances.

For example,

Let's say that you put someone under duress by by saying if you don't take this experimental vaccine, then you will be fired and not be able to feed yourself or your family.

That's an example of duress removing ones ability to consent to a medical procedure.

Same principle applies to putting a gun to someone head the telling them to rob a bank. Or in case of sexual assault by force. Or when under certain circumstances the law removes ones ability to consent like for a minor child or by relationship to the consentee.

But that's not what we got here.

Monica and Bill were gettin' after it under their own free will. Monica could've said no, but she just didn't feel like it. She hit that Max Bet button and it paid off big for her.

So 30-years later, white knighting Monica seems like a hard sell.

You know, imo.
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DrEvazanPhD said:

infinity ag said:

She was all over the news when I graduated from A&M and started my career.
Why does she look so unrecognizable now? It's more than just getting older.

Got older, lost weight, discovered dental care, got rid of that awful 90's do
got off the cigars!!!!
Stat Monitor Repairman
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Never did I roll out of the bed this morning thinking that I was about to give absolute lock-down rock-solid analysis of the Monica Lewinsky case.

but here we are at.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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captkirk said:

Stat Monitor Repairman said:


The thing that was so funny is that he had a meeting with his whole cabinet and told them that Monica was lying.
So what.

You get a bj in the office and get asked about it, you walking into that conference room and doing the exact same thing.

So I don't blame the guy. He did what he had to do under the circumstances.

If Biden can do coke in the white house then Bill and Monica should have been allowed to have consensual sex in the white house.
So its OK for an Executive to get blown by interns in his office? Asking for a friend
This is one of those times where you gotta do what you gotta do.

We've got no way of knowing what kind of stress Bill was under.

Dealing with Hillary day-in-day-out had to have taken it's toll.

So Bill might've been hard up.

Maybe Epstein wouldn't return his calls for whatever reason.

But it's a tale as old as time.

How many people you know personally that end up marrying their secretary from work?

For me ... about a half-dozen.
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aggiehawg said:

Im Gipper said:


Starr was not investigating the Paula Jones case until Linda Tripp told Starr that Lewinsky was going to commit perjury in that case. Starr then got permission from Reno to add that to the Whitewater & FBI files investigations.
For a woman "in comfortable shoes" Reno had more brass ones than either Hillary or Bill ever had. One the very few things on which I'll give her a modicum of respect.

Thinking further, that is probably the only thing.
She threw a solid Dance Party

Im Gipper
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So its OK for an Executive to get blown by interns in his office? Asking for a friend

If both adults? Sure.

Bill didn't get in trouble for getting oral from an intern. Or for lying about it in a deposition.

It's when he tried to get others to lie in a criminal investigation. OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE. Throw in the lying himself to grand jury and really no logical basis to claim impeachment was not appropriate!

I'm Gipper
Stat Monitor Repairman
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Bill didn't get in trouble for getting oral from an intern. Or for lying about it in a deposition.
You make a good point here, and one that's also on point with the Trump docs case.

Trump didn't get into trouble for stealing classified documents for the purpose of espionage;

Trump got into trouble for being in lawful possession but not returning classified documents when asked.
Logos Stick
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Im Gipper said:


So its OK for an Executive to get blown by interns in his office? Asking for a friend

If both adults? Sure.

Bill didn't get in trouble for getting oral from an intern. Or for lying about it in a deposition.

It's when he tried to get others to lie in a criminal investigation. OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE. Throw in the lying himself to grand jury and really no logical basis to claim impeachment was not appropriate!

One of the reasons he was disbarred was perjury.
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You know how little things in the past can have big impacts on the future...

I wonder if Hillary would have become President if Monica had swallowed?
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Yeah, he should have faced the legal issues as a response to perjury and obstruction of justice. Congress then could have censured him for his conduct. But trying to impeach and remove from office a duly elected President for this set a bad precedent that we are still living with.

Trump littered? He hung out with porn actresses and paid them hush money? Impeach the SOB.

Overturning an election and removing an official voted in by the people should only be for very extreme circumstances, IMHO. Should be much higher standards for that than for removing an employee or cabinet official,
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Man they grow up fast. Seems like only yesterday she was crawling around on the floor, putting things in her mouth.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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javajaws said:

You know how little things in the past can have big impacts on the future...

I wonder if Hillary would have become President if Monica had swallowed?
Maybe in some multi-verse Monica took one for the team.

We didn't have Trump.

We didn't have covid.

And we wouldn't be on the precipice of global economic collapse while talking about 50-year old Monica on the internets.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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Wes97 said:

Yeah, he should have faced the legal issues as a response to perjury and obstruction of justice. Congress then could have censured him for his conduct. But trying to impeach and remove from office a duly elected President for this set a bad precedent that we are still living with.
Praise Jesus

Finally someone on here with a nugget of sense on all this.
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:


The thing that was so funny is that he had a meeting with his whole cabinet and told them that Monica was lying.
So what.

You get a bj in the office and get asked about it, you walking into that conference room and doing the exact same thing.

So I don't blame the guy. He did what he had to do under the circumstances.

If Biden can do coke in the white house then Bill and Monica should have been allowed to have consensual sex in the white house.
False equivalency. One is legal on is not.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
Im Gipper
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Wes97 said:

Yeah, he should have faced the legal issues as a response to perjury and obstruction of justice. Congress then could have censured him for his conduct. But trying to impeach and remove from office a duly elected President for this set a bad precedent that we are still living with.
Praise Jesus

Finally someone on here with a nugget of sense on all this.

Sorry dude. When you try to get others to commit perjury to protect you, that's impeachable. And should be!!!

I'm Gipper
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Old May Banker said:


It's about a lying ass POTUS.... he's the one that put Monica in that situation. Not your "the meanie republicans" propaganda.
Having sex with an intern inside your home-office should get a free pass across the board.
  • In some circles the use of a position of power to entice interns or subordinates into sexual acts is considered quite illegal. note: I am not saying that was the case here, but in most cases should be considered and investigated.
Apply that equally to everyone.

This never should have been made into a partisan issue.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
Old Tom Morris
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This scandal coming to light doesn't make one damn bit a difference on what is happening as far as the depravity of dems right now. It was simply an example of depravity to come. And Trump still would have been impeached. Someone honestly thinks if Bill had not been impeached, Trump wouldn't have either? LOL
Stat Monitor Repairman
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Im Gipper said:

Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Wes97 said:

Yeah, he should have faced the legal issues as a response to perjury and obstruction of justice. Congress then could have censured him for his conduct. But trying to impeach and remove from office a duly elected President for this set a bad precedent that we are still living with.
Praise Jesus

Finally someone on here with a nugget of sense on all this.
Sorry dude. When you try to get others to commit perjury to protect you, that's impeachable. And should be!!!
No way.

Both Bill and Monica should have got a free pass on all of this on the basis of decorum.

If you got the goods on a legitimate impeachable offense thats fine, but a workplace affair shouldn't be a part of it.

The whole sex deal with Monica was unnecessary.

In fact, I wouldn't mind seeing a reunion of sorts between Bill and Monica.

Maybe make it a made for tv event.

Maybe Oprah could host. Or maybe even Howie Mandel or someone of that nature.

Its 2023 and love is love.

Now we off in Hallmark movie territory with all this.

Throw in a Christmas element and we got ourselves a real winner.

Wasn't Monica's famous beret a Christmas gift from Bill?

There you go!

Chat GPT could bang out that script in 45 seconds,

What a time to be alive baby!
Stat Monitor Repairman
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Old Tom Morris said:

This scandal coming to light doesn't make one damn bit a difference on what is happening as far as the depravity of dems right now. It was simply an example of depravity to come. And Trump still would have been impeached. Someone honestly thinks if Bill had not been impeached, Trump wouldn't have either? LOL
As somebody pointed out earlier, if Bill hadn't been impeached, there may be no Trump.
Old Tom Morris
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And if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle. This kind of butterfly effect logic is silly.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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By some operation of quantum entanglement there may be a universe where Hillary is in the Oval Office and Bill and Monica are Chappaqua staying out of trouble,

We'll never know.
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Old Tom Morris said:

This scandal coming to light doesn't make one damn bit a difference on what is happening as far as the depravity of dems right now. It was simply an example of depravity to come. And Trump still would have been impeached. Someone honestly thinks if Bill had not been impeached, Trump wouldn't have either? LOL
Clarity and your post should be EOT.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
Ag with kids
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Old Tom Morris said:

And if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle. This kind of butterfly effect logic is silly.
In 2023, maybe not...
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Old Tom Morris said:

And if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle.

Stop assuming your aunt's gender bigot!
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